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One of the best films I have ever seen is Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith.

It was directed by
George Lucas. All the costumes were influenced also by John Mollo and influenced by Lucas
too. Most of the soundtrack for all the sagas was composed by John William. Released on
2005, it obtained about 850 million dollars worldwide, which made it the second adaptation
with greater profits of the saga.

This fascinating story is setted in a galaxy far away, where humanity has managed to conquer
space and establish a Galactic Republic, which is protected by the Jedi knights, who seek peace
using a supernatural power called "the force." The main character Anakin Skywalker,
interpreted by Hayden Christensen, with his master Obi Wan Kenobi, tried to rescue a
politician kidnaped by the Separatist Leader, which want to destroy the Republic. The amazing
landscape of space battles and special effects accompanied by an epic music made this movie
a worldwide success.

The predictable ending was a bit disappointing by the order that the films were released, but I
would recommend it because mark the end of the first trilogy.

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