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FW discussion question: Describe a situation where ethical issues played a role.

We often run in to the ethical question of continuing OT services or discharge. Keeping

clients on as patients after goals have been met and not addressing further issues is not ethical.

Our services as occupational therapists become redundant and non-therapeutic. Once goals have

been met in the clinic setting and the client has demonstrated some ability to generalize skills,

my OT will give the family a chance to practice learned skills at home or in the community. This

decision involves the OT, the client, and their caregivers. Many parents are nervous to

discontinue services, they feel like they need the weekly support of occupational therapy

sessions. My OT is reassuring, stating the improvements that have been made, making it clear

that our mission is to be therapeutic, and letting them know the clients can always come back if

new things come up in the future.

I hope in the future, as a licensed OT, I will be mindful of appropriate discharge. I would

like to follow my CI's example but add more parent education and preparation. Sometimes

parents seem blindsided, not realizing the OT has been preparing them for discharge. I would

like to give parents printed information that prepares them for discharge at least three weeks in

advance. Also, reiterating with the client what skills they have improved and how they will use

their skills at home and in the community.

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