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Peru is a country full of landscapes, sounds, colours, flavours and traditions.

General information
 Landmark: Central and western part of South America
 Population: Around 33 million
 It is bordered:
 In the north by Ecuador and Colombia
 In the east by Brazil and Bolivia
 In the south by Chile
 In the west by the Pacific Ocean.


A little bit of history

It is a fact that more people nowadays are choosing Peru over other tourist destinations
but, why Peru exactly?

Peru isn’t just one more country in Latin America. It is space is full of landscapes, sounds,
colours and flavours.

Maybe, his history can be a bit complicated for several people like foreigners.

Our Peru of today was shaped by a combination of different historical events. First, the
presence of a variety of ancient cultures. Second, the powerful Incas who made this
territory an empire. Third, the arrival of a European group, in this case, Spaniards, who
came to end the situation and produce changes.

Even though the complete history is difficult to explain quickly, we believe that there is
nothing better than learning while traveling because will be a direct experience.

Tips for a saver traveller

For this, we have decided to give you a series of tips to keep in mind if you are interested
in traveling to Peru someday.

The most interesting thing is that you can enjoy but at the same time save money.

1. Stay in accommodation at a good price. You can find them on the internet.
2. Take public transportation: buses or collective taxi.
3. Eat the menu of the day in the restaurants. Believe it or not, you will taste delicious
4. Travel off-season for a low-cost trip, the best times are the months of April and May
or September and October.
5. Look for last minute tours because they are cheaper
6. Walk to visit the landscapes, especially if you are with your friends.

But not everything is always perfect, right?

Despite going on an adventure, you must take into account certain precautions.

 The traffic: Take the transport on time and avoid rush hours
 Risky situation: Do not call the attention of others with your cell phone or camera in
unsafe areas. It is best to go unnoticed.

Top 5: Recommended places to visit

1) Machu Picchu (Cusco)

An Inca Citadel.
2) Titicaca Lake (Puno)
On the border between two countries: Peru and Bolivia.
3) Rio Amazonas (Loreto)
The longest river in the world.
4) Valle del Colca (Arequipa)
Where one of the deepest canyons in the world is located.
5) Huascaran National Park (Ancash)
A natural space where the Cordillera Blanca is located

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