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; ' i ‘ ' i : : | i i | i i i | [eee {© 2001 The Royal lastttion of Neval Architects A-VISUAL EXPERIMENTAL TECHNIQUE FOR PLANING CRAFT PERFORMANCE IN CALM WATER AND IN WAVES by JILR Blake! and P.A. Wilson! (Member) ‘SUMMARY “Tho understanding and quantification of hydrodynamic i requires ful a Fopectaily of resus = a mejor protiem with planing cra experiments porecation ofthe phenomena ssocated with high-speed planing. Gus fo tne complanty of fuld tows; wetted longths, for example, Po atrit io measure becauso of the obscuTy creates by sprayjts. This dficuty In measurement can prodkce eubjecive bierpretation. Fee sreeg rydreayeamie It using uncertain detined fecors, such as wetted data, can be misleading, This paper outlines an caer rtr meted, Comper Vision Data Aogulstion (CYDA) that can reve questions cf uncertainty regarding dyramia phenomena Taeerermay conurng lige amount of planing data for inmedite and aztwal use. An example ofthe importance of ths form of data erm and analytes dosed by tho eb ovaldateprectveformuae for planing performance in calm water, endo futhar advance ‘hae formulae for predition ouislee ther designed realms: In waves. NOMENCLATURE coatislent usa in equation (7) ‘chine beam of planing rao cosfient used in equation () thine bear (used in Section 8.8.1 anc) aft deadrise (do9t628) ‘coetiient used in equstion (7) ‘ki fitlon coetlent It cosclent for fat plate (40.55) Ii costcient for nul wih coadhise (2/0.59V"B") load coefficient (A/pg8") speed cooticient (Vig8) Gomputor Vision Data Acquision slopth ofall ‘raft weight tstronie Data Acquistion facosloration due to gravy wavehalght ‘wavenumber (w/a) radius of gyration rll iength overall Tongtudnal enzo of gravity (rom transom) chino wetted ingt traf length overall in foot (uso in Taylor Quaint, val teen weted ancth (0.5(L4L)) ool wetted fongth tate waterine length ‘wavelength (wean wetted length in) (stance tom transom fo entre of pressure (Figure 8) pitoh angle goggnnore a> gree gergrr rr a ‘Fue Srucure Integration Research Group, Unversiy of Southamton © INA Transactions 2001 ‘Supplied by The British Library - "The world's knowledge" © pith magntude A foal ret esstanoo A, calmuster resistance FL Reynolds Number FL rough watorresistanco Fle teletanoa rorement in waves (RAD Pp” donsty of water © ealmwater running wim angle V__—_cratttorward velooty Yo@ —_varical entre of gravy above keel VY, ora onvard vloaty in knots (used in Taylor Quote, vol) Vy, alerlige ful fow velooty on craft bottom zy heave heave magnitude INTRODUCTION. [As high-speed planing erat enjoy increasing popular in ‘commercial and private use, research into planing craft pedormance becomes increasingly. more important [1]. The [curate theoretical predetion of planing caf performance In Gaim water and In eves requtes completo understanding ofthe sociated phenomena. To ths end, experiments need to be Conducted and. Inetrumented carefuly co. that individual ‘components associated wih planing can be accurately quantified on alin f rune este as gang arse ot urnerresearc, Experimontal work has boen undertaken by many (extenswveb) ‘ted by Payne, (210 (10) to Kany the various components ct it and tho effect f hull geometry parameters and speed. Much Of the previous thoraicl an expermantal work on pling has oon contred on calm water performance (examples Ince ‘Sotor {tt Shoomaker [12]; Sambraus (13); KorvineKroukovsky Ot alft 4 Sevtaky and Nelanger [15] Sask (12, with 393 ‘comparatively tte expecmarial and theoretical investigation Ino performance in waves. Ientcation of it components requires understanding of tho ‘iow phenomena associated wih the hu. Tho dynamic it of a planing hull Is Goponcent, among other factor, on welled urface but the Infuance ef tie variable on it is dicut to Tpolate Deoause of the problem of accurate wetted sulsce measurement, Payne (10) summarises the problems that experimenters have Fad Ir rlating the Ft foreatoInelcual parameters, especialy In {erms of wetted lenge, and desoribas tha dogree of variation in ‘over 4000 experimental results. wide range of formulae exst that atiempt to predic he (ota itt on pining sutacos, but due to the amount of seater Betwoon Individual experimental resuts, most theories have goneral exceptions as to their apoiabity, Fioute 1. Reducing the varaton of experimental planing data ‘Would reduea the chances of misinterpreting the Importance of Specie planing phenomena — Improving the empinisms that fenguo and alloning mare generalized thooces. These problems ‘bound for planing craft performance in calm water, the problem of eniiication of speci quale is even more compicated by the craft's operation na seaway. [An experimental method Is requted that can accurately measure ‘Netied. surface dala. With ths. In-mind, the experimental Investigation described herein was initeted. ‘The purpose ofthe Investigation wae fo fost a largely unused technique (Computer Vision Data Acquistion, CVDA) to meesure speotic quanti, buch ee wetted surface, in a consistent manner which Is Tepestable from test to test, In this way enabling the degree of eater discussed above fo be raduced. Using an existing sat of experimental data [1718 the results ‘biainad from the authors" ent fests could be compared — highighting the possolo problems with test repeatabilly and providing an ablty to compare each set of experimental rsuks ‘wth standard planing peronance equations (16) Finaly, the extraction of data fundamental to planing craft performance (Le. weted surface dat) In calm watris shown to Fave important bearing on the ably to predict performance In 44. Computer Vision Data Acquisition For aratt moving In waves, the quantifeation of relative mations Eetwoen a point on the hull surace and he water provides useful Gata and appreciation of experienced accelerations. Wetted cata flso provides rosistance Irsomnation both In calm water and In waves, Typically hese quantites have been extracted trom ‘experimental fests by the use of resistance or capsciance probes. For ert traveling at righ speed, the amount of generated spray Teduess the ablity of reslance and capaciance probes 10 fccurately quantity” wetted length and surface values, ‘Techniques to avold this problem and to Irwestgate underwater Burflace flows havo involved the use o ill photographs [1619], and ted video analysis (17), More than just those aforementioned physical elacis can be fnalysed by video. in act, all clsplacements, velocities and 1.00). Tis is Greatly etrbutabe tothe Inoreased tim angle fr this speed tang deste the lower poston ofthe CG Inthe water Sinkage and tim of thi parteular planing erat configuration ‘can eso 9 delarmined theoreliclly. Savtshy (16) Ineuses oobel et af [20 plot which summarises the relatonship | © RINA Transactions 2001 t ‘Supplied by The British GW Figure @ Nomogram for equlbrium oontions when al frees fact through 08 (16720), 397 ary - "The world's knowl between planing ttt, contre of pressure and wetted area ecoraing to Savisky’s equations and making the assumption {hat al foroes ect trough the corre of gravy. This plot reproduced in Figure 8, “The validly ofthe plots esttedto 2'.75. This is accounted for by the model sting ‘ower in the water than Fidemas Tl planing speed ana wan ‘2 righer tim ange, adversely affactng Goth the lft vector angle {inroasing the prossure drag) and tne viscous component of ‘ag. Figure 12 showe the comparison between the authors! land Frigama’s experimental values of drag ratio and tho ‘alues of eragh from Savisk's predicted mean weed length ‘and ti (om Koebol oo 4 6 op 00 + oo” gas} . I 210} ‘Experizest ce ° kine om = m2 am ao wy Figure 11 Comparison between Fridsma and authors! experimental values fr erat agit rato ‘one mote plot can also bo shown on the same figure, derved trom Saviteky/s theoretical crag ratio glen ine experirental vvalee for tim and. moan wetted length. From ('6), the ‘oxpretelon for dragifh rao In calm water gen a8, La Ks ? ome 81) 5 SBR ET Cig costo0s B 7 where V/V deseibas te rato ofthe average bottom velocity to the forward planing vetooly (see [16] fora full descriptor). ‘Tho skin clon coetfcent, G Is defined by the ITTC formula, 0.075 Thos mae @ 1° Tog Rn)-2F “The cooler, Gale gven by, Cup =Crp ~0.0085 80.0% » wer, rl) 0.012, B Figure 12 shows that the predietion of éraglit ratio tom perimental mean welled. lengin end tim Ion good ‘Sgfeemant wih he experiments. 1, Cis 3 +0.0054 42) | (te | en © RINA Transactions 2001 ‘Supplied by The British Library - "The world's knowledge” —_7P Figure 18 Comparison betwoen Fridsma and authors! ‘experimental values fo erat haave (EDA and CVDA) an Figure 14 Comparison between Frgema and authors! ‘experimental values fo craft pitch (EDA and CVDA) ‘@ FINA Transactions 2001 Supplied by The British Library - 3.1, Ragular Waves Figure 13 and Figue 14 show the heave and pich responses: Clone erat n regular aves ranging rom wavelongths of 110 6 Gra lengihs. The sold les relale tothe measured response (trough tre standard electronic data acquisition, EDA, whilst the tnangjes coespond othe CVDA approach,” Both resus ito dared from the average magnitude of the peakpeak motions asqured by each respective method. The heave ‘sponse is non-dmencionalsed by wavehelght and the pitch ‘response by wavesipe. “Tho resus shown ae for one particular experimental st which used ap 2 Dorchmark ~ in this manner the CVOA time histories oan be compared directly to the standard electronic dla, aequstion route, which Would be Impose it an fverage result measured from all the experimental tes runs was used. “The magnitude ofthe peak responses and the frequancles at which they occur agree very Wel ah Fdsrna’s regis for both the EDA and CVDA approaches. However, at_ longer Iwavelongins, the boat responses are greater especialy for pon. The” ealm waler discrepancies in running tin and kage ave undoubtedly a contibutory factor, bun also the Tengtn of time over vbich the data is aoqured wil affect the tine-averege. The Yost results fom the EDA chowed tie vation. Between experiments st the higher encounter ‘requencies but at he longer Wavelongtns more clspay was tvident This indeed rellects the dlsaavantage ofthe rested data acqustion time In onde forthe whole craft length to be Investigated using the ‘GVDA technique, the mage can only be calbrated to fmm. ‘Alowing fora imm err in identiying the correct loeatlen of specie pola of nerest from the GVDA data produces the trot bare i the above figure. ‘Since motions of the planing tra move ftom a platforming conten in shor wavolorgths to fontouring in" long wavelenghs. with Inoteasingly arger fxcursions about the mean postion, the Imperance of the ‘albration slzo and error on the resulting vale {or peak tO peak motion dimbishas (trom around 20% to $%). Directing the CVDA on epoca areas of Interest can circumvent this problem. Tee (eee) Figure 15 Comparison between time histories of cra metions ‘apsurod using EDA and CVDA, ‘Wetted length acquired by CVDA Ya. pradicted vals. (Vim) 309 "The world's knowledge" CaP 52 end tata Time (2) Figure 16 Comparecn betwoan time histories of cra motions ‘measured using EDA and CVDA, Wetted length acquired by CVDA Vs. predict values. (Le4)" Peep ge | 1f "Cihacers se ree =? ‘Time oes) Figure 17 Comparison betwen tins Histories of craft motlons measured using EDA and CVDA. Wetted length acquired by (GVDA ve, prodited values. QL=6) [A window ofthe sme histories for heave response (normalised wih respect to waveheigh) and pitch response (normalised with respect to wavasiope) ia shown In Figure 18 to Figure 17 Wetted keel engine, normallzd wit respect to chine baam, fare also shown and slocussod in Saction 8.3, The sold tines {eter to the EDA approach whilst the symbols refer to the ‘GYDA results. ror bars are not shown for certy but heave ‘an be acquired through CVDA tox Imm and pitch to = 0.1" for the camera setup dosorbed. Thess tmerhisiories show the ‘cotrct frequency and, for that art ofthe run recorded, vary Similar agetude In response te the corresponding tims histony ‘fom the EDA. 32, Addod Resletance Figure 19 shows the mean rough water resistance ofthe craft ‘over decreasing ehoounter foquances. At longer 7,0 nas been addod 0 wetted keel angth value in Figure 16 ‘ereamy 400 realstance, the resistance In wavas is largar than Fridsma's recut “The resistance Incroment, Fy OF aided resistance whan the cmt le aveling i waves fs shown i Figure 20. Thie fesofbee the reduston Ih added resistance with decreasing ‘encourtorfraquenoy and Infact at the fonger wavelengths, the resistance drops betow the calm water vale. & £" "| Figure 18 Comparison between Fridsrn and authors! ‘xparimental value for erat alm water resistance. ‘3, Wotted Data ‘Wotod hool long dats, maasured using the CVDA, is shown in Figure 15 to Figure 17, normalised with respect o erat chine beam, Due to tte constants, chine watted lengths were not ‘corded. ‘The maximum wetted values occur when heave s @ ‘minimum: the pich angio attenuates the elzo of tho wetted length change. ‘The meen wetted keel length increases sign with deereasing encountor requency. The Implication of this lone would eoom to be that he resistance in wavos Increases. sgitly wih decreasing encour requency ~ isis not bome ass an Figura 10 Comparison between Fridsma and authors! ‘experimental valuoe for zat resistance In reguler head The acledreslstancs Is the ciference between Ry and A ‘© FINA Transactions 2001 ‘Supplied by The British Library - “The world's knowledge" ~2-Frdema atone ay aL Figure 20 Compartson between Fidsma and author! ‘experimental valuoe for erat added rsictance In waves (Ryo. fut by Figure 19 and Figure 20. However, resistance for aning efaft Is not a furcton of weted kool length but a funation of mean wetted length, At longer wavelengths, the ‘mean weted length (an average ofthe chine and kesl wetted Tangths) wil approach the calm water running value. This requires a slight reduction In the mean wetted chine length 0 ‘omplomant the sight increase In mean wetted keel longi. ‘As the magnitude ofthe wetted sutaco approachos tho calm ‘water running value, the resistance would be expected to as ‘oll, However it has already besn seen thatthe resistance at longer encountered wavelengths reduces the resistance below ‘te calm watar value. Consequenty, fora sight increasing ‘atte Keat longi, the wetted chine length must reduc fay Sgniicanty for Ew resistance to be less in Jong waves than In calm water. This clscussion of wetted lengths demonstrates ths importance they play In the resistanca and If of the plaring ca. A method for predicing these two quaniiies based upon the Wetled lengins would be advantageous which requires tho predicton ofthe wetted lengths nthe fc nstanco._ In calm Water, Suvitshy’s expressions tor wetted lengths based upon trim angie, beam and deastise show favourable comparison ‘wih provious experimental esis and, ina nies fashion, the ‘experimants desorbed hela reinforce tis coniigence, From these expressions, Savisky relates. the subsequorily generated IIR and tesstance whlch also compare. well with Sxperimartal rsuts [16]. It these expressions for wetted lengths could be appted dynamically for use n waves then Ii fad resistance In waves coud be proce. 23:1. Wetted Keel Length ‘Saitsy'sexoression fr wees keel length in alm water plaring!s given as bua 8 2rtant Ly = Ly + © where + Ie the steady-sato tim angle, Lethe moan wetted Tangth, bis the chine beam, 1 18 not @ function of time, but I it ware then @ dynamic ‘Sguation could be hypothossad as, ‘© RINA Transactions 2001 ‘Supplied by The British Library x bea " (+s Fane) © ‘ners ai te nstantanaous poh angle and is @funeton of lime, Sree chine wattes lengths have not bean measure in the rough water test, (Is repiacod by a constant of 3:78 craft beams, an average Tnean weed length value trom Figure 40 tor this craft speed (Cx2.66). Heave is neduced Ina the equation and cveticienis are fed to. that the resuling fexpression matches measured rosults. This loads to the ‘otewing equation, 1) | | tilt) ae(anesttte) ade hore 2() Is the Instantaneous hoave, A, 8 and C are fied oetceni, The equton I ot expe, hs no gous matenaiea! | Tse fuer roan aneayon faput eosaog eat ea tat pete a oes ee es Veta aa wet Sten as igus Teer Treen aad nese keine fae eeu ‘sacha! esate vated tol eng usp GAD Toe ‘Sule stow ry gost aguomat te wos se ead | Sree uote were vara el th peste Yeates mush" Howoree Powe St owt te ‘ocies oe Souci wit nen ators et eat fautonsip rt confers hereaa waver, ‘hus peta cepte to sip apposite anaes, | Tocdimvatelinedsperat vee octangnprdcens | tan'be wariusied is ovary he Oman vated tel iru even itn ho aly ped he ramen frie and gon ta te tytoantne es ae neon {tei ro wuld wast poss 6 eruat orc rk ‘and resistance given only limited data of beam and deadrise | ‘and the temporal data of neave and pitch. | 11s imponact to note thatthe value forthe fed cootonts (4, B and C) and tho assumed value for tbe mean wetted Jongth of 3.75 In equation (7) wil depend on many parameters. ‘These values wil change batween diferent planing cat since ‘hay are Itinsic fo each pining craft's design and operating ‘and erwronmertal conditons. The moasurement of wetted chine. lengths would no doubt signtanly slrpity. the formulation ofthe above expreseions, a} wane Figure 21 Bohaviour of ited coefficients (4, Band © with ‘wavelonath 1 Trosseh21] employed a similar technique in investigating the coynarnic varation of wetted longine of erat uncergeng forced i orurbatons In einer heave oF pion, Equation (4) of that paper was ploied against Trosson's measured valves trom 401 | he world’s knowledge" i ‘analogue videotape anatyels and showed excellent agreement Dbetwoon the prescied wetted eel lenglhe, Chine wetted langle tote not however as well prelcted, bt aga correct identtcation f watefonine itersectan was feu due To the ‘binuve presence of tho epray 282 Resistance In Waves ‘Savish/s equations are based upon mean wetted lengns (an ‘average of chine and keel wetted length) wheress the dynamic ‘aration scar at fst hari to be cowl) based on wetied kes Jeng, However, the Variation of tho coatcions A, 8 and C flow for frequency ceperdence and chino wetted Jength ‘aration ~ortectons for the essumpton that L, Is not & function of me. Advaring te hypothesis that calm water fquations: may be applied ina dynamic sense usleg th soremerioned coefficients and temporal data for heavs, pitch [End wetlad Kos! length, Savsi’s calm water equations for Planing resistance are adapted. From equation (1), calm water unning tim angle, is replacod by plch angle). The lt eoetlot C,,(), and ekn frtion coafcien, C{0), are new also dependent on tims and re Sotned assuming thal the time-varying mean wetted lang, Tif), can be desorbed. by equation (6). From those ‘sumptions, the resus desorbed in Figure 22 are produced and are compared 19 tha authors expermentay determined ‘alice. ‘Tho values Yor mean resslance in waves er in fle Ugreorent fora wavelengths, eapecaly ono considers the agreement between the predicted crept rao and the fxpormertal cragiit ‘aio Gasorbd ln Figure 12 for calm wale periormance. Savisy’s equation (equation (1)) over pret the aragit rate. wL x, an Figure 22 Comparison authors’ experimental values fr traf resletanco Ih regular head seas and to rsiciance fo proc applying a quasi-steay variation to ‘Saitsiy’s calm water equations, ‘CONCLUSIONS Conducting planing erat experiments provides the necessary data by wivch fo assess, validate and improve theory designed to predic! and accurately multe planing cra performance, However the. dynamo phenomena associated wih flow over pling hale inoreasee tno complaxy af accuratly measuring fo required quanties. Large scatior between the resus of “ldoreaF experimental programmes brings into question the vvabdty of applying emolical fis for parormance presicton. In ‘oder to help sandarase the retnod by which planing cat fxperimante are. practsod, the CVDA syeiom was inated, {ested ans tho rasits presanied herein, 402 ‘Supplied by The British Library In Concusion, 4. The use of a computer vision deta scquston technique demonstrated is Impotance In being able 10 identity ‘Specie pots of iterest-and remetoly capture large ‘amounts of dala. 2, The CVDA ester was as successful in accurstely ‘cquing motion data asthe EDA approach. ‘3. In adktion to the motion data, CVDA ls able to measure the chine and Kool wetted lenghs. The wetted length Values In calm water compared favourably with te results ‘0120 yaar prevousti7, 4, The. predictions of calm water wetted tongths fom ‘Savishy's emplial calm weler equations had favourabio comparison with he Values acquired through CVDA, 65. The ably of CVDA to measure the dynamic wetted kool longghs. in waves. reauted In the advancement of Savtakys calm wator equations to predict wetted kee! lengths In waves. ‘The Inclision of wetted chine longth measurement using the CVDA approach should ‘Sigalcanty improve the simply ofthe formulation, 66. The suocosstul prion of dynamio wetted longth from calm water equations provided the encouragemant to fmploy the eame famiy of equations Ina dynamic sense fo quartty the lft feos and resistance In waves. The predicted retuts for eat resistance are favourable with ‘Sxperments REFERENCES IH] Blake, LR. 2000 irwestgation ito th verte motions of high epesd planing rat Ip calm water and in waves, PhO thesis, Universty of Southampton. Nay. [21 Payee, P. 1974 Couple pitch and heave porplsing ing. Ocean Engineering, [21 Payne, P1981 The vertical impact ofa wedge on afd, ‘Ocean Engineering, 8, 421-435. (4). Payne, 2.1982 The difrences botwesn a wing and a ‘planing plat in two-cimonsional ow. Ocoan Engineering, 8.8, 441-458. 151. Payne, P. 1966 On the high-speed porplsing insti of ‘pirat hul. Joumal of Ship Research, 28,2, ure, 778. [81 Payne, P. 1988 Design of High Speed Boats ~ Paring. 1 ‘dion. Vol. Fishergate, 2521 Fiva oad, Annepots, Manjend. 171. 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Nekingor, J. 1064 Wettec ares and centre of proseure of planing surfaces at very low speed octlant, Technical Report. 498 Stevens insite of “Tecnology. uy. [18 Savitoky, 0. 1984 Hydrodynamic design of planing hls. Harine Technology, October, 71-95. [17 Fridsma, @. 1969 systematic study of he rough-water ‘performance of planing boats. Technical Repor. 1275, ‘Stevens inetite of Technology. November. [18] Frdema, @. 1971 A systematic study ofthe rough-water performance of planing boats (eraguar waves ~ par) Fecnnieal Pepor. SI-DL-71-1488. Stovens Instute cf Teennology. March. [18] Brown, P. 1974 An axporimertal and theoratea study of planing surfces wih mn faps, Techical Fepor. Pea Bavidson Laboratory, Sovane insttuts of Technology. November. (20) Kosbel Jr, 1G tot J, Bein, J.D. 1869 How to ‘sign pling hus, Vel 49, Motor Boating, kise Series. [21] Troason, A. 1992 On the hycrocmamics of vertoaly ‘ecllating planing hulls. oural of Ship esearch, December, $17.51 WRITTEN DISCUSSION Dr Lewandowski: The Davicson Laboratory hes been Succosstly determining welts Keel and chins lat In eal Water by USe of uncerwater photographs for many years. The Video eystem cscussed in the paper would appear to be ‘ovantageous in tht less setup efforts required: however, this ‘right be at the expense of accuracy. The pressure area can be unmistakably Mrtied In undorvater protographs, whereas the spray root ray Wa be obscured by the spray in sbove- ‘water photos, pally for loner Geadties than the 80dag toneldored inthe paper. Nota thet there fg @ ditnaion between the prossure area \whlen Is general assumed to support the load, and th fol ‘Welles sea, which includes the “spray area” forward of he spray root. AS defined by Savisky in Refarencs 16 of the Daper, the wated Keel and chine lengths are fo be measured From the spray rool. However, the authors sist that thay were ‘examining to “spray sheeting intreacton in tel analysis ‘ofthe video frames, welch lee forward ofthe sorey roa in. |With regard to the commants relative to the “erge amounts of Instrumentation and equipment required to acqure all recessary datz” in planing. hil tests, the proposed ‘rathodelogy ebvietos the necessty for heave and trmpich fransauoors. (and possbly accelorometore, although this remaine fo be demonstrate}; these are minor contributors 1 the weight of tho apparatus and calibration is straighfcrwars. ‘The’ ag transducer Is typloaly the only Insirument that Contbutes sigitcanty to the wo'ght ot the mode, and Is required in both systems. ‘© FINA Tranaaetions 2001 ‘Supplied by The British Library - ‘Would the authors care to commant on the lack of agreement ‘ol thoi measured teen wih Frdsma's data Figures 7 and 9)? Sis would Indeate tat te model andlor test condtions citfered in the two tees, ofthat one of the datasets contains Finally, the pole of tho “wetted Keel longt’ciscuscon isnot cloat. "Tho Lily of a formula suoh as Equation 7 le lted 10 ‘ages in which one knows L(t) 8 wall as 2) and a), but not Lo. In practice one” usually detorminas |, from Tocsurements of L, and i. In ado, the form of Equation 7 foes not appear tobe correct, since the change In L, esulng ‘tom vera! mation 2 should be Inversely proportional to sin Wis would propose a relationship of te form here % and care the longitudinal and verical coordinates of the fowpol (tim exo ana heave reference point) relative to the transom and kee, respectively, and the neave z is 10 be maeeured trom tho eaim Water sutace to the reference paint {and thus ls general) nonzero st zero speed), posive Upwards, ‘The quanty In Bracks isthe “static keol weed Tengt, which iste value one would obtain from geometry It ‘thera wore ro “eyparni wave rsa. Dr. Yukio Kaneko, (FRINA): | am a practi! designer, nlthor fan experimental! nor atheort. n my experience on several Fighepeed boats roar planning or above, usualy actual tuning time. are far ls than calculated ones based on ‘Savishy et al. € mathods"- Mary dasigners may have their ‘vn correotons on Prismatic Models. Ever in case Prismatic Models, e8 authors of this paper polnt out, ttmmings angles {re soatired. ‘There seame to be mary reasons inouang ‘experiments! accuracies, In case of actual bosts, running tim is preferable under 4. If main reason exists on prismatic Mul, ‘expements on modild psma nul shouldbe cared out ‘ete, for instance, orzontal pat added Io at chine tne and is eiza varied eystomatoaly. If possble transverse, cistbution of planing pressure wil be uso AUTHORS REPLY: ‘The authors would ke to thank Br Lewandowski for his comments, The video system was dtven by the need 10 ‘capture information regaring wetted curface ¢o as to enable ‘aldation and vetiaton te bo made to pericuar esekesping charectortcs predicted by @ numerical model. Furthermore, ‘he setup was designed 1 b6 as ampo as possible to enab tne exienlon of moritorng wetted surtace data on scal ‘models 19 fll scalo testing. The suthors recognise the Importance of he work catiod cut by, amongst ches, the Davideon Laboretoy, end clte some of trese works in tho paper. Sil photegraphs were considered to be. an Fhappropriate method n obtaiing ansient deta and eo a video sytem was employed. It ls true that the pressure area (ot primary eorcem to.a hystodyramcit) can bo most easly Faentted trom Under the wator but moasurement of vertical ‘motione precluded this method. The chine weed length was Indeed measured by oboecvation of the spray are, whare the fallof the spray af inlarsecing wih the che was taken as, the spray roa ie Intersection wah the chine, Regarding the weight-saving In equipmont, the authors facknowindge the felalve contrbuton of ach nem of instenertation to th total Weight set aside for ballast and st any saving in walght ie a onus for hgh speed craft ting, te authors agree thatthe dynamometer contibutes| the Ingest proportion of the ftal weight and is necessary for Teslstance snalyses by wrlehever mthod (either CVDA or EDA). However, the other benes of GVDA in terms of cost, ‘sonalateney of sus and ease of setup remain. 403 he world's knowledge" be ier ‘ee ob Flow asp, Saul ac Conde cata by to pres Howove pring | fhe regu "dontios vaiy © ‘der to ‘expetine tested ar ae ‘the dlscrepaneies In tin and. sinkage between Fridema's Trou and tho authors are gute large st Higher speeds In eeu oer (loading to a eubeequert change tn raguar wave fevformance). ‘The reason fo" tis is unceran given thal the perm uch case were tested under the "same" conditions = Geometn speed, mass dtibution, eto. may be seen to be seoreonent io pass of tno decrepances es ancther ee nm of te “prebiem of experimertal repeatability” and ake no furher comment about tis, but without futher Treccugaton Into each test setup we cannot determine the taugo ofthe disagreements. “Tho dlscussion Involving wetes kee Ingth was driven by the ‘Speoraton tat a sole measurement of weted length could cesaice miporantinrmaion and good estmatao on planing "The formulation 16 rot_ mathematically SGoroly derved. The wetted keel langth predicted in hie Faeroe wae matched to the experimental resis by assuring ‘Rare Inetantangous value of weted Keel length was actly Pepotional to the crafts instantaneous sinkage in adion 10 Foros of tne instantangous tim angie - tho ettect of Sinkage in addétion 10 the affect of tim, The costiclents eotaped in thls highly emplical formation were vaiad uni Srdale matched experimental resus. Using the contrbutors re tgorously darved equation, the coefcents A and B aro ‘Tine, sees found to have a simlary tinsar varaion with respect to hoounter frequency ‘but the. value of wetted Keel length rode in hs manner isn Toss agreement with experinartal reecirarants, Figure 22 shows the dilerence between Wetted Hoel ngths precited by the respective methods and he walled, heal fongth sisasured experimentally fr avetongtherett length of 3, 4 snd 6, The extra cootolots in Te stibrs formulation allow for a better ft Yo the data regardless of is ecient "correctness". ‘Te authors would like to thank Dr Kaneko on his comments. ‘The eyetomate study carted out by Fridsma was extremely Torant mn quantiving the effects of changes to @ prismatic Dining hull. Further investigations were required in order tO provide Information on hull warping, stepped chines, spray ral PiScoment and olherfeatros thet pertain to mor realistlc eos Ping designs, Experimental data fom the eystematio variation BPoRsk parameters fe rara nthe publ domain, The authors Goveo fat tanoverse pressure ditibutons would provce Ser infomation. on he flc-strucure Interaction and be lBmauable inthe development of computational uid dynamic ‘oone te the planing problem, oo 10120 gure 28, or bemoan tie te patton maths compar tothe GYDA dia for wets as eri 404 Supplied by The British Library - "The world's knowledge” ‘© FINA Transactions 2001

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