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The article is about how microplastics are raining down from the sky.

Microplastics or ̈very small pieces of plastic waste are falling out of the sky at an
alarming rate. According to scientists in the Pyrenees Mountains in southern France
there is a daily rate of 365 microplastic particles per square meter falling from the sky.
The article also states that the microplastics are harming the environment and polluting
it badly, creating some kind of plastic planet. Some 420 million tons of plastic were
produced in 2015 which could have been the start to this microplastic epidemic. Not
only is the microplastic in the air, it is also polluting our oceans with an estimated 15 to
51 trillion microplastic particles floating on the surface of oceans.
Scientists have also been researching health impacts of microplastics in the air.
So far the effects are unknown but it has been proven that microplastics smaller than 25
microns can enter our nose or mouth by the way of us breathing. Microplastics are also
known to be sometimes carrying metal in them which could be harmful to our lungs and
bodies. Not only are there microplastics, there are also nanoparticles floating around in
the sky. The health effects may differ between nanoparticles and microplastics and
according to Roman Lehner nanoparticles may even be able to pass through our cell
walls. Climate change is another reason to reduce plastic consumption because plastics
are made of fossil fuels which hurts our atmosphere.

In my opinion, the thought of breathing in microplastics and nanoparticles scare

me. Also the fact that scientists have not yet found any side effects has me thinking
about what kind of harm they could be doing to our body and our lungs without us
realizing and with all of us breathing in these particles everyday. This article changed
my personal feelings about the topic because it will make me think about using less
plastic and taking better care of the environment because I want the world to be a safe
place for everyone to live in. This article gave me lots of information that I did not know
that I can use for future information and the use of making the planet less polluted and
to stop global warming.
I think it's crazy how many microplastics are falling out of the sky and im
interested in what causes so much of it to fall out of the sky. I think locally we can stop
polluting so much and stop using so much plastic and try to go more green. I don't know
how it would be possible to stop using and making plastic all over the world because it
is such a common material. I'm sure there is a way to still use plastic without it being
harmful but we need to do more research to help with that. Obviously something has to
be done because plastic and nanoparticles should not be falling out of the sky and we
should not be breathing it in but Im not what is possible to do all around the world.

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