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Santiago Vazquez



English 1

The message

This story I chose simply talks about a little small engine train that was pulling carts filled with
goods such as food like shiny red apples, golden oranges, and cold ice cream. The other carts where
filled with toys for all the good little boys and girls. They faced 2 problems though the engine gave out
and they had to be delivered on the other side of the mountain before the kids woke up. So the clown
and his friends that were riding the train jumped out and started waving at other bigger trains that
would pass by, but they would continue to get rejected because the other trains said things such as ‘’ I
am a passenger engine I just carried 5 carts filled with people that where way bigger than those you
have over the mountain”, another engine said “I am a freight engine I have just pulled a big train loaded
with big machines over the mountain. These machines print books and newspapers are for adults to
read. I am a very important engine indeed, I will not pull the likes of you”.

The story says how an engine would keep on being rejected by the bigger trains when it was
simply asking for help. Then towards the end of the story the clown and friends saw a smaller train
passing by and they were debating whether to ask her for help or let her pass because of how small she
was. Finally they decided to ask her for help but the smaller train would keep saying I don’t know if I can
do this but the clown and friends encouraged her to try because they need to get the good foods and
the toys over to the little kids before they woke up. So train started pulling and half way through the
mountain the engine started saying “I can do this, I can do this, and I can do this” once the train was
over the mountain the clown and friends celebrated the effort of the train because even though she
thought she could not do it, she still tried and succeeded.

What I learned about this story was that people should learn to humble themselves and help
others in


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