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Bhargab Sarma Email ID: sarmabhargab202@gmail.

Contact No: +917002933873

Career Objective
To secure a job in the IT industry where I can utilize my knowledge for the organization’s growth.

Educational Qualification
 Pursuing B.Tech in Computer Science from Dibrugarh University Institute of Engineering and
Technology, Dibrugarh - CGPA: 8.32 (2016-2020)

 HSC from Sankardev Academy, Nalbari - 84.8% (2016)

 SSC from Assam Academy, Nalbari - 89.33% (2014)

Technical Skills
Programming Languages: C, Core JAVA, Python, C++


 Academic Project (August- present, 2019)

Title- Finding the paths of a Mobile Agent over a Stochastic Environment.

 Telegram News Bot (January- February 15th, 2019)


Telegram bot “Hourly News Updates” in Python using Telegram API, news API which sends
messages containing News Headlines from top news websites.


Trainings Undergone
 Online Summer training on Core Java at Internshala Training lasted for six weeks.
(29th June – 9th August, 2018)
 Winter offline Bootcamp Training on Python with Machine Learning, Data Science at
LearnCodeOnline INC, Jaipur. (January- February 15th, 2019)

Awards and Achievements

Secured 1st position in Coding Competition conducted on by ANAZORI v12.0 (31st October, 2019)

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