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Copyright © 2012 Datum. All rights reserved.

Release Date: May 25th 2012
System Requirements: Windows 2000, Windows XP Windows Vista, Windows 2008, Windows 7
Disk Space: 1 MB


One of the biggest “improvements” that Mozilla claims is improved memory usage, in particular, the
vanquishing of memory leaks. If you thought it was too good to be true you were right. Firefox still
uses a lot of memory – way too much memory for a web browser.

We like keeping our apps running for a few days (that’s just the way we roll) and because of this
Firefox was using over ~800MB of memory after about 3 days. It’s quite normal for Firefox to be
sucking up ~100MB of memory right off the bat (in a memory leak you’ll see the memory usage keep
increasing the longer the browser is open/in-use).

Rather than complaining about it, we decided to fix it. Enter Firemin; simply put; it will eliminate all
memory leaks in Firefox. All we did was tweaked our memory optimization engine a little and applied
it to Firefox (including Firefox extensions) and all the memory leaks was gone. To use Firemin; you
will need to unzip, double click on Firemin.exe and let Firemin babysit Firefox. You
expected it to be more complicated, we are truly sorry to disappoint you.


Firemin is a very simple utility and, for this reason, does not demand any installation utility. Simply
unzip all files to any folder and run the executable file (usually, "Firemin.exe").

No Nonsense License Version 1.5:

You may use our software anywhere and anytime for any purpose you want. We will just not be held
responsible if you mess your computer up or use our software for illegal purposes. However, we do
suggest that you never use our software for illegal or immoral purposes; otherwise karma could turn
on you. On that note; we will also not be held responsible for any bodily harm you could sustain while
using our software. You may however try to decompile (if you can, good for you), disassemble and
use our software in your business. We did not include the source code, because, to be totally honest,
we don’t want to.

If our freeware contains third party components you will need to abide by the terms of the specific
component provider. Please do not try and decompile these components; otherwise some trouble
could come your way. The resources and software we use to create our freeware are all open source,
paid for and even the Windows we use are genuine. We emphasize that you only install our freeware
on genuine software (Windows, Office, etc.). If for some reason your software is less than genuine, it
is the same as using our freeware for illegal purposes and this is strictly forbidden.

If you use our software, you agree that most software companies are full of it and that our software
might not work the way you expect it to. You agree that no developers are perfect and for that reason
our software is less than perfect. It could in some cases crash your computer, render something
unusable and maybe just not work, but you agree that this is your problem and not ours. Let’s face it;
software companies really don’t care.

You are entitled to free support from us and we will try to help you the best we can. If we are too
stupid to help you, sorry, at least we tried. Furthermore, this license was not copied or adapted from
any other licenses and for this reason is like the software it tries to protect, could be faulty.


Version (June 3rd, 2011)

No history recorded.

Version (June 7th, 2011)

 New Configuration file for tweaking it a little.

Version (July 5th, 2011)

 New Options dialog

 New About dialog
 Now you can change memory minimization rate
 Launch Firefox (Safe Mode) when Firemin starts
 Firefox Optimization function (uses SQLite vacuum for databases)

Version (May 15th, 2012)

 Now detects Firemin folder access permissions and writes settings to INI file and Registry

Version (May 15th, 2012)

 New Update Option

Version (May 25th, 2012)

 Some link Updates

Version (May 27, 2012)

 Removed the update option because our server was getting a little overloaded.

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