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Bulgarian Journal of Veterinary Medicine, 2015, 18, No 3, 183–193

ISSN 1311-1477; DOI: 10.15547/bjvm.837



Department of Obstetrics, Reproduction and Reproductive Disorders, Faculty
of Veterinary Medicine, Trakia University, Stara Zagora, Bulgaria

Karadaev, M., 2015. Pregnancy diagnosis techniques in goats – a review. Bulg. J. Vet.
Med., 18, No 3, 183–193.

Several techniques for pregnancy diagnosis in goats are developed. Some of them are efficient and
applicable in the field, but not enough accurate. Others are outlined with a high precision, but require
equipment and specialised skills. Laparoscopy, laparotomy and vaginal biopsy are accurate but inva-
sive and thus, inappropriate for the routine practice. Abdominal inspection, transabdominal palpation
and increased live weight could be indicative for pregnancy in goats but they are reliable only after
the second half of gestation. Udder examination and palpation are of low accuracy and their inde-
pendent application for pregnancy diagnosis is not suitable. Blood, milk and faecal progesterone as-
says could indicate pregnancy in goats after the 21st post insemination day until the end of gestation.
The detection of pregnancy associated glycoproteins (PAGs) in blood plasma or milk samples is an
early pregnancy marker but requires laboratory equipment. Non-return to oestrus is a cheap, practical
and widely used method for detection of pregnancy between post insemination days 17 and 21 and
does without signs of oestrus are assumed to be pregnant. A-mode, B-mode and Doppler ultrasono-
graphy are alternative methods for pregnancy diagnosis. Their accuracy and practical application
potential are different. The two-dimensional ultrasound is one of the most appropriate methods for
pregnancy diagnosis in goats. The accuracy of the method is about 100% on post insemination day
25–30 using the transrectal approach, whereas via the transabdominal approach, this accuracy is at-
tained between the 40th and the 45th day.
Key words: diagnostics, goats, pregnancy

Goats are seasonally polyoestrous ani- on the age, breed, season and presence of
mals. The beginning and duration of the male breeder. The fertilisation occurs in
breeding period depends on a number of oviduct ampullae several hours after the
climatic and physiological factors (lati- ovulation. The embryo reaches the uterus
tude, climate, breed, production system). 4–5 days after conception and is im-
The average duration of the sexual cycle planted 18–22 days after the beginning of
is 21 days and is determined by the inter- the oestrus. The average gestation period
val between two successive ovulatory is 149 days, but it could vary among
oestruses. The oestrus duration is about 36 breeds by several days (Fatet et al., 2011).
h, ranging between 24 and 48 h depending
Pregnancy diagnosis techniques in goats – a review

The pregnancy diagnosis in goats is enough accurate, others are distinguished

essential for better efficacy and manage- with a high precision, but require special-
ment of reproduction (Doize et al., 1997), ised equipment and working skills (Ish-
providing information about conception war, 1995; Medan et al., 2004; Amer,
rates after artificial insemination (Matsas, 2010). A method, easy to perform, reli-
2007), gestation course (Amer, 2010), able, not expensive and with high accu-
time for drying-off and parturition date racy is preferable. The selection of a
(Doize et al., 1997; Gonzalez et al., 2004). method depends on the stage of gestation,
The separation of pregnant and non- method’s precision and the available
pregnant does in different groups reduces equipment at the farm (Gonzalez et al.,
the losses from abortions, stillbirths or 2004). From the point of view of their
giving birth to non-viable offspring and practical application potential, Karen et
optimises labour, feed and medication al. (2001) divide the methods for preg-
costs (Wani et al., 1998). The utilisation nancy diagnosis in goats to less practical
of an accurate and easily applicable (non-return to oestrus, transabdominal
method for pregnancy diagnosis allows palpation, laparoscopy, laparotomy, pal-
the timely repeated insemination, breeding pation of the caudal uterine artery, rosette
or culling of non-pregnant animals (Amer, inhibition test) and widely used (radiogra-
2010). phy, rectoabdominal palpation, hormonal
A number of techniques for pregnancy assays, assay of pregnancy proteins, ultra-
diagnosis have been implemented (Table sonography).
1), some of them are efficient and appli- So far, there is no universally accepted
cable under field conditions, but not classification of methods for pregnancy

Table 1. Comparative evaluation of the different methods for pregnancy diagnosis in small ruminants

Method for preg- Gestation

Species Accuracy Reference
nancy diagnosis days
Non-return to oes- Sheep and goats > 17–21 not reliable Lindsay, 1973
Live weight increase Goats 28 not reliable Wani, 1982
Sheep 120 not reliable Domanski & Lipeska, 1966
Laparotomy and Sheep and goats 28–56 97% Lamond, 1963
Cervical palpation Goats – – Kutty, 1999
Radiography Goats >80 100% West, 1986
>70 100% Memon & Out, 1980
Hormonal analysis. Sheep and goats 21–28 80–100% Murray & Newstead, 1998
(progesterone and Refstal et al., 1991
estrone sulfate as- Sousa et al., 1999
says) Medan et al., 2004
PAGs immunoassay Goats 25–26 – Gonzales et al., 2004
Ultrasonography Goats 15–30 100% Medan et al., 2004
20–25 100% Amer, 2008
26 100% Abdelghafar et al., 2010
30–35 100% Оmontese et al., 2012

184 BJVM, 18, No 3

M. Karadaev

diagnosis in goats. Therefore, we believe twin pregnancy. The method is not sui-
that the existing classification in sheep table under field conditions, is expensive
could be applicable also to goats with and requires time for specimen processing
several changes and additions. The me- (Memon & Ott, 1980). No data about the
thods of limited interest for the practice use of this technique for pregnancy diag-
are the laparoscopy, laparotomy, vaginal nosis in goats are available. Therefore, the
biopsy, transabdominal palpation, ab- three abovementioned techniques are ac-
dominal inspection, udder evaluation and curate, but invasive and inapplicable in
appearance of milk secretion, live weight the practice (Goel & Agrawal, 1992).
increase, rectoabdominal method, method
of Hulet, while more practical approaches ABDOMINAL INSPECTION AND
include the non-return to oestrus, hormo- PALPATION; LIVE WEIGHT
nal and pregnancy proteins assays, radio- MONITORING
graphy and ultrasonography.
The purpose of the present review is to The inspection of the abdominal region,
go over the main pregnancy diagnosis transabdominal palpation of the uterus and
techniques in goats and to discuss in de- foetuses and body weight increase are
tail the methods most commonly used in techniques for pregnancy diagnosis in
the practice with emphasis on their advan- goats with a low precision, applicable on-
tages and weaknesses. ly during the second half of gestation
(Taverne & Noakes, 2009). The live
weight increase during pregnancy is rather
LAPAROSCOPY, LAPAROTOMY, variable, and therefore not enough reliable
VAGINAL BIOPSY trait (Domanski & Lipecka, 1966).
According to the studies of Phillippo et al.
(1971) the precision of diagnosing early
pregnancy in small ruminants through
laparoscopy is 91%, between the 17th and The udder development and the appear-
the 28th day after breeding. The method is ance of colostrum is also used as a method
invasive, requires time, special equipment for detection of pregnancy. Between ges-
and skilled personnel, which makes it in- tation days 111 and 130, a moderate de-
applicable under field conditions. velopment of the udder occurs in 96% of
The pregnancy in goats could be de- sheep, and after the 130th day – a fully
tected by paramedian laparotomy and developed and enlarged udder is already
direct palpation of the uterus. The method observed in 84% of animals. The changes
is complex, non-ergonomic, expensive, in udder consistency and its enlargement
reduces the chances for future conception is an accurate and practical method for
and therefore, is inappropriate for practi- pregnancy diagnosis, but only by its end;
cal application (Cutten, 1979). moreover, it is consistent in primiparous
Vaginal biopsy is based on changes ewes in which the udder development is
occurring in the vaginal epithelium during more obvious (Watt et al., 1984). To the
the pregnancy. The method is used for best of our knowledge, there are no re-
pregnancy diagnosis in sheep (Richard- ports about the applicability of this
son, 1972). A disadvantage outlined by method in goats.
Ishwar (1995) is that it could not detect

BJVM, 18, No 3 185

Pregnancy diagnosis techniques in goats – a review

Udder inspection and palpation are not HORMONAL ASSAYS

accurate for pregnancy diagnosis in small
ruminants and should not be used inde- The assay of steroid hormone concentra-
pendently for this purpose; they should be tions (progesterone, estrone sulfate) at a
better combined with other techniques determined time after insemination/mating
(Das et al., 2011). aids the early detection of pregnancy
(Worsfold et al., 1986; Murray & New-
RECTOABDOMINAL TECHNIQUE stead, 1988; Refstal et al., 1991; Sousa et
al., 1999).
Rectal palpation, a routine technique for
Progesterone assay
pregnancy diagnosis in large animals
(cows and mares), is not pertinent to Various methods are used for analysis of
sheep and goats due to specific anatomic blood, milk and faecal progesterone con-
features (Ganaie et al., 2009). Kutty & centrations in small ruminants for evalua-
Sudarsanan (1996) have developed a tion of their endocrine status – immuno-
technique for pregnancy detection in small enzymatic (ELISA), radioimmune (RIA)
ruminants by palpation with both hands. and immunochemiluminescence analysis
The method includes palpation of the (Boscos et al., 2003; Gaafar et al., 2005;
uterus through the rectum with one hand, Capezzuto et al., 2009; Jack et al., 2012).
while the other presses the abdominal The analysis of blood plasma or serum
wall. Pregnancy is diagnosed on the basis progesterone is indicative for pregnancy
of cervical dilatation, altered position of after post insemination day 21 (Boscos et
the uterus, palpation of placentomes or al., 2003; Medan et al., 2004; Capezzuto
parts of the foetus, asymmetry of uterine et al., 2009). Blood plasma concentrations
horns and impossibility for palpation of >1 ng/mL between days 15–17 for nul-
ovaries (Kutty, 1999). liparous and days 18–22 in parous goats
indicate pregnancy. The accuracy of the
HULET ROD METHOD assay is 75–86% in pregnant and 90–
100% in non-pregnant goats (Dawson,
In small ruminants, pregnancy could be 1999; Boscos et al., 2003; Khadiga et al.,
detected by careful passing a lubricated 2005).
glass rod (1.5 cm diameter, 50 cm length) Milk progesterone ≥ 10 ng/mL on days
into the rectum after preliminary fixation 22–26 after mating indicate pregnancy
of the animal in dorsal recumbency. The with accuracy >86%, whereas concentra-
rod is manipulated with one hand and the tions ≤ 10 ng/mL denote lack of preg-
other exerts a moderate pressure in the nancy with up to 100% accuracy (Daw-
abdominal region, anterior to the udder. In son, 1999). False negative results could be
non-pregnant animals, the tip of the rod is due to pseudopregnancy, uterine or ovar-
palpated through the abdominal wall ian damages (Holdsworth & Davies,
(Hulet, 1972). Although the technique is 1979).
easy, cheap and fast (150 animals per Progesterone is mainly converted in
hour), it is not recommended in goats be- the liver and excreted via the bile in fae-
cause of the risk for injury of rectal mu- ces under the form of the water-soluble
cosa (Ott et al., 1981) and the low accu- metabolite pregnandiol-3-glucuronide (IPD
racy of the method in the beginning of the G) (Dоcke, 1994; Schwartzenberger et al.,
pregnancy (Chauhan et al., 1991). 1996). The experiments of Jack et al.

186 BJVM, 18, No 3

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(2012) with goats indicate that the accu- milk samples is also a precise criterion for
racy of the method for distinguish preg- pregnancy after the 32nd gestation day
nant from non-pregnant animals on the (Gonzalez et al., 2004).
19th–20th day after mating was 100%.
Pregnancy-specific protein B
Estrone sulfate assay
Pregnancy-specific protein B (PSPB) was
Estrone sulfate could be detected in blood first detected in bovine placenta (Butler et
plasma of goats and sheep about the 70th al., 1982), secreted by binuclear cells of
gestation day with concentrations ranging the foetal trophectoderm (Eckblad et al.,
between 0.1–0.7 ng/mL, gradually increa- 1985). PSPB is established in sheep and
sing until 2 days before the parturition goats and could be also serve for diagno-
(Tsang, 1978). According to Murray & sis of pregnancy (Bearden et al., 2004)
Newstead (1988) the presence of estrone
sulfate in milk confirms pregnancy with NON-RETURN TO OESTRUS
accuracy of 82% and lack of pregnancy in
93% of cases. The non-return to oestrus is among the
oldest and commonly used methods for
ANALYSIS OF PREGNANCY pregnancy detection in small ruminants. it
ASSOCIATED PROTEINS is not expensive, practical and yields in-
formation about pregnancy at a very early
The detection of pregnancy in goats could stage after the mating (17th–21st day)
be done by immunological analysis of (Goel & Agrawal, 1992). The non-return
some specific proteins, such as the early to oestrus evaluation is not recommended
pregnancy factor. Specific antigens are during the late breeding period and for
detected by radioimmunological (RIА) animals, synchronised during the anoest-
(Zoli et al., 1992) or immunoenzymatic rus (Memon & Ott, 1980). Very often,
(ELISA) techniques using monoclonal pregnant goats also exhibit signs of oes-
(Green et al., 2005) or polyclonal antibod- trus (Taverne & Noakes, 2009; Das et al.,
ies between the 5th and 60th gestation days 2011), and the prevalence of early embry-
(Friedrich & Holtz, 2004; 2010). onic death in some herds is not small.
Such animals could be hardly differenti-
Pregnancy associated glycoproteins
ated, even in the presence of a male
The detection of pregnancy associated breeder. That is why, the technique is not
glycoproteins (PAGs) in blood plasma or deemed reliable for detection of preg-
milk samples is a reliable method for early nancy in goats (Elmore, 1988).
pregnancy diagnosis in goats (Batalha et
al., 2011; Zamfirescu et al., 2011; Shahin RADIOGRAPHY
et al., 2013). According to Gonzalez et al.
(2004) detectable blood plasma PAGs The radiography as a imaging method for
concentrations in goats appear around the pregnancy diagnosis is applicable after the
25–26 day of gestation. Shahin et al. 80th day post breeding, when the foetal
(2013) reported statistically significant skeleton is mineralised and could be visu-
differences in PAGs levels by the 21st day alised (West, 1986). The earliest term for
post breeding between pregnant and non- radiographic detection of pregnant goats
pregnant goats. The presence of PAGs in is the 58th day after insemination (Barker
& Cawley, 1967). According to the au-

BJVM, 18, No 3 187

Pregnancy diagnosis techniques in goats – a review

thors, the foetal skeleton is radiologically nique is applicable after the 25th day after
visible after the 65th gestation day. The mating via the transrectal approach, but
expensive equipment and potential risks provided that soft faeces are present, a
for both the operator and the patient are higher percentage of false negative diag-
substantial drawbacks limiting the appli- nosis could be obtained. Some researchers
cation of the technique. report that the accuracy of Doppler ultra-
sonography for detection of pregnancy via
ULTRASONOGRAPHY the transrectal or transcutaneous approach
was higher during the second or third ges-
Ultrasonography as a method for monito- tation months (Lindahl, 1971; Wani,
ring of the reproduction status in small 1981; Watt et al., 1984; Serin et al.,
ruminants is becoming increasingly im- 2010). After using Doppler ultrasonogra-
portant and popular (Medan & Abd El- phy for pregnancy detection in goats,
Aty, 2010; Erdogan, 2012). Now, А- Wani et al. (1998) reported accuracy of
mode, В-mode and Doppler ultrasound 100%, 100% and 72%, for foetal heart-
equipment is used for pregnancy diagnosis beats, umbilical artery and median uterine
in goats. Their accuracy and usefulness artery, respectively. According to Russel
under field conditions is various (Goel & & Goddard (1995), Doppler ultrasound
Agrawal, 1992; Ishwar, 1995). was not appropriate as a technique for
А-mode ultrasonography gestational age determination.

The early attempts of using ultrasound in В-mode (brightness) real-time

animal reproduction are associated with ultrasonography
type A (amplitude-depth) ultrasound In veterinary practice, ultrasonography
equipment (Medan & Abd El-Aty, 2010). was introduced in the 1980s for diagnosis
Their work principle is based on ultra- of pregnancy at the earliest gestational
sound wave reflection that determines the stage (Buckrell et al., 1988; Davey, 1986;
boundaries of organs filled with fluid, Haibel, 1990). В-mode (brightness) real-
such as the pregnant uterus. The type A time ultrasonography is the most com-
apparatuses possess a good sensitivity and monly used diagnostic imaging techniques
specificity, exhibiting an accuracy of 80– for detection of pregnancy in small rumi-
85% between the 60th and 120th post nants (Wani et al., 1998; Langfort, 2003;
breeding days (Dawson, 2002), but the Kähn, 2004; Sousa et al., 2004; Gardon,
proportion of false positive diagnoses 2005; Johnson, 2005; Yotov, 2007). It is a
could be considerable when the urinary modern, non-invasive, rapid and accurate
bladder is full or in some inflammatory method for early detection of pregnancy in
uterine diseases (hydrometra, pyometra) animals (Abdelghafar et al., 2007; Santos
(Haibel, 1990; Karen et al., 2001). et al., 2007). The share of false positive
Doppler ultrasonography diagnoses is small (Ganaie et al., 2009).
An experienced operator could achieve an
Doppler ultrasound scanners detect preg- accuracy of 91–100% (Romano & Chris-
nancy through investigation of blood cir- tians, 2008).
culation in the median uterine artery, um- Hesselink & Taverne (1994) were the
bilical artery and foetal heartbeats (Ott et first to report the use of diagnostic ultra-
al., 1981; Wani et al., 2003). The tech- sound to detect pregnancy in goats. Af-

188 BJVM, 18, No 3

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terwards, В-mode ultrasonography has quire equipment and specialised skills.

been applied by numerous researchers The practical implementation of user-
(Doize et al., 1997; Martinez et al., 1998; friendly, accurate and non-invasive meth-
Gonzalez et al., 2004; Amer et al., 2010; ods for pregnancy detection in goats com-
Omontese et al., 2012). It is a reliable patible with animal welfare standards
method for early diagnosis of pregnancy would result in optimisation of the repro-
(Medan et al., 2004; Gonzales-Bulnes et ductive performance.
al., 2010).
In goats, the transabdominal and trans-
rectal approaches are most frequently
used. They could be performed in stan- Abdelghafar, R. M., R. M. Ibrahim, S. M.
ding position, without sedation of the ani- Abdelharimi & B. H. Ahmed, 2010. Sensi-
mal (Vinoles-Gil et al., 2010). The appro- tivity and specificity of real-time ultra-
priate time for transabdominal ultrasono- sonography for pregnancy diagnosis and
graphy is between post breeding days 40– litter size in Saanen goats (Capra Hircus).
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gress of the Faculty of Veterinary Medi-
tween post breeding days 25 and 30
cine, Assiut University, Egypt, pp. 392–
(Georgiev et al., 2003; Buckrell, 1988; 401.
Mialot et al., 1991; Dawson, 2002). The
Abdelghafar, R. M., A. O. Bakhiet & B. H.
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Ahmed, 2007. B-mode real-time ultra-
7.5 MHz transducers (linear, sector or sonography for pregnancy diagnosis and
convex probes) (Vinoles-Gil et al., 2010). fetal number in Saanen goats. Journal of
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otic fluid. Embryonic vesicles could be Reproduction Science, 117, 226–231.
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