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Lesson Plan in English 3

Grade 3 - Dove
March 18, 2019

I. Objectives: At the end of 50 minutes, learners should be able to:

A. Identify the cause and effect for the given situation

B. Appreciate the importance of cause and effect through performing and;
C. Write an example of cause and effects by realife situations.

II. Subject Matter: Identify the cause and effects for the given situation
Reference: English 3 Learning Materials pages
Materials: pictures,marker,cartolina
Code: ENG3LC-11a - j- 2.17

III. Procedures

A. Preliminary Activities
* Prayer
* Greetings
* Checking of Attendance
* Drill: Spelling 1-10
* Review: Adjectives What is meant by an adjectives?

B. Lesson Proper:
a.Activity: "Fix Me "
* The teacher will show a cut out pictures
* Ask the students to arrange the cut out pictures to form the puzzle
* The students will paste their work on the board.
Looking back to the activity,the teacher will ask the students
the following questions.

1. What have you seen in the picture?

2.What did you observed in our activity?
3.Do you have any idea about our topic today?

d. Application: "Construct Me"

*The teacher

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