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Enferm Clin.



Nursing guaranteeing healthcare quality for people

and families in public health services: A view
from Latin America夽
Enfermería garantizando la calidad del cuidado a la salud de las personas y
familias en los sistemas públicos de salud: una mirada desde América Latina
María Angela Elías Marroquín

Enfermera, Maestra en Salud Pública, Directora Desarrollo de Recursos Humanos, Ministerio de Salud de El Salvador e
investigadora ad honorem, Observatorio de Políticas Públicas, Centro de Investigaciones y Estudios de la Salud, Universidad de El
Salvador, El Salvador

During the last 3 decades in Latin America health reform ical practice, products, procedures or the system itself.
processes have been implemented which have promoted the The improvement of patient safety therefore requires a
human right to health and strengthened public health sys- compound effort from the entire system to cover a range of
tems. Of mention are Brazil, Ecuador, Bolivia, El Salvador actions aimed at improving performance, the management
and Venezuela. These processes have defined a strategy of safety and environmental risk, the control of infections,
for the creation of multidisciplinary work teams which the safe use of drugs and the safety of teams in clinical
require general skills for promoting processes to guarantee practice and the healthcare setting.2 These management
the quality of health care. Nursing staff form an essential processes lead to a shortening in hospital stay and the ensu-
part of these teams. At present these reforming processes ing lower health costs to both the health system and the
are promoting universal access to health and universal people using it. The financial burden entailed by healthcare
health coverage, approved by the Steering Committee of given without sufficient safety precautions is also extremely
the PAHO/WHO in 2014.1 high. Unsafe care leads to medical costs and hospitalisation,
The aim of all health systems is to improve the health infections associated with healthcare, loss of income, inca-
of the population, respond to peoples’ expectations and pacity and lawsuits which in several countries cost between
provide financial protection against poor health costs. Qual- US$ 6000 million and US$ 29,000 million per year. The annual
ity of care is therefore an essential element within this cost from injections administered without safety precau-
healthcare process, to avoid unexpected outcomes such as tions is estimated to be US$ 535 million in direct medical
adverse events which may be related to problems of clin- costs.
In 2004 the WHO created the World Alliance for Patient
Safety, aimed at coordinating, disseminating and expediting
夽 Please cite this article as: Elías Marroquín MA. Enfermería garan- improvements in patient safety areas worldwide, high-
tizando la calidad del cuidado a la salud de las personas y familias lighting the international significance of the issue. In its
en los sistemas públicos de salud: una mirada desde América Latina. publication on research into patient safety the magnitude
Enferm Clin. 2017;27:65---67. of the problem was put into perspective on a worldwide
E-mail address: scale, citing that annually tens of millions of patients suf-

2445-1479/© 2017 Elsevier España, S.L.U. All rights reserved.

66 M.A. Elías Marroquín

fered disabling injuries or died as a consequence of unsafe the living conditions of people in their social setting. In this
medical practices or healthcare,3 and establishing that one sense, the major key to public health system strengthening
out of every 104 patients suffered from some sort of dam- has been the implementation of processes which improve
age having received healthcare in hospitals which were the quality of healthcare, develop services dedicated to
well financed and technologically advanced. Much less is quality and provide offices for health rights through a ser-
known regarding unsafe healthcare in the different hos- vice which deals with complaints and social control of the
pitals where most of the worldwide healthcare services national health forum. Nursing forms an integral part of
are offered. In Latin American the Project ‘‘Latin Amer- the processes of change, improving teaching and distribu-
ican study on adverse events’’ (IDEAS from its initials in tion of professional staff, including a professional nurse in
Spanish) analyses the magnitude of the problems which family healthcare and a technician in nursing, increasing
may arise in hospitals as a result of care. Studies were the percentage of professionals from 3.84/10,000 inhabi-
conducted in 58 centres with teams of researchers from tants in 2010 to 7.85 in 2016.9 This increase in staff has led
Argentina, Costa Rica, Colombia, Mexico and Peru, led by to the development of better care management of nursing
leading teams from the Health Ministries. They demon- both in health centres and in the community. The Nursing
strated that the lack of patient safety had become a public Care Policy (MINSAL 2016) establishes the focal points of
health problem; that being aware of its magnitude through human rights, the universality of care, integral and inte-
research was an opportunity for improvement in health- grated health care, gender, ethics, intersectionality, social
care with the central element being recognition of this5 ; co-existence, co-operation and peaceful resolution of con-
that one in every 10 patients who were hospitalised, at flict. Nursing care is therefore based on scientific evidence,
the time of the study, had suffered the consequences of a in the strengthening of university training, in the devel-
healthcare incident; that the exposure factors were asso- opment of specific skills for patient safety as an essential
ciated with the state in which they were hospitalised; element of care quality and the consideration of patient
that the longer the stay, the greater the risk and num- safety as an essential principle of healthcare. During patient
ber of problems; that there were also risk factors such care constant changes occur to clinical conditions and the
as catheterisation and other entry pathways with 2 pri- care environment. Both the complexity of each clinical or
mary lesions also being associated with pneumonia and surgical procedure and human factors need to be consid-
surgical wound infections, resulting in death and disabling ered. Moreover, it should be noted that in any clinical setting
injuries. where there is a patient, adverse events may present from
A study in Brazil which used photography, showed that the actual act of caring and nurses must be aware to iden-
the quality of nursing care reflects the quality of treatment tify and to act accordingly to minimise them. Another major
and safety of care to the patient and that photographic tool for guaranteeing quality care and the safety of its
research methods may help to highlight risks at work aris- users is the definition of regulations, procedures and stan-
ing from the administration of drugs. Using research may dards in care, as patterns of behaviour to define the roles
help to shorten hospital stay, reduce temporary or perma- of nursing in care and particularly those relating to pro-
nent disabilities and even prevent unnecessary deaths.6 One fessional self governance. New employment profiles with
study at a tertiary level hospital in Bogota showed that academic requirements which promote continuous profes-
the level of satisfaction found was 53.3% in the patients sional development and certify their skills have been put
studied, with the main effect being the lack of physical into practice. In this context several nursing discussion
expression by the nurses when establishing an interpersonal groups have been formed for advanced practice that develop
relationship with the patient (slapping their shoulder, tak- highly complex care plans. The current law on patients
ing their hand) (20%); lack of information about how the has also been adhered to. Finally, patient safety has been
service worked, about the nursing care that would be pro- strengthened with continuous improvement of senior nursing
vided and their health situation (11% and 8% respectively); management in their difference organisational structures
lack of help requested when in pain, discomfort and/or and their training, regulation of processional practice, and
anxiety because help was received after 5 min of having the accreditation of continuous professional development.
requested it (38%); and lack of information regarding their Gaps in training and care practices still exist, which require
state of health when requested (26.6%). Only 26% of patients the tightening of co-operation between the different enti-
responded that they had always been able to consult doubts ties and the fortifying of synergies and communication
and eliminate fears whilst undergoing this procedure.7 These between Universities and health institutions. This approach
effects demonstrated that previous studies are also related towards patient safety and the quality of care from Latin
to the characteristics of the health system of each coun- American shows that both are the result of multiple factors
try and its financing. There is thus a policy in Latin America in health systems, often associated with health personnel
to strengthen the public health systems, where financing skills, to the combination of multidisciplinary teams, their
comes from the state. An example of a fortified public health work load, work setting, staff and organisation of the work
system is that of El Salvador, which since June 2009 has pro- itself. These conditions may be overcome with manage-
moted an intense process of transformation of its national ment of quality, where the health professionals have the
health system. It is based on guaranteeing universal access right methodological tools and instruments to allow them to
to health and the coverage of health concerns, the main cor- intervene with minimal risk to users. One example of this
nerstone of which is primary healthcare. This includes its was the campaign inspired by the World Alliance for Patient
principal pillars of community organisation, social partici- Safety ‘‘save lives, wash your hands’’ and the improvement
pation, social inclusion and quality.8 Moreover, the reform in professional nurse staffing markers in highly complex
sustains social determination of health, which also covers services.
Nursing guaranteeing healthcare quality for people and families 67

Conflict of interests 5. OMS. IBEAS: red pionera en la seguridad del paciente

en Latinoamérica, ‘‘Hacia una atención hospitalaria más
segura’’, 2010. Available in:
The authors have no conflict of interests to declare.
research/ibeas report es.pdf
6. Raduenz AC, Hoffmann P, Radunz V, Marcon Dal Sasso GT,
References Alaves Maliska IC, Marck PB. Cuidado de enfermería y seguridad
del paciente: visualizando la organización, acondicionamiento
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tura Universal de Salud. Octubre 2014. Available in: fotográfica. Rev Latino-Am. Enfermagem. 2010. Available in: docman&task= 02.pdf
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