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naučni UDK 658.153 ; 005.591.1


Prof dr Živan Nikolić
Visoka strukovna škola za
računovodstvo i berzansko
poslovanje, Beograd


Mr Ivan Raonić
Visoka strukovna škola za
računovodstvo i berzansko
poslovanje, Beograd


U ovom radu daje se prikaz menadžmenta obrtnim sredstvima, uvažavajući

sve specifičnosti organizacije malih i srednjih preduzeća, kako kapitalne, tako
i kadrovske. Pored toga, biće reči o izračunavanju optimalnog nivoa obrtnih
sredstava za nesmetano odvijanje poslovnih aktivnosti, kao i o osnovnim
pokazateljima koji ukazuju na eventualnu promenu u nivou obrtnog kapitala.
Cilj ovog rada je da prikaže osnovne indikatore koji ukazuju da je došlo do
disbalansa u kvantumu obrtnih sredstava.

Ključne reči: mala i srednja preduzeća, neto obrtna sredstva, koeficijent obrta,
broj dana vezivanja,

JEL: G31, G32, L25

bankarstvo 2 2013

Rad primljen: 28.11.2012.

Odobren za štampu: 01.02.2013.

UDC 658.153 ; 005.591.1 scientific

Senior Vocational School for
Accounting and Stock Brokerage,



Ivan Raonić MSc

Senior Vocational School for
Accounting and Stock Brokerage,


This paper focuses on the working capital management regarding all the
specificities of the small and medium-sized enterprises organisation, their
capital structure and human resources. In addition, it discusses calculation
of the optimal level of working capital required for the smooth running of
business activities, and the basic indicators identifying potential changes
in the level of working capital. The objective of this paper is to present the
basic indicators that suggest that there is an imbalance in the working capital

Key words: small and medium-sized enterprises - SMEs, working capital,

turnover ratio, cash conversion cycle

JEL: G31, G32, L25

bankarstvo 2 2013

Paper received: 28.11.2012

Approved for publishing: 01.02.2013

Uvod okruženja. To je, pored ostalog, posledica
odsustva finansijskog planiranja i menadžmenta
Kreatori ekonomske politike u Srbiji su obrtnim sredstvima, usled čega nastaje rizik u
proces tranzicije prevashodno oslonili na poslovanju iznad mogućnosti raspoloživog
privlačenje stranih direktnih investicija (SDI) kapitala malih preduzeća. Upravljanje obrtnim
i podsticaju razvoja sektora malih i srednjih sredstvima treba da omogući zadovoljavajuću
preduzeća (MSP), uz sveobuhvatan proces likvidnost preduzeća i uštede koje povoljno
privatizacije društvene svojine. Pri tome, u cilju utiču na rezultate poslovanja. Dakle, politikom
otvaranja novih radnih mesta glavna uloga je upravljanja obrtnim sredstvima teži se njihovom
namenjena sektoru MSP, što je razumljivo kad svođenju na optimalni nivo, kako sa aspekta
se zna da MSP čini preko 90% svih preduzeća veličine tako i sa stanovišta strukture (zalihe,
u Srbiji. Ovaj sektor pokazuje visok stepen potraživanja, novac).
inovativnost i prilagodljivosti svom poslovnom U ovom radu se razmatraju indikatori koji
okruženju, ali raspolaže ograničenim vlastitim omogućavaju upravljanje obrtnim sredstvima
resursima i ima teži pristup finansijskom tržištu. i pružaju mogućnost menadžmentu da
Za razliku od velikih firmi, mala preduzeća rano spozna probleme, a time i mogućnost
imaju nerazvijenu organizacionu strukturu preduzimanja adekvatnih mera. Dakle, pravilno
i ograničen kadrovski kapacitet. U praksi i kontinurano praćenje predmetnih indikatora
zaposleni obavljaju po više funkcija u pomaže svođenju obrtnih sredstva na optimalni
preduzeću, a često jedno lice je istovremeno nivo i podupire održivu finansijsku stabilnost
vlasnik i menadžer. Racionalnost i potreba za preduzeća.
novim znanjima, primorava preduzeća da neke
funkcije izmeste iz svoje organizacije i povere Pojam neto obrtnih sredstava
ih specilizovanim agencijama (outsourcing). Na
taj način štede se finansijska sredstva koja bi bila U širem smislu, obrtna sredstva se mogu
trošak glomazne organizacije, uz istovremeni definisati kao poslovna sredstva preduzeća koja
pristup izvorima savremenih znanja i veština. se jednokratnom upotrebom troše u poslovnim
Problemi nastaju kada vlasnik preduzeća procesima, tako što se njihova vrednost
(preduzetnik) redukuje svoj poslovnu aktivnost preobrazi iz robnog u novčani oblik najmanje
na aspekt individualne preduzimljivosti i jednom u toku godine. Tema ovog rada zahteva
poslovne veštine, što poslovanje uvodi u da se obrna sredstva definišu u užem značenju
stanje inercije, bez studioznog i osmišljenog poznata u teoriji i poslovnoj praksi pod nazivom
menadžmenta. Na dug rok, nije dovoljno samo neto obrtna sredstva (working capital). Neto
proizvesti i prodati proizvod, već je nužno obrtna sredstva predstavljaju razliku između
osmisliti marketing, finansijsko planiranje, bruto obrtnih sredstava i kratkoročnih (tekućih)
razvoj, i sl. Takav pristup dovodi do situacije obaveza.
da se poslovne knjige vode zbog zakonski Ilustracija kategorije neto obrtna sredstva
propisane obaveze, a računovodstvo ne može se sagledati iz podbilansa Bilansa Stanja
predstavlja osnovni izvor podataka za donošenje preduzeća:
poslovnih odluka,
već nužno zlo. Slika 1. Prikaz strukture neto obrtnih sredstava
pristup ima
za posledicu 1. Kratkoročne finansijske
1. Zalihe 500.000,00 200.000,00
neadekvatnog i
neblagovremenog 2. Potraživanja 400.000,00 2. Obaveze iz poslovanja 500.000,00
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suočavanja 3. Kratkoročni finansijski

100.000,00 3. Ostale kratkoročne obaveze 100.000,00
sa kvalitetom
interne ekonomije 4. Gotovina 150.000,00 4. Obaveze za porez iz rezultata 5.000,00
i izazovima OBRTNA IMOVINA 1.150.000,00 KRATKOROČNE OBAVEZE 805.000

Introduction Such an approach results in situations where
business books are kept for legally prescribed
Economic policy makers in Serbia have purposes, and accounting is no longer the main
based the transition process mainly on the source of data to be used when making business
attraction of foreign direct investments (FDIs) decisions, but it rather remains a necessary evil.
and incentives for the development of the sector The above approach also results in an
of the small and medium-sized enterprises inadequate and untimely confrontation
(SMEs), together with a comprehensive process with the quality of internal economy and
of privatisation of the socially-owned assets. In challenges of financial environment. This is
doing this, and with the aim of creating new the consequence, among other, of the absence
jobs, the main role was designated to the SMEs of financial planning and working capital
sector, which is understandable in view of the management, thus causing risk to appear in
fact that SMEs make up for a total of over 90% business operations exceeding capabilities of
of all the enterprises operating in Serbia. This capital available for small sized enterprises.
sector is manifesting a high degree of innovation Working capital management should allow
in its business approach and adaptability to its for a satisfactory liquidity of an enterprise and
business environment, but it disposes with savings that will have a positive impact on
limited owned resources and has a rather business results. Hence, the working capital
constrained access to the financial market. management policy is aimed at its reduction to
Opposite to the case of the large-scale an optimal level, both from the aspect of size
companies, small-sized enterprises have an and from the aspect of structure (inventories,
under-developed organisational structure and receivables, cash).
limited human resources. In practice, staff This paper will examine indicators that
employed in the SMEs often perform several allow working capital management and offer
functions within the company, with one and the opportunity to the management to have
the same person not infrequently assuming an early warning of potential problems, hence
simultaneously both the role of the owner and the opportunities for undertaking timely and
that of the manager of the same enterprise. For adequate measures. Therefore, correct and
reasons of cost efficiency and new knowledge continuous monitoring of the said indicators is
and skills required, enterprises are often forced helping in bringing working capital down to its
to outsource some of the functions from their optimal level and acts in support of a sustainable
organisation and entrust them to specialised financial stability of the given enterprise.
agencies (outsourcing). In this way, they
are saving financial resources that would The notion of net working capital
otherwise be a cost of a heavy organization,
simultaaneously gaining immediate access to In a broader sense, working capital may be
the sources of the state-of-the-art knowledge defined as business assets of an enterprise which
and skills. are spent in a one-off use in business processes,
Problems arise when an owner of the in the way that their value is converted from the
enterprise (entrepreneur) reduces his business product into cash form, at least once during the
activities to the aspect of his own individual year. The topic of this work requires working
entrepreneurship and business skills, which capital to be defined in a more narrow sense
leads the business to fall in a state of inertia, known in the theory and business practice as
without any studious or well designed net working capital. Net working capital is the
management. In a long-term perspective, difference between gross working capital and
it is not sufficient just to produce and sell the short-term (current) liabilities.
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the product, but it is necessary to conceive Illustration presenting the category of net
marketing approach, to have proper financial working capital may best be seen from the sub-
planning in place, development objectives, etc. balance of the Balance Sheet of an enterprise:

Neto obrtna sredstva = obrtna imovina - uslužnim delatnostima zalihe se u najvećem
kratkoročne obaveze broju slučajeva neće javiti kao bilansna pozicija.
Srećemo proizvodne delatnosti koje zbog
Dakle, neto obrtna sredstva predstavljaju prirode tehnološkog procesa nemaju zalihe
deo obrtnih sredstava koji je finansiran iz gotovih proizvoda (npr. proizvodnja električne
dugoročnih izvora, što u našem primeru iznosi energije i sl. ). Uočene specifičnosti odraziće se
300.000,00 dinara. na obrt zaliha, koji će biti različit u zavisnosti
Veličina neto obrtnih sredstava je bitan od delatnosti kojom se firma bavi.
finansijski pokazatelj iz više razloga. Prvo, Možemo konstatovati da je u okviru
zainteresovanim licima pruža informacije o mendžmenta obrtnim sredstvima politika
stepenu likvidnosti posmatrane firme i obimu zaliha važan, a kadkad i odlučujući pokazatelj
poslovnih obaveza. Drugo, neto obrtni fond efikasnog upravljanja obrtnim sredstvima.
implicira viši nivo finansijske stabilnosti Naime, što je stok zaliha veći i njihovo vreme
preduzeća, pošto se veći deo obrtne imovine vezivanja duže, biće potrebno angažovati
finansira iz vlastitih izvora. Treće, kreditori veći iznos obrtnog kapitala. Pogrešna odluke
analizom neto obrtne imovine stiču informacije prilikom upravljanja zalihama mogu dovesti
o visini tuđih izvora u formiranju mase obrtne do pogoršanja novčanog toka i ulaska u
imovine preduzeća, kao i mogući kapacitet zonu nelikvidnosti, povećati zaduženost i
novog zaduživanja. Četvrto, analiza neto trošak firme, poremetiti tok reprodukcije, i sl.
obrtnih sredstava u dužem vremenskom Ovim ne isključujemo važnost drugih oblika
periodu omogućava da se sagleda poslovna obrtnog kapitala: potraživanja i novca. Logičan
politika preduzeća, kako u pogledu odnosa ekonomski pristup je da naplata potraživanja
prema izdvajanju sredstava (npr. dobit) u bude u što kraćem roku, uz uslov da je dužnik
obrtni kapital, tako i o upravljanju njima. relativno predvidivog rizika. Novac, kao
Peto, posmatrani ekonomski agregat na univerzalni oblik obrtnog kapitala zamenljiv
sintetički način omogućava da se izvede za sve druge oblike obrtnih i drugih sredstava,
zaključak o kvalitetu menadžmenta zalihama, mora biti pravilno upotrebljavan (ulagan), jer
potraživanjima, obavezama i što je najbitnije, da se do njega najteže dolazi i njemu se, kao cilju,
li firma odbacuje pozitivan novčani tok ili ne. teži u menadžmentu obrtih sredstava.
Prema tome, pozitivan saldo neto obrtnih Statično posmatranje proračuna neto obrtnih
sredstava nam govori da je privredni subjekt sredstava može dati neadekvatnu sliku, pa čak i
u stanju da plati svoje kratkoročne obaveze u navesti na pogrešan zaključak da preduzeće ima
svakom o roku, da je poslovni rizik u poslovanju višak obrtnih sredstava u odnosu na plaćanje
sa njim, po tom kriteriju nizak, i obratno. tekućih obaveza. U poslovnoj praksi situacija
Razlikujemo više uzroka koji uslovljavaju je, po pravilu, nepovoljnija od iskazanog stanja
negativan saldo neto obrtnih sredstava, a u bilansima. Tako, na primer, potraživanja po
najčešći su: ulazak firme u zonu prezaduženosti, osnovu prodaje često se ne mogu naplatiti u
pad prodaje, pogoršanje naplate potraživanja, ugovorenom roku, već po njegovom isteku.
skraćenje rokova plaćanja dobavljačima, Zalihe gotovih proizvoda, iako su registrovane
promena kursa nacionalne valute, itd. u knjigovodstvu po prodajnim cenama, neće
Obim i struktura obrtnih sredstava je odbaciti predviđeni prihod, jer je preduzeće
različita u zavisnosti od toga o kojoj grani suočeno sa konkurencijom primorano da
privrede se radi. Ovo je naročito važno odobri rabat kupcima. Za analitičke svrhe je
pitanje sa aspekta zaliha. Primera radi, u upravo iz navedenih razloga najracionalnije
trgovinskim delatnostima dominira učešće u obzir uzeti dimamički pristup zasnovan
zaliha robe. U proizvodnim delatnostima na povezanim indikatorima, koji ukazuju na
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struktura zaliha je prilagođena proizvodnom gotovinski tok kompanije kao sintetizovan izraz
procesu, tako da srećemo reprodukcioni i kretanja obrtnih sredstava. Takav pristup će biti
pomoćni materijal, nedovršenu proizvodnju i analiziran u nastavku ovog teksta.
gotove proizvode, dok robe najčešće nema. U

Figure 1 Presentation of the net working capital structure We can
several reasons
1. Stock 500,000.00 1. Short-term financial liabilities 200,000.00 that cause a
2. Receivables 400,000.00 2. Business liabilities 500,000.00 negative balance
3. Short-term financial of the net working
100,000.00 3. Other short-term liabilities 100,000.00
placements capital to ensue,
4. Cash 150,000.00 4. Tax on gains liabilities 5,000.00 the most frequent
CURRENT ASSETS: 1,150,000.00 SHORT-TERM LIABILITIES: 805,000 ones being the
following: venture
of the firm into
the zone of over-
Net working capital = current assets - indebtedness, fall in sales, deterioration of
short-term liabilities receivables collection, shorter payments dates
due to suppliers, change in the exchange rate
Therefore, net working capital is the part of of the national currency, etc.
working capital that is financed from the long- The volume and structure of working capital
term sources, which in our case amounts to differ depending on the industrial branch
300,000.00 dinars. in which the firm operates. This is especially
The size of net working capital is a significant important from the aspect of inventories. To
financial indicator for several reasons. Firstly, give an example, in the trading activities the
it offers interested parties information on the predominant is the share of the inventories.
degree of liquidity of the observed firm and the In the production activities the structure of
volume of its business liabilities. Secondly, net inventories is adjusted to the production
working fund implies a higher level of financial process, so that we encounter reproduction
stability of the enterprise, as the major part of and auxiliary material, incomplete production
the current assets is being financed from the and finished products, while goods are most
own sources of the company. Thirdly, creditors often absent. In the field of services, in most of
in their analysis of the net current assets acquire the cases inventories will not be present as a
information on the amount of exterior sources balance sheet item. We are also encountering
in the formation of the mass of the current production activities where, for reason of the
assets of the company, as well as on the possible nature of technological process, there will be
capacity for new borrowing. Fourthly, the no inventories of final products (for example,
analysis of net working capital over a longer electrical power production, and similar).
time period, allows an assessment to be made The observed specific features will have their
of the business policy of the company, both in impact on the inventories turnover, which will
respect to the attitude towards allocation of differ depending on the activity that the given
funds (for example, profit) into working capital, firm is engaged in.
and on the working capital management. We can conclude that within the working
Fifthly, the observed economic aggregate in a capital management, the inventories
synthetic way allows a conclusion to be made management policy is an important factor,
on the quality of inventories, receivables, and and at times, even a decisive indicator of an
liabilities management, and most importantly, efficient working capital management. Namely,
on whether there is non-acceptance of a positive the larger the size of inventories and their cash
cash flow or not by the firm. conversion cycle is longer, it will be necessary to
Therefore, positive balance of the net working engage a higher amount of the working capital.
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capital tells us that the commercial entity is Wrong decisions in inventories management
capable of repaying its short-term liabilities on will cause deterioration of the cash flows and
due maturity dates, and that the business risk the entry into the zone of illiquidity, higher
in doing business with them, according to this indebtedness, and higher costs incurred by
criterion, is low, and vice versa. the firm, a disturbed reproduction flows, etc.

Menadžment obrtnih sredstava - vlasnika preduzeća, koji na sebe preuzima
veliki deo ključnih menadžerskih funkcija.
Suština upravljanja obrtnim sredstvima Sektori koji postoje u velikim firmama, kao što
sastoji se u pronalaženju optimalnih rešenja su proizvodnja, nabavka, prodaja, finansije,
u pogledu visine i strukture svih komponenti unutrašnja organizacija preduzeća itd., sada
ovih sredstava i usklađivanju njihove dinamike, se ogledaju samo u jednoj ličnosti - vlasniku
u cilju obezbeđivanja normalnog odvijanja preduzeća. U fazi nastanka preduzeća to se
poslovanja uz maksimalne finansijske efekte. smatra logičnim rešenjem, imajući u vidu
Krajnji cilj svakog preduzeća je dostizanje ograničena sredstava koja stoje na raspolaganju.
optimuma obrtnih sredstava kako po obimu Prelomni momenat nastaje kada preduzeće
tako i po strukturi, dok je funkcija menadžmenta počinje da širi svoju delatnost, a procedure
sredstvo kojim se može ostvariti taj cilj. upravljanja aktivnostima i funkcijama ostaje isti.
Optimum obrtnih sredstava teži da ostvari Vlasnik preduzeća to najčešće opravdava time
dve važne faunkcije: 1. kontinuirano odvijanje da je firma još uvek mala, da nema finansijskih
procesa reprodukcije, uz adekvatno korišćenje mogućnosti za angažovanje profesionalnih
raspoloživih kapaciteta; i 2. angažovanje menadžera, kao i da najviše poverenja ima u
obrtnih sredstava uz najniže troškove. sebe za preuzimanje poslovne odgovornosti i
Kao osnovna aktivnost usmerena u preduzetničkog rizika. Ovakvo objašnjenje je
postizanju maksimizacije finansijskih efekata je moguće opravdati u početnim fazama rasta
svakako upravljanje novčanim tokovima firme. i razvoja preduzeća, jer se poslovne odluke
U redovnim poslovnim aktivnostima čest je uglavnom zasnivaju na znanjima i iskustvima
slučaj da preduzeća posluju profitabilno, obim preduzetnika stečenim pre ulaska u biznis.
prodaje je na zadovoljavajućem nivou, a da sa Disbalans između kruto shvaćene vlasničke
druge strane povremeno dolazi do nedostatka funkcije i potrebe za kompetetnim upravljanjem
novčanih sredstava za plaćanje tekućih poslovima preduzeća u njegovim višim fazama
obaveza. Uzrok ovakvom stanju je svakako loše razvoja jedan je od ključnih činilaca destrukcije
planiranje i upravljanje novčanim tokovima i efikasnog upravljanja reprodukcijom, uključiv
njegovim ekvivalentima. Kao osnovni alat za i obrtna sredstva.
upravljanje novčanim tokovima najčešće se Mesto naučnih metoda i savremenih
koristi plan novčanih tokova. Plan se formira na principa organizacije rada ustupa se intuiciji i
osnovu plana proizvodnje, plana prodaje, planu improvizaciji. Ubrzan rast i razvoj preduzeća
troškova i faktora koji opredeljuju vremenski ne prati odgovarajući rast i razvoj menadžerskih
raspored nočanih priliva i odliva. znanja i veština. Takav pristup razvoju
Pristup kojim će preduzeće upravljati svojom menadžmenta u praksi može da potraje i
obrtnom imovinom, različit je u zavisnosti od duži vremenski period. Preduzetnik, koji je
njegove veličine. U malim firmama preduzeća istovremeno i direktor preduzeća, i dalje sam
se pretežno orijentišu na proizvodnju i prodaju, odlučuje o svim pitanjima, radi po ceo dan,
uz siromašan instrumentarij savremenog nema vremena, i, što je najvažnije, zbog sve
planiranja novčanih tokova. Velika preduzeća većeg broja i obima operativnih aktivnosti
imaju razgranatu organizaciju strukturu u kojoj zanemaruje strateška pitanja rasta i razvoja
se čitavi sektori bave problemom izrade planova preduzeća. Posledica takvog pristupa može
novčanih tokova i upravljanjem obrtnim izazvati stagnaciju poslovnih aktivnosti, a u
sredstvima. Sa druge strane, mala preduzeća najgorem slučaju i bankrot samog preduzeća.
nemaju osnovne preduslove i mogućnosti za Mala i srednja preduzeća bi bolje poslovala
ovakvom internom organizacijiom, a veliki kada bi se angažovali eksperti na koje bi
je znak pitanja da li ovako složenu poslovnu se preneo značajan obim odlučivanja uz
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aktivnost mogu da podvedu pod outsourcing. neophodnu odgovornost i kontrolnu funkciju

Kao što je istaknuto, MSP u svom nastanku vlasnika. Preduzeća sa grupom nevlasnika
najviše pažnje usmerava na sam proizvod i u menadžerskoj ulozi bolje će se snalaziti u
njegov plasman. To je faza u kojoj dominiraju kompleksnom okruženju, ali iskustvo je pokazalo
znanja, veštine i iskustvo samog preduzetnika da čak i u takvim organizacijama vlasnici svojim

This does not preclude the importance of other process, together with an adequate engagement
forms of working capital: receivables and of available capacities; and 2. To engage working
cash. Logical economic approach is that the capital at minimum cost.
collection of receivables should be conducted The basic activity aimed at the achievement
in the shortest possible time, on condition that of the maximised financial effects is certainly
the obligor is of a rather predictable level of the company’s cash flows management. In
risk. The cash, as a universal form of working regular business activities it often occurs that
capital, is exchangeable for other forms of the company is working profitably, that the
working and other capital resources, must be volume of sales is at a satisfactory level, while
correctly used (placed), as it is the hardest to on the other hand, what appears at times is
obtain and it is a target aimed at in the working the shortage of money funds for payment of
capital management. current liabilities. The cause for such a situation
Statistical assessment of the net working is certainly poor planning and cash flows and
capital calculation may give an inadequate their equivalents management. As the basic tool
picture, and even lead to a wrong conclusion for the cash flows management what is often
that the enterprise has a surplus of working used is the cash flow plan. The plan is formed
capital in respect to the payment of current on the basis of the production plan, sales plan,
liabilities. In the business practice, the situation costs plan and factors determining the time
is, as a rule, more unfavourable that the one schedule of cash inflows and outflows.
presented in the balance sheets. Hence, for The approach that the company will adopt
example, receivables from the sales are often for managing its working assets will differ
uncollectible in the contracted term, but only depending on working assets size. In case
after it has expired. Finish goods inventories, of small-sized firms, companies are mainly
although recorded in the accounting books focusing on production and sales, having
according to their sales prices, will not generate at their disposal a rather modest set of tools
the forecasted revenue, as the company, faced for modern planning of cash flows. Large-
with competition, will be forced to approve a scale companies have a well branched out
discount to its buyers. For analytic purposes, organisational structure where entire sectors
actually for the above stated reasons, the most engage in problems of designing cash flow
rational procedure is to take into consideration plans and working capital management. On
the dynamic approach based on linked the other hand, small-sized companies do not
indicators which point out at the company’s have the basic prerequisites and opportunities
cash flow as a synthesised expression of for setting up such an internal organisation, and
movement of the working capital. Such an it is under a great question mark whether they
approach will be analysed further in this paper. can engage in outsourcing of such a complex
business activity.
Working capital management It was already stated that the SMEs, in
their initial phase of development, focus
The essence of the working capital greatest attention on the product itself and
management is in finding optimum solutions its placement. This is the phase in which
regarding the size and structure of all the predominant are knowledge, skills and
components of these funds and harmonising experience of the entrepreneur himself - the
their dynamics, for purpose of securing normal owner of the company, who takes upon himself
running of business operations, by achieving the major part of key managerial functions.
maximum financial effects. The ultimate goal of The sectors that are present is large companies,
every company is to achieve optimum level of such as production, supplies, financial sectors,
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working capital, both in size and in structure, internal company organisation, etc., are in our
while the management function is the means for case reflected in one person alone - the owner
reaching that end. The working capital optimum of the company. In the phase of company
tends to achieve two important functions: 1. A incorporation this is deemed to be a logical
continuous development of the reproduction solution, bearing in mind the limited resources

menadžerima samo povremeno daju slobodu Pitanje broja dana vezivanja obrtnih
u donošenju odluka, dobro čuvajući autoritet sredstava u ekonomskoj teorija se objašnjava
svoje vlasničke funkcije. Činjenica da najveći broj većim brojem različitih pokazatelja. Polazeći
vlasnika preduzeća nije sklon da delegira važne od specifičnosti malih preduzeća, kadrovskih,
odluke na zaposlene menadžere nesumnjivo organizacionih i materijalnih ograničenja,
predstavlja značajan ograničavajući faktor kao i od potrebe pojednostavljivanja modela
njihovom uspešnijem razvoju. podesnom razumevanju širokom broju
Jedan od mogućih pravaca i ponuđenih preduzetnika i vlasnika, u ovom radu biće
opcija svakako je menadžment novčanih obrađena tri osnovna racija, i to:
tokova, odnosno obrtnim sredstvima a. Koeficijent obrta zaliha - dobija se kada se
u globalu. Definitivno je to svojevrstan u odnos stave cena koštanja realizovanih
izazov koji se postavlja pred mala i srednja proizvoda (nabavna vrednost prodate robe)
preduzeća i centralna tema oko koje se vrti i prosečno stanje zaliha,
gro poslovnih aktivnosti. Neophodno je dati b. Koeficijent obrta kupaca (potraživanja) -
odgovor na pitanja koliki je iznos neto obrtnih dobija se kada se u odnos stave prihodi od
sredstava potreban za održavanje poslovne prodaje i prosečno stanje potraživanja,
(reproduktivne) aktivnosti, a da se u isto vreme c. Koeficijent obrta dobavljača (obaveza)
održava likvidnost. - dobija se kada se u odnos stave ukupna
U daljem toku rada biće ponuđen alternativni vrednost svih nabavki (cena koštanja
metod menadžmenta obrtnim sredstvima realizovanih proizvoda) i prosečno stanje
prilagođen potrebama MSP. obaveza iz poslovanja.
U skladu sa organizacionom strukturom
MSP i zahtevima održivosti poslovanja, Izračunavanje broja dana vezivanja obrtnih
najpodesniji pokazatelj menadžmenta obrtnih sredstava
sredstava je broj dana vezivanja obrtnog Pogledajmo sada na hipotetičkom primeru
kapitala, odnosno, koliko je dana potrebno preduzeća ABC Beograd koliki je broj dana
da se početno novčano ulaganje u proizvodni vezivanja obrtnih sredstava:
ciklus ponovo konvertuje u novčana sredstva.
Dakle, radi se o svojevrsnoj meri efikasnosti
upotebe neto obrtnih sredstava.
Kružno kretanje obrtnih sredstava može se
grafički prikazati na sledeći način:

Slika 2. Dijagram toka kružnog kretanja obrtnih sredstava

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that are available. Small and medium sized enterprises would
The crucial moment is when the company be better off if they are to engage experts
starts expanding its activities and yet to undertake significant scope of decision-
the procedures of business activities and making issues, together with the necessary
functions management remain the same. The responsibility and control function in the
owner of the company most often explains hands of the company owner. Companies with
this by saying that the firm is still a small the group of non-proprietary persons holding
one, that it has no financial capabilities to managerial roles will manage better in a
engage professional managers, but also that complex business environment, but experience
he has the most confidence in himself when shows that even in such organisations owners
undertaking business responsibilities and the allow their managers freedom of decision
entrepreneurial risks. Such an explanation may making only rarely, carefully guarding the
be justified in the initial phases of growth and authority of their proprietary function. The fact
development of an enterprise, as the business remains that the largest number of company
decisions are mainly based on knowledge owners is not inclined to delegate important
and experience that the entrepreneur has decisions to their employed managers, which
acquired before he had ventured into the field is a significant limiting factor to their more
of business. The imbalance between strictly successful development.
perceived proprietary function and the need One of the possible lines of engagement
for competent company business management and options offered is certainly the cash flow
in its higher development phases is one of the management, i.e. an overall working capital
key factors of the destruction of an efficient management. This is definitely a particular
management of reproduction, including challenge placed before small and medium-
working capital. sized enterprises and the central topic around
Instead of scientific methods and modern which the core of business activities revolves.
principles of work organisation, what is applied Answer must be given to the question what is
is intuition and improvisation. An accelerated the net amount of working capital needed for
growth and development of a company is keeping-up business (reproductive) activities,
not always accompanied by an adequate while at the same time maintaining liquidity.
growth and development of managerial Further in this paper we will offer an
knowledge and skills. Such an approach to alternative working capital management
the management development in practice method adjusted to the needs of the SMEs.
may take some time and even last for a longer Concurrent with the organisational structure
time period. Entrepreneur, who is at the same of the SMEs and requirements for sustainable
time company director, still remains the only business operation, the most appropriate
one who is deciding on all the matters, who working capital management indicator is
works all day long, who lacks time, and most the number of days in the cash conversion
importantly, because of a growing number and cycle, i.e. the number of days necessary to the
scope of his operational activities, is neglecting initial money invested in production cycle
strategic matters of growth and development to be converted again into cash. Hence it is a
of the company. The consequence of such an question here of the particular measure of the
approach may cause stagnation of business net working capital engagement efficacy.
activities, and in the worst case scenario may Cyclic movement of working capital may be
even induce bankruptcy of the company itself. graphically presented in the following manner:

Figure 2 Cyclic working capital movement graph

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Slika 3. Preračun broja dana vezivanja obrtnih sredstava preduzeća ABC Beograd

2011. 2012.

Bilans uspeha

Prihodi od prodaje 715.000 620.000

Cena koštanja realizovanih proizvoda 620.000 525.000

Bilans Stanja - Aktiva

Obrtna imovina 300.000 255.000

Zalihe 150.000 130.000

Potraživanja 60.000 50.000

Kratkoročni finansijski plasmani 7.000 10.000

Gotovina i gotovinski ekvivalenti 80.000 20.000

AVR 3.000 5.000

Bilans Stanja - Pasiva

Kratkoročne obaveze 105.000 50.000

Kratkoročne finansijske obaveze 0 20.000

Obaveze iz poslovanja 105.000 30.000

Ostale kratkoročne obaveze i PVR 0 0

Obaveze za poreze iz rezultata 0 0

NOS 195.000 205.000

Koeficijent obrta
cena koštanja realizovanih stanje zaliha na kraju i
koeficijent obrta
1. Zalihe proizvoda početku perioda

620.000 prosek (130.000 i 150.000) 4,4

stanje potraživanja na
prihodi od prodaje koeficijent obrta
2. Kupci kraju i početku perioda

715.000 prosek (50.000 i 60.000) 13

cena koštanja realizovanih stanje obaveza na kraju i

koeficijent obrta
3. Dobavljči proizvoda početku perioda

620.000 prosek (30.000 i 105.000) 9,19

Broj dana vezivanja - dobija se kada se broj dana u godini podeli sa koeficijentom obrta

broj dana koeficijent obrta broj dana vezivanja

1. Zalihe
365 4,4 82

broj dana koeficijent obrta broj dana vezivanja

2. Kupci
365 13 28

broj dana koeficijent obrta broj dana vezivanja

3. Dobavljči
365 9,19 40

Broj dana vezivanja obrtnih sredstava (1+2-3) 70 dana

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Dakle, poslovni ciklus preduzeća traje 70 robni oblik u cilju procesa reprodukcije, ponovo
dana, odnosno potrebno je 70 dana da početno dobije svoj prvobitni (novčani) oblik.
novčano ulaganje, koje se transformisalo u Iz gornjeg primera daće se, takođe, samo

b. Buyer turnover ratio (receivables) - is
The matter of the cash conversion days in obtained when ratio is based on sales
economic theory is explained by a number revenues and average balance of receivables.
of various indicators. Starting from the c. Supplier turnover ratio (liabilities) - is
specificity of the small sized enterprises, their obtained when ratio is based on total value
staff, organisational and material limitations, of all supplies (cost price of goods produced)
and the need to simplify the model making and average balance of business operations
it understandable to a broad spectrum of liabilities.
entrepreneurs and proprietors, this paper will
examine the three basic ratios, as follows: Calculation of the number of cash
a. Inventories turnover ratio - is obtained conversion cycle days
when the ratio is based on the price of Let us examine a hypothetical ABC Belgrade
product made (supply value of goods sold) company and the number of days in cash
and the average balance of stocks. conversion cycle in their case:

Figure 3 Calculation of the number of days in the cash conversion cycle for the ABC Belgrade company

2011 2012
Income statement
Sales revenues 715,000 620,000
Cost price for products made 620,000 525,000
Balance sheet - Assets
Current assets 300,000 255,000
Inventories 150,000 130,000
Receivables 60,000 50,000
Short-ter financial placements 7,000 10,000
Cash and cash equivalents 80,000 20,000
AVR 3,000 5,000
Balance sheet - Liabilities
Short-term liabilities 105,000 50,000
Short-term financial liabilities 0 20,000
Business operations liabilities 105,000 30,000
Other shrt-term liabilities and PVR 0 0
Gain tax liabilities 0 0
Net working capital 195.000 205.000

Turnover ratio
Cost price of products made Inventories at end and beginning of period Turnover ratio
1. Inventories
620.000 Average (130.000 and 150.000) 4,4
Receivables balance at end and beginning of
Sales revenues Turnover ratio
2. Buyers period
715.000 Average (50.000 and 60.000) 13
Balance of liabilities at end and beginning of
Cost price of products made Turnover ratio
3. Suppliers period
620.000 Average (30.000 and 105.000) 9,19

Number of conversion days - is obtained when the number of days in a year is divided by
turnover ratio
Number of days Turnover ratio Conversion days no.
1. Inventories
365 4,4 82

Number of days Turnover ratio Conversion days no.

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2. Buyers
365 13 28

Number of days Turnover ratio Conversion days no.

3. Suppliers
365 9,19 40

Cash conversion cycle days (1+2-3) 70 days

najosnovniji pokazatelji poslovanja preduzeća. nepoznanica, a vremena za pravovremeno
S tim u vezi, preduzeće ABC Beograd u 2011. reagovanje je vrlo malo. Iz tog razloga,
godini ima: menadžer u jednom malom preduzeću, sa
1. NOS u iznosu od 195.000, ograničenom kadrovskom strukturom i
2. Stopu bruto dobiti od 15% (prihodi od nedovoljnom informacionom bazom, mora
prodaje / cena koštanja realizovanih pred sobom da ima određene indikatore, ili tzv.
proizvoda), signale za rano upozorenje, koji će mu ukazati
3. Stopu NOS po dinaru prodaje od 27% (NOS da je u menadžmentu obrtnih sredstava došlo
/ prihodi od prodaje). do određenih disbalansa.
Prezentovane pokazatelje treba uvek Prvi indikator je promena u nivou neto
posmatrati u relativnom smislu, imajući pre obrtnih sredstava. U našem primeru visina
svega u vidu položaj preduzeća u okviru grane NOS na dan 31.12.2011. godine iznosi 195.000.
u kojoj posluje. Tako na primer, prosečna stopa Ovaj iznos NOS obezbeđuje stopu bruto dobiti
bruto dobiti za pojedine grane industrije može od 15% i stopu NOS po dinaru prodaje od 27%.
biti 5%, dok za druge grane iznosi 30%. Takođe, Dakle, ukoliko preduzeće želi da održi ovaj nivo
stopa NOS po dinaru prodaje za trgovinske poslovne aktivnosti, NOS u svakom momentu
(maloprodajne) delatnosti iznosi 10 - 15%, dok ne smeju da padnu ispod 195.000.
za pojedine grane industrije iznosi 20 - 25%. Značajno je istaći da je u praksi kod malih
i srednjih preduzeća čest slučaj da oni koji
Identifikacija disbalansa u kvantumu neto donose odluke, iz neznanja ili neadekvatne
obrtnih sredstava kvalifikacione strukture, zanemaruju ovaj
U prethodnom poglavlju dat je prikaz pokazatelj, odnosno ne vode dovoljno računa o
stanja u kome se nalazi jedno preduzeće, tome koliki im je obim NOS u svakom momentu.
kako sa aspekta poslovnog rezultata, tako i Bilo da se radi o povlačenju sredstava iz obrta
sa aspekta angažovanja obrtnih sredstava. zarad sopstvene potrošnje vlasnika, bilo da se
Ono što je karakteristično za navedeni radi o povlačenju sredstava zarad investiranja,
prikaz, jeste činjenica da se radi o pretežno neophodan je kontinuirani monitoring obrtnih
statičnom sagledavanju pozicije preduzeća. sredstava u realnom vremenu kako se ne bi
Drugim rečima, na bazi istorijskih podataka iz ugrozilo tekuće poslovanje.
finansijskih izveštaja, dat je prikaz pomenutih Drugi indikator je broj dana vezivanja
pokazatelja. obrtnih sredstava. Kao i kod prethodnog
Sa druge strane, poslovni život jednog indikatora, i u ovom slučaju se od menadžmenta
preduzeća je vrlo dinamična stvar, a pred zahteva “real - time monitoring” neto obrtnih
menadžmentom stoji bezbroj svakodnevnih sredstava. S tim u vezi, razmotrićemo dve
izazova u pravcu efikasnog upravljanja studije slučaja.
poslovanjem. To dalje znači da pokazatelji iz Prvi slučaj ilustruje situaciju u kojoj je
prethodnog poglavlja menadžmentu preduzeća menadžer (najčešće vlasnik) malog preduzeća
predstavljaju određenu polaznu osnovu i odlučio da poveća obim poslovne aktivnosti za
specifičan okvir u kome će se donositi buduće 40%, uz pretpostavku istog broja dana vezivanja
poslovne odluke. obrtnih sredstava u procesu reprodukcije. Za
Kao što je pomenuto, u savremenom finansiranje novog obima posla preduzeću je
poslovnom okruženju pred donosiocima potrebna investicija u obrtna sredstva kako je
poslovnih odluka u preduzeću nalazi se puno prikazano u tabeli 1.:
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Therefore, the business cycle of the company making business decisions in an enterprise are
lasts 70 days, i.e. 70 days are necessary to pass for faced with many ambiguities and the time for
the initial investment made, that was converted timely reaction is very short. For this reason,
into product form for purpose of reproduction manager in a small sized enterprise, with limited
process, to acquire again its original (cash) form. staff resources and an inadequate information
The above example gives only the most technology basis, must have available certain
basic indicators about the company business. indicators, or the so-called early-warning signals,
In this respect it may be concluded that the ABC that will show him that in the working capital
Belgrade company, in the year 2011, was in the management a certain inequilibrium has occurred.
following position: The first indicator is the change in the
1. NET WORKING CAPITAL was 195,000. level of net working capital. In our case study
2. Gross rate of return was 15% (sales revenues the amount of NWC as of 31 December 2011
/ cost price of products made) amounts to 195,000. This sum of NWC provides
3. NWC rate of 27% per 1 dinar of sale (NWC for the gross rate of return of 15%, and the
/ sales revenues). NWC rate per 1 dinar of sale of 27%. Hence if
The above presented indicators should the enterprise is willing to maintain this level
always be observed in a relative sense, primarily of business activity, NWC at no time must fall
bearing in mind the position of the company below 195,000.
within the branch in which it operates. Thus, It is important to note that in practice, the
for example, the average gross rate of return for case that often occurs in small and medium-
certain industrial branches may be 5%, while sized enterprises is that those who are making
for some other ones it reaches 30%. In addition, decisions, either for the lack of awareness
the Net Working Capital per 1 dinar of sale for or because of their inadequate qualification
trading (retail) activities amounts to 10-15%, structure, tend to disregard this indicator, i.e.
while for some other industrial branches it they are not taking into account the importance
amounts to 20-25%. of knowing at all times what is the size of their
NWC. Whether it is the case of withdrawing
Identifying imbalance in the net working funds from turnover for the sake of personal
capital quantum consumption of the owner, or the withdrawal
In the previous chapter we have presented of funds for purpose of making investments, it
the position of an enterprise from the aspect of is necessary to have a continuous monitoring
business result, but also from the aspect of the of the working capital in real time in order to
working capital engaged. What is characteristic safeguard current business from trouble.
for this case is the fact that it is mostly a static The second indicator is the number of days
assessment of an enterprise position. In other in the cash conversion cycle. As was the case
words, on the basis of historical data from with the previous indicator, in this case also it is
financial reports, presentation was given of the required of the management to conduct the “real-
above mentioned indicators. time monitoring” of the net working capital. To
Business life of an enterprise, however, this end, we shall examine two case studies.
is a very dynamic affair, and management The first case study illustrates the situation
is faced with countless challenges of daily where the manager (most often the owner) of
business life in the sense of efficient business a small sized enterprise, decides to upgrade
management. This also means that the indictors the scope of business activities for 40% on the
from the previous chapter offer to the company assumption of the same number of days for
management a starting position and a specific the cash conversion cycle in the reproduction
framework within which future business process. For purpose of financing the new
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decisions are to be made. volume of business of the enterprise it is

In the contemporary business environment, necessary to make investment into working
as we have already noted, those responsible for capital as presented in Table 1.

Tabela 1. Prikaz potrebne investicije u obrtna sredstva za povećanje obima poslovnih aktivnosti

Godišnji Broj dana Koeficijent Potrebna OS

R. br. Vrsta obrtnih sredstava
promet vezivanja obrta (3/5)

1 2 3 4 5 6

1 Zalihe sirovina i materijala (roba) 896.000,00 82 4,45 201.293,15

2 Potraživanja 1.001.000,00 28 13,04 76.789,04

(A) Potrebna OS 278.082,19

3 Dobavljači 896.000,00 25 14,60 61.369,86

4 Dobit 133.000,00 28 13,04 10.202,74

(B) Izvori iz tekućeg poslovanja 71.572,60

(C) Investicije u obrtna sredstva (A-B) 206.509,59

Izvor: Autorski prikaz

Do sada je nivo NOS iznosio 195.000 što je Drugi slučaj je situacija u kojoj je obim
bilo dovoljno da se zatvori tekuća finansijska aktivnosti ostao isti, ali je došlo do pogoršanja
konstrukcija. Sa povećanjem obima posla za opštih uslova privređivanja. Uzećemo za
40%, potreba za NOS takođe raste za 40%, tj. primer da je usled pogoršane likvidnosti došlo
na 206. 510. Dakle, sada je pred menadžerima do kašnjenja u plaćanju od strane kupaca,
preduzeća izbor, koju odluku doneti sa aspekta smanjenih porudžbina naših proizvoda, a
načina finansiranja nedostajućih sredstava. dobavljači su dodatno smanjili rokove plaćanja.
Najbolje je prvo iskoristiti unutrašnje rezerve Kako je došlo do značajnijeg probijanja rokova,
koje postoje u preduzeću, odnosno, povećati broj dana vezivanja obrtnih sredstava se
obrt zaliha i kupaca, istovremeno smanjiti obrt značajno povećao. Za finansiranje ovako nastale
dobavljača, a onda odabrati adekvatan eksterni nepovoljne situacije, preduzeću je potrebna
izvor finansiranja sa najpovoljnijom cenom. investicija u obrtna sredstva kako je prikazano
Ne sme se izgubiti iz vida da svako eksterno u tabeli 2.:
finansiranje umanjuje dobit firme. Naravno,
uvek se plan povećanja obima posla od 40%
može korigovati naniže, pa onda nije potrebno
tražiti dodatne izvore finansiranja.

Tabela 2. Prikaz potrebne investicije u obrtna sredstva usled pogoršanja poslovne klime

Godišnji Broj dana Koef.

R. br. Vrsta obrtnih sredstava Potrebna OS
promet vezivanja obrta
1 2 3 4 5 6 (3/5)
1 Zalihe sirovina i materijala (roba) 640.000,00 123 2,97 215.671,23
2 Potraživanja 715.000,00 42 8,69 82.273,97
(A) Potrebna OS 297.945,21
3 Dobavljači 640.000,00 38 9,73 65.753,42
4 Dobit 95.000,00 42 8,69 10.931,51
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(B) Izvori iz tekućeg poslovanja 76.684,93

(C) Investicije u obrtna sredstva (A-B) 221.260,27
Izvor: Autorski prikaz

Table 1 Presentation of the investment necessary in the working capital for purpose of
upgrading the volume of business activities

Cash Working
Item Annual Turnover
Working capital type conversion capital
No. turnover ratio
cycle days required (3/5)

1 2 3 4 5 6

1 Raw material stocks (goods) 896,000.00 82 4.45 201,293.15

2 Receivables 1,001,000.00 28 13.04 76,789.04

(A) Working capital required 278,082.19

3 Suppliers 896,000.00 25 14.60 61,369.86

4 Profit 133,000.00 28 13.04 10,202.74

(B) Resources from current business 71,572.60

(C) Investments in working capital (A-B) 206,509.59

Source: Presentation by author

Up till now, the level of the Net Working business for 40%, of course, can always be
Capital amounted to 195,000 which were downsized, so it would not be necessary to
sufficient for closing the current financial search for additional financing sources.
structure. With an increased volume of work The second case study deals with the
for 40%, the Net Working Capital requirements situation where the volume of activities has
also grew for 40%, i.e. to 206,510. Hence, the remained the same, but where the global
company management is now faced with the business circumstances have deteriorated. Let
choice, which is the decision to be made from us take as the example a deteriorated liquidity
the aspect of financing the absent funds. The caused by defaulting in their payments by
best way to do this is to use first the internal the buyers, lower level of orders placed for
reserves which are present in the company, i.e. our products, with the suppliers additionally
to increase the inventory/buyer turnover, and at shortening payment maturity dates. As a
the same time to decrease the supplier turnover, substantial delays in payments have occurred,
and then to select an adequate external source the number of cash conversion cycle days
of financing with the most favourable price. It has significantly increased. For financing of
must always be borne in mind that any external such an adverse situation, the company needs
financing is decreasing company’s profit. investment into working capital as presented
The plan to increase the volume of company in Table 2:

Table 2 Presentation of investment into working capital required due to deteriorated business

Cash Working
Item Annual Turnover
Working capital type conversion capital
no. turnover ratio
cycle days ratio
1 2 3 4 5 6 (3/5)
1 Raw material stocks (goods) 640,000.00 123 2.97 215,671.23
2 Receivables 715,000.00 42 8.69 82,273.97
(A) Working capital required 297,945.21
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3 Suppliers 640,000.00 38 9.73 65,753.42

4 Profit 95,000.00 42 8.69 10,931.51
(B) Resources from current business 76,684.93
(C) Investments in working capital (A-B) 221,260.27
Source: Presentation by author
Za razliku od prethodnog slučaja kada su Poseduju visok stepen fleksibilnosti na promene
menadžeri mogli da promene odluku i smanje uslova poslovanja, a značajan su generator
planirani obim aktivnosti, i tako zatvore novih radnih mesta.
finansijski gep, sada takva mogućnost ne postoji Sa druge strane, da bi preduzeća zadržala
jer su faktori egzogene prirode. I ovde je kod optimalan nivo efikasnosti njima moraju da
izbora načina sklapanja finansijske konstrukcije upravljaju efikasni i kvalifikovani menadžeri.
neophodno prvo krenuti od unutrašnjih rezervi, To svakako predstavlja svojevrstan izazov,
jer će sada eksterni izvori biti znatno skuplji imajući u vidu da mala preduzeća karakteriše
usled pogoršane makroekonomske situacije. relativno nizak stepen specijalizacije poslova.
Interne potencijale preduzeća smo već Menadžment obrtnim sredstvima je ključno
pomenuli, a na ovom mestu ćemo prikazati pitanje i osnovni zahtev koji se postavlja
propust koji menadžeri MSP imaju običaj često pred mala i srednja preduzeća. To je svakako
da čine, a radi se o aktivnostima usmerenim centralna tema na koju odpada najveći deo
ka povećanju obrta potraživanja. Naime, aktivnosti usmerenih ka poslovnom odlučivanju
svako preduzeće želi što pre da naplati svoja i preduzimanju pravovremenih akcija. Pred
potraživanja, jer se sredstva angažovana u ovoj menadžere se postavlja pitanje koliki iznos neto
fazi mogu koristiti za nov ciklus tek nakon obrtnih sredstava je dovoljan za održavanje
naplate. U tom smislu, mnoga preduzeća daju poslovne aktivnosti, a da se u isto vreme ne
popust (kasa skonto) kupcima ukoliko ovi ugrozi likvidnost firme. Da li se odgovor na
izvrše avansna plaćanja za preuzete proizvode navedeno pitanje može dati samo kroz jedan
ili robu. To znači da će, na prvom mestu, biti pokazatelj i da li je promena u kvantumu
smanjen rizik naplate, zatim da se smanjuju obrtnih sredstava isključivo pod dejstvom
ukupna potraživanja prema kupcima, smanjuje objektivnih faktora ili deo odgvornosti snosi
se potreba za kapitalom i na kraju, ništa manje samo preduzeće?
značajno, smanjuju se administrativni troškovi Ekonomska teorija je ponudila veliki broj
praćenja kupaca koji nisu izmirili obaveze. pokazatelja, ali su ona prilično uopštena i
Tako menadžment preduzeća svesno smanjuje podjednako se tiču poslovanja malih i srednjih
profit firme za iznos popusta, a sa druge strane preduzeća, sa jedne strane, i velikih preduzeća
obezbeđuje optimalni nivo NOS za poslovni sa druge strane.
ciklus. Pravilo da se do optimalnih rešenja teško
Međutim, ono što se u praksi često previđa dolazi, pa i ka se dostigne taj cilj teško ga je
jeste cena ovakvog popusta u poređenju sa održati na duži rok. Naš pristup dostizanja
cenom kapitala na finansijskom tržištu. Ukoliko, optimuma obrtnih sredstva i redukcije rizika
na primer, preduzeće odobrava kasa skonto od od nelikvidnosti počiva na dinaminamičkom
2,5% za avansna plaćanja, na godišnjem nivou korišćenju nekoliko indikatora koja po svojoj
će to preduzeće koštati oko 35%. Ako je cena prirodi mogu najbolje da se implementiraju u
bankarskog kredita 20% na godišnjem nivou, radu malih i srednjih preduzeća. Prvi pokazatelj
očigledno je da je doneta pogrešna poslovna je promena u nivou neto obrtnih sredstava,
odluka prilikom menadžmenta obrtnih sredstava koji ukazuje na to da ukoliko preduzeće želi da
koja će koštati preduzeće dodatnih 15%. održi postojeći nivo poslovne aktivnosti, NOS
U svakom slučaju, prilikom operativnog u svakom momentu ne smeju da padnu ispod
sprovođenja poslovne strategije neosporno projektovanog nivoa za taj obim poslovnih
je da promene dana vezivanja pojedinih aktivnosti. Čest je slučaj da se iz neznanja ili
elemenata kategorije NOS predstavljaju signale neadekvatne kvalifikacione strukture, ovaj
za rano upozoravanje da je došlo do određenih pokazatelj zanemaruje, odnosno ne vodi se
disbalansa u kvantumu NOS. dovoljno računa o tome koliki je obim NOS u
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svakom momentu.
Zaključak Drugi pokazatelj je broj dana vezivanja obrtnih
sredstava. Kao i kod prethodnog indikatora, i u
Mala i srednja preduzeća su pokretačka ovom slučaju se od menadžmenta zahteva “real
snaga ekonomskog razvoja jedne zemlje. - time monitoring” neto obrtnih sredstava.

Unlike the previous case presented where Working Capital are the early warning signals
the managers were able to change their decision indicating that a certain inequilibrium has
and reduce the planned volume of activities occurred in the Net Working Capital quantum.
thus closing the financial gap, in this case
such an option is not available as the factors Conclusion
are of an exogenous nature. It is also necessary
here, when making a choice of the manner in Small and medium-sized enterprises are the
which the financial structure is to be designed, power engine for the economic development of
firstly to examine internal reserves as in this any given country. They have a high degree of
situation the external sources of funding will flexibility for adjusting to the business climate
be substantially more costly because of the changes, and are an important generator of new
deteriorated macroeconomic climate. employment opportunities.
Internal potentials of the company have On the other hand, however, in order for
already been mentioned, and what we shall the companies to maintain an optimum level of
present here are the failures often made by efficacy, they must be managed by efficient and
the SMEs managers, and they are the activities properly qualified managers. This is certainly a
aimed at an increase in the receivables turnover. particular form of challenge bearing in mind the
Namely, every company wishes to collect as fact that small sized enterprises are characteristic
promptly as possible its receivables, as the for a rather low level of business specialisation.
funds engaged in this phase may be used for The working capital management is a key
the new cycle only after they are collected. To question and the main requirement placed
that end, many companies offer a discount before the small and medium-sized enterprises.
(cash discount) to buyers making advance This is certainly the central topic occupying
payments for taken over products or goods. the major part of activities aimed at business
This means that, primarily, risk of collection decision-making and undertaking of timely
will be reduced, but also reduced will be the actions. Managers are faced with the question
total receivables from buyers, reduced will of how high should be the amount of working
be requirements and, ultimately, last but not capital in order to be sufficient for sustaining
least, reduced will be administrative costs for business activities, while at the same time not
monitoring buyers who have not settled their endangering liquidity of the company. Is it
liabilities. Hence the company management possible to give the answer to that question
intentionally lowers the company’s profit for through one indicator alone, and whether
the amount of discount granted, while on the the change in the working capital quantum
other hand it provides for an optimum level of is exclusively under the influence of objective
the NWC (net working capital) required for the factors, or is it rather a part of responsibilities
business cycle. to be borne by the enterprise itself?
However, what is often disregarded in practice Economic theory has offered a large number
is the price of such a discount in comparison of indicators, but they are rather generalized
with the cost of capital on the financial market. In ones and are equally impacting business of
case, for example, a company is to approve cash small and medium-sized enterprises, on the
discount of 2.5% for advance payments made, on one hand, and business of the large-scale
an annual level such a company would incur loss companies, on the other.
of some 35%. If the cost of banking credit is 20% The rule that optimum solution is hard to
at an annual level, it is obvious that the faulty find, also applies to the fact that once that target
business decision made in the working capital is achieved it is hardly sustainable on long-term
management will cost the company additional basis. Our approach to reaching an optimum
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15%. quantum of working capital and reduction of

Anyhow, during operational implementation illiquidity risk is based on a dynamic application
of business strategy it is undisputable that of several indicators which by their very nature
the change of the number of days in the cash may best be implemented in the business of
conversion cycle of some elements of the Net small and medium-sized enterprises. The first

Literatura / References U svakom slučaju, bilo da se radi o
povlačenju sredstava iz obrta zarad sopstvene
1. DELOOF, M and Jegers, M.: Trade credit, potrošnje vlasnika, bilo da se radi o povlačenju
product Quality, and Intra Group Trade: Some sredstava zarad investiranja, neophodan je
European Evidence, “Financial Management“, kontinuirani monitoring obrtnih sredstava
Vol 25 No 3, 1996, u realnom vremenu kako se ne bi ugrozilo
2. NIKOLIĆ, Živan: Ekonomika preduzeća, poslovanje.
“Fineks“, Beograd, 2007,
3. RAONIĆ, Ivan, POLIĆ, Stanislav R.:
Forenzička revizija u okruženju elektronskog
računovodstva, Novi Ekonomist br. 9,
“Fakultet poslovne ekonomije“, Bijeljina,
4. SLOVIĆ, Slobodan: Savremeni finansijski
menadžment, “Visoka škola strukovnih
studija za računovodstvo i berzansko
poslovanje“, Beograd, 2010,
5. SOENEN, L. A.: Cash conversion cycle and
corporate profitability, “Journal of Cash
Management“, Vol 13 No 4, 1993,
6. SMITH, M. Beaumont, BEGEMANN, E.:
Measuring Association between Working
Capital and Return on Investment, “South
African Journal of Business Management“,
Vol 28 No 1, 1997.
7. ZIPKIN, Paul, Foundations of Inventoru
Managemen, New York, Irvin/McGraw-Hil

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indicator is the change in the level of net working the previous indicator, in this case as well what
capital indicating that if the company wishes to is required of the management is to implement
maintain the current level of business activity, “the real-time monitoring” of the net working
the NWK at any moment must not fall below capital.
the level projected for that volume of business Nevertheless, whether it is the case of the
activity. It is frequently the case that out of owner withdrawing funds from the business
lack of knowledge, or because of inadequate turnover for the sake of personal consumption,
qualification structure, this indicator tends to be or whether funds are withdrawn for purpose
disregarded, i.e. there is no sufficient care taken of making investments, it is necessary to have
about the size of the New Working Capital at in place a continuous real-time monitoring of
all times. working capital in order to safeguard business
The second indicator is the number of days operations from any impediment.
in the cash conversion cycle. As in the case of
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