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I really enjoyed researching the topic I chose because it has a lot of personal meaning to
me. Originally, I wanted to pursue animal testing in cosmetics as my issue, but I quickly
realized it wasn’t going to work; there were absolutely no unbiased articles and no
statistics on the topic, it proved not very interesting to talk or read about. So, I started
thinking about what issues really mattered to me and whatI had a personal connection
with. I thought about my grandmother, and how doctors over-prescribing led her to
overusing, and it turned her brain into soup. After a few conversations I had with other
students who were really into their projects, including topics like the opioid epidemic and
how it’s different from the crack-cocaine epidemic in the 1980’s, I thought about
investigating “Big Pharma”. I ended up researching prescription drugs, and really feeling
connected with the work I was doing.

2. My proposal made me get a feel for not only thinking of a personal solution, but
brainstorming what I could actually do. I had to think about what could really make an
impact. I think for my senior project I would like to propose something a little more
realistic for me as a seventeen year old.

3. I’m still not exactly sure where I want to go with my senior project yet, but this project
gave me experience with college-like research, and applying my knowledge in writing
pieces such as cover letters and proposals. It was good to be able to dig in deep with my
research, as it was something I enjoyed researching. The research experience taught
me that I actually quite enjoy researching.

4. It was really interesting to look at prescription drugs in comparison with illegal street
drugs. I researched the effects of drugs such as lsd and marijauna, which many regular
people and scientists claim to have medicinal effects. But, like any medicine as you’ll find
out, they can be misused and abused. An interesting statistic is that most overdose
deaths are credited to prescription drugs/opioids. Whatever you put in your body is up to
you, just do your research first.

5. I think I could have included more philosophy aspects and references in my cover letter.
One of my favorite parts of the project was reading and annotating the different
philosophies of justice, I wish more of what I read was in my final product.

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