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Chess is known worldwide for decades.It is

played by many players from around the world
starting from China which started as a form of
chinese traditional games,Xiang Qi.It was then
spread to India and later on Persia.Over the
centuries,the population of chess players just keep
on growing.As well as playing for fun,chess also
benefit us in many ways.In the modern days,chess
is considered to be a strategy games while some
even call it a sport.
Several benefits include increasing our IQ so we
can understand things much quicker,improves
memory,prevent from getting Alzheimer,improve
problem-solving skills and exercises kids
creativity.The game is fun yet simple to understand
the fundamental.It consists of different pieces with
each play different roles.The most important
pieces is the king because it is the heart of the
game and so if the king dies,all the troops will
follow.Next in line is the queen that acts the most
important barrier of the king.Afterwards we have
the bishop,the horse,the castle and finally the
weakest but are on the offense are the
rook.Moreover,two sides are facing off each other
that are categorised into 2 which are black and
white groups.These two groups may act the same
but the major difference is that the rules of the
game state with white making the move
beforehand follow by the black.Different people
have different preference in playing the game as
some prefer to go first so they took the white role
and others prefer going the second so they took
the black role.In either case,it does not really
matter whoever goes first and second as long as
we play smart,we can definitely win the game.

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