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3408\tx3976\tx4544\tx5112\tx5680\f0\fs22 Hocoma technical support helps you to serve
your customer with fundamental technical knowledge and immediate professional advice for
the service engineers in the field. \par\par\pard{\pntext\f1\'B7\tab}
976\tx4544\tx5112\tx5680 Check your service processes for compliance during the regular
manufacturer audit\par{\pntext\f1\'B7\tab}Get the newest released firmware updates for your
Hocoma products\par{\pntext\f1\'B7\tab}Exchange issues with our professional 24h
Helpdesk\par{\pntext\f1\'B7\tab}Profit from 3rd level support by our product engineers and
software programmers\par{\pntext\f1\'B7\tab}Achieve first skills and a repair certification in
the Repair training at Hocoma premises\par{\pntext\f1\'B7\tab}Improve your service level
and diagnostic efficiency by Hocoma Remote Support\par{\pntext\f1\'B7\tab}Check
technical specifications and details in the technical product
documentations\par{\pntext\f1\'B7\tab}Get assistance from Hocoma to prepare your service
cases including product pending points\par{\pntext\f1\'B7\tab}Handover your service case
documentation to Hocoma to ensure tracebility and comply with regulatory
requirements\par{\pntext\f1\'B7\tab}Montior your customer satisfaction with Hocoma's post
maket surveillance

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