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Personally I see communication as that tool that was born from the need that man
had to express what he thought and what he felt, since in this way he could achieve
a much easier coexistence and thus be able to continue evolving, communication
does not exist only orally but also presented in written form and by signs,
communication is currently quite developed since before the communication by signs
was the first to be used because oral communication was very precarious, the written
also It shows as one of the most important since most of the antecedents that we
know about man today we have thanks to this means of communication,
communication is governed by a series of rules and regulations and has its own
components in which we highlight the issuer who would be the one who gives the
message, the code that would be the message you want to send, the channel that
is the way in which it is transmitted ite the message and finally the receiver who is
the one who receives the message and then interpret it, another type of
communication is the graphic that is used through logos, maps and drawings
capable of giving a message. Personally, I think that communication is of the utmost
importance for people, since without it we could not have a good development since
we could not share information and therefore learning and development would be
practically null. The communication is an extraordinary fenom and its totally
beneficious for the people around the world.

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