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Eddie Klenow

Ms. Bridget


January 24, 2017

Are Social Networking Sites Bad?

A main problem in our society is how we use our social networking sites. If there was no

social networking sites around, many people would not have been teased or made fun of on those

sites. By getting rid of social networking sites, it would completely destroy a form of bullying

called cyberbullying, it would make many teens more active, and it will expose the users to the

real world around them, not just about the reality drama. The result in doing this would be a huge

difference in how we are and how we would be.

First off, by getting rid of social networking sites, it would completely wipe

cyberbullying away from everyone. Without social networking to bully teens, the yearly suicide

rate will drop severely. Even if someone is bullied on those sites, they will still have hurt feelings

also. Without these networks, you will also not be able to make a fake profile so you will have to

be yourself. Studies show from 7 Ways Quitting Social Media Can Transform Your Life, “A

couple of months ago, I made the decision to quit Facebook. Effectively right after, I stopped

logging in completely. This actually surprised some of my friends. To sum up why I did it, I felt

that Facebook was turning me into a depressed robot.”

Next, without social networking sites, teens would be forced to find fun in the outdoors.

By going outside, you will most definitely experience more real life things. Getting off of the

media will most surely make you a more active person instead of just being cooped up in your
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room. You will also be exposed to the world around you. You will begin to appreciate what is

actually happening in the world and you will be around your family a lot more instead of staring

at a screen wondering what the Kardashians will do next. According to Social Media Fact Sheet,

“Nearly 70% of adults in the United States have at least one social networking profile as of

November 6, 2016. Also as of November 6, 2016, 90% of Americans in between the ages of 18-

29 have used at least one social networking site.”

Finally, without social networking sites, teens will be more aware of the real world

problems that actually matter, not just the tv star drama actor's lives. Instead of keeping up with

the Kardashians, you can focus more on the problems that are actually going on in our world.

Seeing this happen, it may inspire you to make a change of what's happening. Instead of hearing

about all of the people who are dying and getting cancer using tobacco and nicotine products,

you could actually go out and help out a friend or a family member and try to keep them

company and try to make them avoid using those products. WERSM states that, “The top ten

reasons why we use social media are to keep in touch with everything going on around us, to

stay up-to-date with everything going on, to fill up spare time, to find funny or entertaining

content, to share opinions, to share photos or videos with others, we already have friends on

them, we want to network with other people, we could meet new people, and to share or show

off the details that are happening in our day or life.”

Without all of the social networking sites, we would not be having any trouble on the

internet. No social networking sites would result in less cyberbullying, teens would spend more

of their time in the outdoors, and also it may force them to watch the real problems that are going

on in our world daily. All in all, now that you have been informed by this essay, you are more

informed on how social networking sites affect our teens.

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Works Cited

“Pick The Brain” Pick The Brain, Quitting Social Media, 2014,

“Social Media Fact Sheet” Social Media Fact Sheet, Social Media Usage, 2006-2016,

“The 10 Top Reasons Why We Use Social Networks” Social Networking, why we use it,
May 6, 2015,

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