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Why Are Diamonds So

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The luxurious shine and the brilliant sparkle — The toughest

material on earth — A diamond. With all the glory attached to
Diamonds, it is hard to imagine it without seeing a price that
says “It’s pricey”. Diamonds have a very long history and a
rather luxurious existence which doesn’t look like it’s going to be
ever available for the masses to buy.

If you have been searching for why Diamonds and Diamond

Jewellery are so expensive, we are here to spill the tea.

1. Diamonds:

When it comes to Diamonds, it is very hard to mine Diamonds.

Since it is so expensive, even dust-like particles mean a lot of
money. So it needs to be sorted out with care. Once the loose
raw diamonds are mined out and cleaned, they are shipped to
give them the cut that makes them sparkle.

Diamond cuts can differ from diamond to diamond. Also, the

colour of the diamond plays a vital role. A diamond which is
completely colourless costs more than the one with a yellow tint.
The carat-weight also highly affects the price. A 1 carat Diamond
might cost you more than a 0.95-carat diamond.

2. Diamond Jewellery:

If you are going to buy loose diamonds as an investment the

first part is enough for you to worry about. But, if you are
planning to buy a Diamond Jewellery will add to the existing
cost. The cut diamonds and the choice of metal and the shape of
the jewellery decide of how much the whole diamond jewellery

It gets shipped to craftsmen for designing and setting and also

for turning it into a beautiful pendant or even a ring.

The estimate is that if you are buying a Diamond Ring, it costs

more than thousands of rupees and the cost adds if you are
asking for any other precious stones or changing the purity of
the metal.

If you feel you’ve reached a dead end and are sure that you’ll
have to drop the idea of a Diamond Ring to propose to the love
of your life, you are wrong.
At Joyari, we have changed the way Diamond Jewellery works.
It’s a luxury for sure. But now it’s for everyone. In the house of
Joyari, the whole process from designing to packaging is in-
house; this reduces the expense to a great extent as the whole
making of the Diamond Jewellery happens right at Joyari.

So the making cost and the other charges reduce giving you
Diamond jewellery at affordable prices.

If you are of the notion that low price comes with a backlog of
degraded quality, we assure you that it isn’t true. Our jewellery
comes with a Certificate of Authenticity with all the details
about the diamonds and all out Diamond Jewellery is made
using BIS Hallmarked gold. Not only this, we strictly check
each product before shipping for its quality. If it isn’t up to the
mark, it undergoes the manufacturing process again.

If you want to make your proposal romantic, you can check out
our Love Diamond Ring collection and choose a
beautiful Diamond Ring that speaks to you.

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