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Tooth Extraction
Extraction of teeth is the process of revocation or expenditure teeth of bone
alveoli, where the teeth are already not able to do the treatment again . Tooth
extraction is often categorized into two types namely, simple extraction and surgical
extraction. Simple extraction is extraction which is performed on teeth that are visible
in the oral cavity, using local anesthesia and using tools to elevate the visible teeth.
While surgical extraction is extraction which is done on teeth that cannot be reached
easily because it is below the gingival line or because it has not been erupted as a
B. Reasons for Tooth Extraction
Teeth need to be revoked for various reasons , such as the following:
1. Teeth with caries were in , that the teeth are not able to be maintained longer if
the tooth is already not be restored
2. Disease periodontal severe , ie if there is an abscess periapical , pocket
periodontal which extends keapek teeth , or which cause tooth rocking
3. Teeth are located on the line of fracture , the tooth is to be repealed before done
fixation jaw which suffered a fracture because the teeth that can impede the
healing fracture
4. Persistent sigigi deciduous and supernumerary tooth / teeth crowding .
Circumstances that may cause malocclusion in the tooth permanently . By
because it's , revocation tooth should be immediately carried out
5. The presence of abnormalities pulp
6. Tooth that has periapex infection
7. The position of the teeth were bad ( impaction , ektostema , crammed )
C. Factors Not to conduct of Extraction Teeth
Revocation teeth sometimes not biased done because of various factors , such as the
a. Abnormalities systemic, such as diabetes mellitus, hypertension, leukemia who
are not controlled , pregnancy , and abnormal bleeding
b. Local disorders, such as acute pericoronitis, severe edema, acute dentoalveolar
abscess, and so on
D. Tooth Extraction Technique
1. Mechanical Open Methode Extraction
Revocation of dental techniques open method of extraction is a technique issued
gear by way of surgery to perform the cutting teeth or bone removal of teeth,
smoothing the bone, curettage, and suturing.
2. Single Root Tooth Extraction Technique
Mechanical revocation of the open method of extraction is done on the tooth
root single if the revocation is intra-alveolar or revocation closed experiencing
failure , or frakturakar on the bottom line of the cervical . The first stage of this
technique is to make a mucoperiostal flap with a flap envelope design that extends
both the anterior teeth and one posterior tooth or by the expansion of the numb /
labial. After the flap mukoperiostal open it freely subsequently carried out taking
bone in the area of buccal / flabial of teeth that will be revoked , or bias also
expanded goto the posterior of the teeth that will be revoked.
If tang akaratau elevators allow entry chamber ligament periodontal, then the
decision can be used pliers residual roots or bias also use the elevators of section
mesial or buccal tooth that will be revoked . If the root of the tooth is located in
the bottom of the bone alveolar and pliers root or elevators are not able to enter
the chamber ligament periodontal it required taking the majority of bone alveolar.
Making bones cultivated minimum possible to avoid injury surgery which is great
3. Mechanical Lifting of Dental Root Multiple or Root Divergent
Revocation of tooth roots multiple and roots diverging needs to capture one by
one after performed the separation of the bifurcation . First to make a
mopoperiostal flap with an expanded flap envelop design . Furthermore, did the
cutting crown directions linguo-buccal with bur until the root inseparable .
Removal of the tooth roots and their crowns one by one with pliers
E. Complications of dental extraction
1. Bleeding
2. Infection
3. Swelling
4. Dry socket
5. Pain
6. Fracture
F. Things to do after tooth extraction
1. Chew ice packs to control bleeding.
2. Relax for 24 hours in the future.
3. gargle with water salt for 24 hours ahead ( not gargle with antiseptic made
from hard ).
4. Stay brushing teeth and using floss your teeth , but be careful in the area of
the tooth that barudicabut
5. Avoid hot foods and drinks
6. In the two times when eating , eat food that is soft , and add food with texture
hard it slowly after the location revocation healed
7. Avoid using straws , spitting , blowing the nose , or activities that can cause
pressure on the socket
8. Avoid alcoholic drinks .
G. You should see a doctor teeth if felt things following this :
1. Nausea and vomiting
2. The anesthesia does not disappear after 6 hours
3. Symptoms of infection such as cold or fever
4. Cough , chest tightness , and shortness of breath
5. Redness , swelling at the tooth extraction location
6. Excessive bleeding at the tooth extraction site
H. Instructions after revocation
1. Check the number of roots there is a network that is participating or not
2. Dry the socket with a sterile tampon
3. Massage the gums with a finger hands
4. Give a tampon that has been given antiseptic over the socket
5. Intruksikan in patients :

a) Tampons are bitten for about half an hour to one hour

b) There should gargle until blood ben a r- completely stopped

c) Tampons may not be replaced unless the tampon is full

d) Eat using the other side

e) Compress with ice outside the oral cavity

f) Blood must not be suctioned

g) Socket must not be played with the tongue

h) Take medication regularly until the drug runs out

i) After 24 hours rinse with warm water plus salt

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