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Treatment of Periorbital Dark Circles

Nota Introductoria:

Vitamin C reduces Periorbital hyperpigmentation (POH) as it inhibits the enzyme tyrosinase and has an antioxidant effect,
thus preventing the production of free radicals that can trigger melanogenesis. It also promotes collagen synthesis, which
reduces dermal damage and leads to keratinocyte differentiation. Mesotherapy was found to lead to the most significant
improvement in pigmentation and the highest level of patient satisfaction, but the side effect of a burning sensation made
it less tolerable in some patients.

Protocolo 1 (5 semanas de duración):

Vitamin C was extracted from an ampule (comprising the ingredients: ascorbic acid, aqua/ water, disodium EDTA) using a
large bore needle. About 10 mL was injected intraepidermally into both lower eyelids (5 mL for each eye). Fine massage
was performed after injection to decrease the production of nodules. Ice cubes were also applied to reduce numbness
and edema. Treatment was repeated 5 times at 1-week intervals.

Protocolo 2 (3 meses de duración):

Vitamina C en Serum sobre el contorno de ojos. 3 gotas (0.5 ml cada gota). Todas las noches. Luego seguir con hidratante
facial. Los autores usaron “cellex-c high potency serum”.


-NAGLAA et al. Treatment of periorbital dark circles: Comparative study of carboxy therapy vs chemical peeling vs
mesotherapy. Journal of Cosmetic Dermatology. 2018.

“mesotherapy showed a significant improvement in pigmentation and a higher level of patient satisfaction compared
with the other types of treatment.”

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