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Q-1 What is System ?

Q-2 What is Software?

Q-3 What is Sofaware Engineering?explain Charateristies Of S.E?
Q-4 Different between ×Sofaware Engineering and Computer Science?
Q-5 Different between ×Sofaware Engineering and System Engineering?
Q-6 Explain the ×Evolving Role of Software?
Q-7 Discuss the Application OF Software?
Q-8 Explain Software Mathys With 5 Example?
Q-9 List Out Of Software Quality Factors? Explain Seven With Exmple?
Q-10 List Out OF Software Quality Attributes?
Q-11 Explain Software Crises in detail?
Q-12 Explain Software Process?
Q-13 Write a Short note.
<1> Waterfall Model
<2> The Spiral Model
<3> Prototyping Model
<4> Increment Model
UNIT - 2
Q-1 What is SRS? Explain Type of Requirement?
Q-2 Discuss the Role Mangement OF Software Development Process?
Q-3 Write Short note on ×Requirment Engineering proecss?
Q-4 What is ×Design pattern? Explain Strategy of ×Design patterns?
Q-5 Write Short Note Problem Partioning?
Q-6 What is Design Problem?Explain Strategy Of System Design?
Q-7 Different function Oriented V/S Object Oriented Approch?
Q-8 Explain Evaluation OF Design?
Q-9 Explain Desien Abstraction?
Q-10 Expiain How to ×Implementing Design in System Design Strategy? Explain With
Q-11 Explain Apporches Of Software Designer?
Define Following Terms
<2>Software Evolution
<4>Quick plane
<5>Process Metrics
<6>Cost Estimation factor
<8>Design Pattern
<9>Class Libray
<10>Software Process
Unit - 3
1. Explain Top-Down Apporch & Bottom Approch
2. short note on ×Structure Programming and Information Hiding
3. define Program Style
4. define Verification Metrics
1. what is Testing? explain tops ×Down And Bottom up Approaches
2. write short note on
test cases and Test Criteria
Psychology of Testing
Regression Testing
Functional Testing
Structure Testing
3. explain ×Equivalence Class and Partitioning
4. discuss Boundary Value Analysis
5. discuss Type Of Testing Under White/Glass Box Testing Strategy
6. what is Driver And Sub Modules?
7. discuss testing under Alpha. Beta and ×Gamma Testing method
8. prepare ×Test cases, Suites, scripts, and ×Scenarios for testing strategy
9. define Test Case Specification
10. short note on : Testing life Cycle
Unit--- 4
Software Project Management
1. what is Software Project Management? and dicuss Software Configuration
2. explain COCOMO Model with diagram
3. short note on ×Project Scheduling and Quality Assurance Plans
4. define Verification And Vaildation
5. what is planning? explain Project Monitoring Plan
6. what is risk? define Software Risk Management
7. how to improve quality of software? and explain Software Reliability And
Quality Assurance
1. how to increase Software Reliability? and discuss ×Reliability Metrics and
Reliability Growth Modeling
2. discuss Objectives Of Software quality Management
3. how to identify quality of software industry? explain ISO-9000
4. short note on: Software Measurement and metrics
4. metrics Of Functionality: Albrech's Function Points
5. what is SEI? explain Capability Maturing Model
6. what is CASE? and discuss its Scope
7. short note on: Re-Engineering and Software Reverse Engineering
8. What is Risk? Why Mange Risks Formally?
9. what is ×Risk and Uncertainty?
10. short note on: Typical Software Risks
11. prepare ×Risk Management plane and Schedule Estimation.


1. Define software engineering

2. Explain about the emergence of software engineering.
3. Mention the differences between software and program.
4. Explain briefly about Data flow oriented design.
5. Explain about Object oriented design.
6. What do you understand by computers systems engineering?
7. Briefly explain about requirement analysis and specifications.
8. What does software design mean?
9. Explain about software coding and its requirements
10. Write short notes on (i) Unit testing (ii) integration testing and(iii) system testing.
11. Explain the control flow based design?
12. Explain briefly about the various software life cycle models?

13. Write about verification and validation?

1. Explain about software project planning.
2. What does SPMP Document mean?
3. What are the various techniques for project estimation? Explain about each briefly.
4. Write short notes on (i) lines of code (ii) function point metric (iii) Delphi cost estimation.
5. describe about staffing level estimation.
6. Explain briefly about work breakdown structures and activity networks,CPM.
7. Explain about Gantt and PERT charts.
8. Explain about organization structure and its types.
9. Describe about risk management,in software development.
10. Explain about software configuration management and need for it.
11. What do you understand by SCCS and RCS?
12. Write the responsibilities of a software project manager.

1. Define SRS
2. What are the contents of SRS document?
3. Explain in detail about SRS document.
4. Describe functional requirements and functional requerements traceability.
5. What are the characteristics of Good SRS Document?
6. What causes bad SRS document
7. Explain about the organization of SRS document
8. Write short notes on tecniques for representing complex logic.
9. Explain how to identify the functional requirements.
10. Give examples for bad SRS documentation.
Write about requirement getting and analysis.

1. What are the software design principles and concepts.
2. state the classification of cohesiveness
3. define Cohesion and Coupling ?
4. State the classification of coupling?
5. compare the object oriented and function oriented design.
6. What are the rules of User interface Design?
7. Explain the User Interface Design Process.
8. Explain the Various User Interface Design models.
9. Compare the various types of interface.
10. Explain in detail about Graphical and text based user interface.
11. What are the various coding standards?
12. Explain about code walk through.
13. What do you understand by Unit Testing?
14. Explain in detail about integration testing.
15. Write about white box testing method.
16. state the debugging approaches and guidelines.
17. Explain about in detail about integration testing.
18. Write short notes on (i) Alpha testing (ii) Beta testing (iii) Accepting testing (iv) stress testing.
19. What are the benefits of testing?
20. Write the characteristics for good user interface design.
21. Discuss about various issues related to software coding and testing.
1. Define software reliability.
2. compare harware and software reliability.
3. explain about reliability meterics.
4. what do you understand by reliability growth modeling?
5. explin about statistical testing w.r.t. reliability.
6. define software quality.
7. explain about software quality management syste.
8. explain in detail about ISO 9000
9. Explain in detail about ISO 9001. (March/April 2008)
10. What is SEI Capability Maturity Model . Explain briefly.
11. Compare ISO 9000 and SEI/CMM.
12. Writ eabout software reliability (march/april2008)
13.Write about software quality. (march/april 2008).
Very short Questions
1. What is ‘Software Quality Assurance’?
2. What is ‘Software Testing’?
3. What are some recent major computer system failures caused by software bugs?
4. Does every software project need testers?
5. Why does software have bugs?
6. How can new Software QA processes be introduced in an existing organization?
7. What is verification? Validation?
8. What is software crisis?
9. What’s an ‘inspection’?
10. What is ‘good code’?
11. What is ‘good design’?
12. What is SEI? CMM? CMMI? ISO? Will it help?
13. What is the ‘software life cycle’?
14. What makes a good Software Test engineer?
15. What makes a good Software QA engineer?
16. What makes a good QA or Test manager?
17. What’s the role of documentation in QA?
18. What’s the big deal about ‘requirements’?
19. What steps are needed to develop and run software tests?
20. What’s a ‘test plan’?
21. What’s a ‘test case’?
22. What is Software Engineering?
23. What’s a CASE Tool?
24. What’s a ‘function point’?
25. What’s the ‘spiral model’?
26. Where can I find a public-domain tool to compute metrics?
27. What metrics are there for object-oriented systems?
28. How do I write good C style?
29. What is ‘Hungarian Notation’?
30. Are lines-of-code (LOC) a useful productivity measure?
31. Should software professionals be licensed/certified?
32. How do I get in touch with the SEI?
33. What is the SEI maturity model?
34. Where can I get information on API?
35. What’s a ‘bug’? Explain
36. Where can I get copies of standards??
37. 0Explain data dictionary?
38. Problem Analysis?
39. Software Risk ?
40. Need For software engineering
41. Software Reliability?
42. Recovery Testing
43. System Testing?
44. Unit Testing?
45. White box Testing?
46. Black Box Testing?
47. ER Diagram?
48. Differentiate between Top down and bottom up Integration?
49. Cyclomatic Complexity?
50. Alpha testing?
51. Characteristics of good SRS/
52. SRS?
53. risk Identification ?
54. Smoke testing
55. Quality Control
56. Comparison testing
57. Finite state Machine
58. Software engineering
59. Flow Graph notation
60. Block Diagram of software life cycle model
61. Software Prototyping
62. Decision Trees
63. Decision Tables
64. Iterative Enhancement model
65. Boehm model
67. Time versus cost trade off in project planning.
68. significance of software version
69. nature of SRS
70. Spiral model
71. Waterfall model
72. Evolutionary model
73. V shaped model
74. Build and fix Model
75. Regression testing
76. Recovery testing
77. Testability
78. Need For software engineering
79. Phases in life cycle model
80. COCOMO Model
81. Software Risk
82. Risk identification
83. Feature of software
84. Objectives of Software Engineering
85. Issues in The Design Of Large software
86. Waterfall Model
87. Object Oriented model
88. Iterative Model
89. Incremental Model
90. State Of Practice
91. Requirement Documentation
92. What are the Cost impacts of Defects in software maintenance?
93. Testing for Real Time?
94. What is software maintenance?
95. Ripple effect?
96. Categories Of Software Maintains?
97. ORTHOGNAL ARRAY testing?
98. Software Testing Fundamentals?
99. Software Testing Principles?
100. Verification and Validation?
1. What if there isn’t enough time for thorough testing?
2. What if the project isn’t big enough to justify extensive testing?
3. How does a client/server environment affect testing?
4. How can World Wide Web sites be tested?
5. How is testing affected by object-oriented designs?
6. What is Extreme Programming and what’s it got to do with testing who is responsible for risk
7. Who should decide when software is ready to be released?
8. What can be done if requirements are changing continuously?
9. What if the application has functionality that wasn’t in the requirements? E Explain the
following 1. Data dictionary 2.Problem analysis?
10. Discuss the Software Life Cycle Model?
11. Explain the purpose Of entity Relation ship Diagram with an example
12. Structured Analysis and Design Technique?
13. What is Software Maintenance Process?
14. What are the Strategic Approaches Of Software Verification and validation
15. Explain the Following 1. Problem During maintenance?
16. Explain Quick Fix Model?
17. Beladay and Lehman Model?
18. What is ‘configuration management’?
19. What if the software is so buggy it can’t really be tested at all?
20. How can it be known when to stop testing?
21. organization Of SRS
22. What if an organization is growing so fast that fixed QA processes are impossible?
23. Will automated testing tools make testing easier?
24. What’s the best way to choose a test automation tool?
25. How can it be determined if a test environment is appropriate?
26. What’s the best approach to software test estimation?
27. ? Why is it often hard for organizations to get serious about quality assurance?
28. What kinds of testing should be considered?
29. What are 5 common problems in the software development process?
30. What are 5 common solutions to software development problems?
31. Explain structured analysis And Design?
32. Explain COOMO Model
33. What are the various phases in SDLC?
34. Explain Putnam Estimation Model
35. What is Software Risk?
36. Explain Software Quality And Quality Assurance?
37. What Are the Structured Analysis AND Structured Design techniques?
38. How are the test case Design is done?
39. What are the Graph base Testing Method? Explain.
40. Compare Various Life Cycle Models
41. Compare Water fall and Prototyping Model
42. Nature and Characteristics of SRS
43. Principles and objectives of Testing
44. Explain In detail Performance Testing
45. explain corrective and perfective maintenance
46. COCOMO model?
47. Software maintenance, Categories of Maintenance?
48. Change Control Process in detail ?
49. What is software quality assurance, Cost of quality Explain?
50. Statically Software quality assurance?

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