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Research Design and Methodology

The variables of interest (VOI) had been identified by informal discussions with peers and
secondary research. After the identification of VOIs, a direct questionnaire was formulated and
retailers were personally interviewed for arriving at insights for the study.

A mix of qualitative and quantitative research have been employed for arriving at inferences /
conclusions about the topic. The qualitative research consists of MCQs, radio button and
subjective questions while the quantitative research is in form of ranking and scales where
responders have to select from 5 options their degree of agreeableness (Likert scale).

The questionnaire was divided into two sections – one part of which was based on the data to
be filled by the surveyor on inspection of the outlets and the other was filled based on the
interviews held with the retailers of the outlets. For the same, a sample size of 50 participants
was chosen and the sampling technique used is stratified sampling with proportional allocation
within the strata to ensure better representation of the population in spite of considering a small
sample size.

The respondents were chosen on the basis of classification of outlets as per the definitions set
forth by Hindustan Coca Cola Beverages Pvt. Ltd.

Division of respondents

Grocery 2 Convenience
22% 24%

Grocery 1

The respondents were picked from approximately an equal number of outlets located in
different parts of Guwahati to represent a larger population better and eliminate any
discrepancy that might arise due to bias in opinions.

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