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Name : Bima Ahmad Haqiqie

NPM : 1906377082

The differences of culture is not the reason for human to have different ethics and morality
to other. Culture dimension is considered the collective horizon representing a specific social reality.
The strongest discrepancy between the concept and reality is that there universal moral standards
that can exist even if some practices and beliefs vary from one culture to another. This problem is
better known as Moral Relativism.

Culture comes from the Latin word ‘cultura’ meaning a set of shared attitudes, values, goals,
and practices that characterizes an entity. Culture consist of patterns, explicit and implicit, of and for
behavior acquired and transmitted by symbols, constituiting the distinctive achievement of human
groups, including their embodiment in artefact. I would like to use the term ‘culture’ in a very broad
sense to represent the totality of the social environment into which a human being is born and in
which he/she lives.

Moral relativism is the theory that holds that morality is relative to the norms of one’s
culture. That is, whether an action is right or wrong depends on the moral norms of the society in
which it is practiced. Moral relativism is the view that all ethical truth is relative to a specific culture.
Whatever a cultural group approves is considered right within that culture. Conversely, whatever a
cultural group condemns is wrong. The key to cultural relativism is that right and wrong can only
judged relative to a specified society. There is no standard of right and wrong by which to judge

Diversity is evident even on those matters of morality where we could expect to agree. But,
other people point to a range of practices considered morally acceptable in some societies but
condemned in others, including infanticide, genocide, polygamy, racism, and torture. Such
differences may lead to the question whether there any universal moral principles or whether
moralityis merely a matter of cultural taste. This differences in moral raise an important issue in

Although it is hard for us in the modern world to imagine, a primitive culture might value
genocide, treachery, deception, even torture. While we may not like these traits, a true follower of
cultural relativism could not say these are wrong since they are merely the product of cultural

Now the world has changed. humans have evolved to be better than before. Human
instincts now make more moral sense than the thoughts of the ancients. Armed with that common
sense, humans now understand the meaning of differences. That difference does not make them
hostile to each other between cultures, however, to work together to achieve one goal.

Therefore, there is no longer any reason for humans to distinguish their attitudes towards
others because of cultural differences. Social sanctions will apply absolutely to someone who is
considered to distinguish himself from others regarding cultural differences. With this, it results in
leading the human mind to understand the purpose of the differences that exist in this life.
Especially regarding moral and ethical matters in life.

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