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Kerouac, Jack

Kiyosaki, Robert

He is an author and an entrepreneur. He was born on April 8, 1947 in Hilo, Hawaii. He is the owner and
founder of two companies- the Rich Global LLC and the Rich Dad company. The former was dissolved in
2012 when it suffered financial distress which led to bankruptcy, while the latter is a company that aims
to increase the population of the number of financial literate people in the world. It is a company that
offers personal finance and business education to people through books, seminars, and videos. He is the
author of the Rich Dad Poor Dad series which is mainly about financial literacy, how to properly manage
finances, and tips on how to be a successful investor and entrepreneur. What I like most about the way
he writes is he makes technical things understandable. The topics about finance, business, and
investments can be very tedious to read especially in a non-businessperson’s perspective, but Kiyosaki
explains concepts very clearly and easily understandable as he doesn’t use that many jargons. I also like
that he narrates his own experiences, stories, and struggles on how to be financially successful in a very
inspiring way and he’s not in any way condescending. That’s what I like about Kiyosaki’s style and works,
not only can you learn from it you can also derive fun from reading it.
The Organ Rehearsal by Henry Lerolle

 Dream: Someday, I will perform in front of the biggest audience this city has ever seen.
 Risk: I decided to add adlibs and improvisations in my performance, it’s risky but it won’t
hurt to try.
 Mystery: Somebody is trying to sabotage my performance, and it won’t take long before I
found out.
 Play: Singing my escape to reality; performing in front of an audience never fails to make
me happy and is the source of my life’s purpose

Continuation of a story:

Singing is my escape to reality; performing in front of an audience never fails to make me

happy and the source of my life’s purpose. I grew up in a family of musicians, my mother and
older sister are both violinists and my father plays the piano, so it was expected of me to like
music and play an instrument of my own. However, since I was a little girl I’ve always wanted
to sing. Playing instruments and creating music made me happy, but it never gave me as much
joy when I’m singing. That’s why I vowed to myself, I’ll do whatever it takes to become a
successful singer.


For every note, line, and melody

I’ll sing it as if my life depends on thee,

If singing was a dream, I hope I don’t wake up

For I’ll do anything to lift my spirits up

In an endless pit, singing keeps me from falling,

Singing and its art will always be my true calling

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