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There are 11 major organic systems in human body

1) Digestive System

2) Nervous System

3) Respiratory System

4) Reproductive System

5) Circulatory System

6) Immune System

7) Muscular System

8) Excretory System

9) Skeletal System

10) Integumentory System

11) Endocrine System



[1/29, 9:49 PM] Asad Khokhar: "A summary of human biology"


1.number of bone(206)

2.number of muscles(639)

3.number of kidney(2)

4.number of milk teeth (20)

5.number of Ribs 24(12)

6.number of heart chamber(04)

7.Largest Artery (Aorta)

8.Normal blood pressure(120/80mmHg)

9.PH of blood (7.4)

10.number of vertebrae in thespin(33)

11.number of vertebrae in the neck (7)

12.number of bone s in face (14)

13.number of bone in skull(22)

14.number of bone in chest(25)

15.number of bone s in arm(6)

16.number of muscles in human arm(72)

17.number of pumps in heart (02)

18.largest organ (skin)

19.largest gland (liver)

20.smallest cell male (sperm)

21.biggest cell female (ovum)

22.s smallest bone(stages)

23.first transplanted organ (heart)

24.Average length of small intestine(7m)

25.Average length of large intestine(1.5m)

26.pulse rate in one minute (72time)

27.Average weight of new bone baby (2.6kg)

28.Normal temperature 27°c(98,4°F)

29.Average blood volume ( 4 to 5 liter)

30.Life span of RBC(120days) span of RBC (10 to 15 days)

32.pregnancy period 280 days(40 week)

33.number of bone in human feet (33)

34.number of bone in each wrist (08)

35.number of bone in hand (27)

36.Largest endocrine gland (thyroid)

37.number lymphatic organ (slpeen)

38.smallest muscle stapedius(middle ear)

39.number of bone in new born baby(306)

40.number of chromosome 46(23 pair)

41.Viscosity of blood (4.5 to 5.5)

42.Universal recipient blood group (AB+)

43.Universal donor Blood group (0-)

44.Largest WBC ( MONOCYE)

45.smallest WBC(LYMPHOCYTE)

46.Increase RBC count called(polycoythemia)

47.blood bank in the body in (spleen)

48.Non nucleated Blood cell is (RBC)

49.RBC produced in the (Beno marrow)

50.River of life is called(blood)

51.normal Blood cholesterol level(250mg/dl)

52.Fluid part of blood is (plasma)

53.normal blood sugar (100mg/dl)

[1/29, 9:49 PM] Asad Khokhar: National Testing Service

MCQS* (General Science)

1. What is the body temperature of a normal man?

A. 81.1oC

B. 36.9oC

C. 98.6oC

D. 21.7oC

2. Which of the following helps in clotting of blood?

A. Vitamin B1

B. Vitamin B2

C. Vitamin D

D. Vitamin K

3.Total volume of blood in a normal adult human being is

A. 5-6 liters★

B. 3-4 liters

C. 8-10 liters

D. 10-12 liters
4. Red blood corpuscles are formed in the

A. Liver

B. Bone marrow

C. Kidneys

D. Heart

5. How many bones are there in an adult human being?

A. 210

B. 260

*C. 206

D. 300

6. The pancreas secretes

A. Insulin

B. Bile juice

C. Peptic juice

D. None of these

7. Tibia is a bone found in the

A. Skull

B. Arm

C. Leg

D. Face

8. The largest part of the human brain is the

A. Medulla oblongata

B. Cerebellum

C. Cerebrum

D. None of these

9. What is the main component of bones and teeth?

A. Calcium carbonate

B. Calcium phosphate

C. Calcium sulphate
D. Calcium nitrate

10. The main constituent of hemoglobin is

A. Chlorine

B. Iron

C. Calcium

D. None of these

11. The main function of the kidney is

A. To control blood pressure

B. To control body temperature

C. To remove waste product from the body

D. To help in digestion of food

*12. The function of hemoglobin is

A. Transportation of oxygen

B. Destruction of bacteria

C. Prevention of anemia

D. Utilization of energy

13. Which of the following glands secrete tears?

A. Lachrymal

B. Pituitary

C. Thyroid

D. Pancreas

14. Which is the largest gland in the human body?

A. Thyroid

B. Liver

C. Pancreas

D. None of these

15. Which is the largest organ in the human body?

A. Liver

B. Heart
C. Skin

D. Kidney

16. A person of which of the following blood groups is called a universal donor?

A. O


C. A

D. B

17. Which gland in the human body is called the master gland?

A. Pancreas

B. Thyroid

C. Pituitary

D. Spleen

18. How many bones are there in a newly born infant?

A. 206

B. 230

C. 280

D. 300

19. Which of the following have maximum calorific value?

A. Carbohydrates B. Fats

C. Proteins D. Vitamins

20. Which of the following vitamins promote healthy functioning of eyes in human beings?

A. Vitamin B B. Vitamin C

C. Vitamin A D. Vitamin D

21. The average heartbeat per minute in a normal man is

A. 50 B. 70*

C. 80 D. 100

22. A person with which of the following blood groups can receive blood of any group?

A. A B. AB*

C. B D. O
23. Malaria is a disease which effects the

A. Heart B. Lungs

C. Spleen D. Kidneys

24. Which of the following diseases is caused by virus?

*A. Small pox * B. Tuberculosis

C. Malaria D. Cholera

*25. Medulla oblongata is a part of human

A. Heart B. Brain

C. Liver D. Sex organ

*26. Myopia is a disease connected with

A. Ears B. Eyes

C. Lungs D. Brain

27. Leukemia is a disease of the

A. Lungs B. Blood

C. Skin D. Nerves

28. Short-sightedness can be corrected by using

A. Convex lens B. Concave lens

C. Convex-concave lens D. Concave-convex lens

29. Trachoma is a disease of the

A. Liver B. Eyes

C. Lungs D. Kidneys

*30. Match the following

Column I Column II

A. Beriberi 1. Vitamin A

B. Scurvy 2. Vitamin B

C. Rickets 3. Vitamin C

D. Night Blindness 4. Vitamin D

*31. Typhoid and cholera are typical examples of

A. Infectious diseases B. Air-borne disease

C. Water-borne disease D. None of these

32. Pyorrhea is a disease of the

A. Nose B. Gums

C. Heart D. Lungs

33. Lack of what causes diabetes.

A. Sugar B. Insulin

C. Calcium D. Vitamins

34. Appendix is appendix is a part of

A. Small intestine B. Large intestine

C. Stomach D. Liver

35. Match the following columns

Column I Column II

A. Cataract 1. Bones

B. Jaundice 2. Eyes

C. Diabetes 3. Liver

D. Arthritis 4. Pancreas

36. Bronchitis is a disease of which of the following organs?

A. Blood B. Bladder

C. Liver D. Respiratory tract

37. ECG is used for the diagnosis of aliments of

A. Brain B. Heart

C. Kidneys D. Lungs

38. Biopsy is done on

A. Tissues taken from a dead body

B. Tissues taken form a living body

C. Blood from veins

D. Blood from arteries

39. Barium is used for

A. Checking blood group

B. X-ray of alimentary canal

C. X-ray of brain

D. None of these

40. Dialysis is used for the treatment of

A. Kidney failure B. Heart weakness

C. Brain diseases D. None of these

41. Insulin is injected into the intestines by

A. Pancreas B. Liver

C. Stomach D. Gall bladder

42. Lock Jaw, i.e., difficulty in opening the mouth is a symptom of

A. Cholera B. Plague

C. Tetanus D. Diphtheria

43. Which of the following pairs is incorrect?

A. Plague-rats B. Rabies-dog

C. Tapeworm-pig D. Poliomyelitis-monkey

44. Match the following columns

Column I Column II

A. Air-borne 1. Tetanus

B. Airborne 2. Tuberculosis

C. Contact 3. Cholera

D. Wound 4. Syphilis

45. Ricketts is a disease of the

A. Bones B. Tissue

C. Muscles D. Blood

46. Which of the following statements is correct

A. Pulmonary artery carries pure blood

B. Pulmonary artery carries impure blood

C. Pulmonary vein carries impure blood

D. None of these
47. Lungs are situated in the

A. Abdominal cavity

B. Pericardial cavity

C. Buccal cavity

D. Thoracic cavity

48. The human cell contains

A. 44 chromosomes B. 48 chromosomes

C. 46 chromosomes D. 23 chromosomes

49. Enzymes help in

A. Respiration B. Digestion of food

C. Immune system D. Reproduction

50. Food is normally digested in the

A. Liver B. Stomach

C. Small intestines D. Large intestines...s.v

Q1. Total number of continents in the World is

(A) 5 (B) 6 (C) 7 ★ (D) 9

Q2. Total number of oceans in the World is

(A) 3 (B) 5 ★ (C) 7 (D) 12

Q3. Which one is the largest ocean in the World?

(A) Indian (B) Pacific ★ (C) Atlantic (D) Arctic

Q4. Which one is the smallest ocean in the World? (A) Indian (B) Pacific (C) Atlantic (D) Arctic ★

Q5. Dead Sea is located between which two countries?

(A) Jordan and Sudan (B) Jordan and Israel ★

(C) Turkey and UAE (D) UAE and Egypt

Q6. Which country gifted the 'Statue of Liberty' to USA in 1886?

(A) French ★ (B) Canada (C) Brazil (D) England

Q7. In which ocean 'Bermuda Triangle' region is located?

(A) Atlantic ★ (B) Indian (C) Pacific (D) Arctic

Q8. Which country is also known as 'Land of the 'Midnight Sun'?

(A) Geenland (B) Iceland (C) Ireland (D) Norway ★

Q9. Which country is known as the 'playground of Europe'?

(A) Autria (B) Holland (C) Switzerland ★ (D) Italy

Q10. Which country is also known as the 'Land of Rising Sun'?

(A) Japan ★ (B) New Zealand (C) Fiji (D) China

Q11. Which country is also known as the 'Land of Thousand Lakes'?

(A) Iceland (B) Norway

(C) Finland ★ (D)Switzerland

Q12. Which country is known as the 'Land of Thunderbolts'?

(A) China (B) Bhutan ★ (C) Mongolia (D) Thailand

Q13. In which country, white elephant is found?

(A) India (B) Sri Lanka (C) Thailand★(D) Malaysia

Q14. Which continent has the highest number of countries?

(A) Asia (B) Europe (C) Noth America (D) Africa ★

Q15. Which one is the largest producer of tea in the World?

(A) China ★ (B) Sri Lanka (C) India (D) Kenya

1. How many verses are in Holy Qur’an?

A. 6235 B. 6666.✔ ★

C. 6237 D. 6238

2. How many times is the word ‘Qur’an’ repeated in Holy Qur’an?

A. 67 B. 68 C. 69 D. 70✔ ★

3. Which is the best drink mentioned in Holy Qur’an? A. Honey B. Milk✔ ★ C. Water D. Juice

4 The best eatable thing mentioned in Holy Quran is?

A. Honey✔ ★ B. Milk C. Water melon D. Dabino

5. Which is the shortest Sura of Holy Qur’an?


6. The most disliked thing by Allah Ta’ala though Halal is?

A. Hajj B. Divorce✔ ★ C. Marriage D. Murder

7. Which letter is used the most time in Holy Quran?

A. Wa B. Ba'un C. Alif✔ ★ D. Qaf

8. Which letter is used the least in the Holy Qur’an?

A. Zaa ★✔ B. Maa C. Taa D. Laa

9. Which is the biggest animal mentioned in Holy Qur’an?

A. Fish B. Whale C. Elephant✔ ★ D. Anaconda

10. Which is the smallest animal mentioned in Holy Qur’an?

A. Fly B. Mosquito✔ ★ C. Spider D. Ant

11. How many words are in the smallest Sura (kausar) of Holy Qur’an?

A. 41 B. 42✔ ★ C. 43 D. 44

12. Which Sura of Holy Quran is called the mother of Qur’an?

A. Baqara B. Fatiha✔ ★ C. Iklass D. Yaseen

13. How many Sura start with Al-Hamdulillah?

A. Four B. Five✔ ★ C. six D. Seven

14. How many Sura’s name is only one letter?

A. Two B. Three✔ ★ C. Four D. Five

15. How many Sura start with word ‘Inna ‘?

A. Three B. Four. ✔★ C. Five D. Six

16. How many Sura are Makkahi

A. 85 B. 86✔ ★ C. 87 D. 88

17. and how suras many are Madni

A. 28 ★✔ B. 27 C. 26 D. 25

18. Which Sura is from the name of tribe of Holy Prophet?

A. Lahab B. Quraish✔ ★ C. Hashim D. Sab'i

19. Which Sura is called the heart of Holy Qur’an?

A. Iklas B. Yaseen✔ ★ C. Fatiha D. Mulk

20. In which Sura is the name of Allah repeated only five times?

A. An'am B. Hajj✔ ★ C. Maryam D. Mu'meen

21. Which Sura is the name of one Holy war?

A. Room B. Ahzab✔ ★ C. Fathi D. Nasr

22. Which Sura is the name of one metal?

A. Ra'ad B. Hadeed✔ ★ C. Ahzab D. HUD

23. Which Sura is called ‘Aroos-ul-Qur’an

A. Fatiha B. Yaseen C. Jinn D. Rahman✔ ★

24. Which Sura is considered as 1/3 of holy Qur’an?

A. Al-Ikhlas ★ B. Falaq... C. Nas D. Fatiha

25. Which Sura was revealed twice?

A. Iklaas B. Fatiha✔ ★ C. Ayatul kursiyyu D. Tauba

26. In which Sura is the backbiter condemned?

A. Munafiqun B. Humaza✔ ★

C. Nuhu D. Zalzala

27. In which Sura is the name of Allah repeated in every verse?

A. Iklaas B. Mujadala✔ ★

C. Mumtahana D. Fatiha

28. In which Sura does the letter ‘Fa’ did not appear?

A. Al-Imaran B. Baqara.

C. fatiha✔ D. Nass

29. How many Suras starts with word ‘ Tabara Kallazi’

A. 4 B. 3 C. 2 ★ D. 1

30. Makkan Suras were revealed in how many years?

A. 13✔ B. 14 C. 15 D. 16

31. Medina Sura were revealed in how many years?

A. 8 B. 9 C. 10✔ ★ D. 11

32. How many Suras start with word Qad?

A. 2 ★✔ B. 3 C 4 D. 5

33. Which Sura is related to Hazrat Ali?

A. Humaza B. Tagabun C. Adiyat✔ ★ D. Balad

34. Which Sura has every verse ending with letter ‘Dal ‘?

A. Iqra'a B. falaq C. Balad D. Iklas✔★

35. Which Sura is revealed in respect of Ahle Bayt?

A. Luqman B. Qamar C. Layl D. Insan✔ ★

36. Which Sura every verse ends with letter ‘Ra'

A. Buruj B. Dariq C. Kausar✔ ★ D. Shams

37. In which Sura is the creation of human beings mentioned?

A. Hajj B. Hijr✔ ★ C. Hadid D. Humaza

38. In which Sura are the regulations for prisoners of war mentioned?

A. Baqara B. Al- Imran

C. Nisa✔ ★ D. Insan

39. Which Sura deals with the laws of marriage?

A. Dalaq B. Mujadala C. Nisa✔ ★ D. Mumtahana

40. In which Sura is the story of the worship of cow of Bani Israeel mentioned?

A. Baqara B. Taha✔ ★ C. Qasas D. Kahfi

41. In which Sura is the law of inheritance mentioned?

A. Nisa. ★✔ B. Ma'ida C. Noor D. Anbiya

42. In which Sura is the Hijra of the Holy Prophet mentioned?

A. A'araf B. HUD C. Nuhu D. Anfal✔ ★

43. In which Sura are the 27 Attributes of Allah mentioned?

A. Hadeed✔ ★ B. Rahman

C.Yunus D. Yusuf

44. Which is the best night mentioned in Holy Qur’an?

A. Qamar B. Qadar✔ ★

C. Najm D. Layl
45. Which is the best month mentioned in Holy Qur’an?

A. Rajab B. Sha'abān

C. Ramadan ★✔ D. Hajj

46. How many words are in the longest Sura of Holy Qur’an?

A. 25500✔ ★ B. 26600

C. 27700 D. 28800

47. How many times is Bismillahir Rahmaanir Raheem is repeated?

A. 116 B. 115 C. 114✔ ★ D. 113

48. How many Sura start with Bismillahir Rahmaanir Raheem?

A. 116 B. 115 C. 114 D. 113✔ ★

49. In what surah the first aya in the holy Qur'an revealed?

A. Fatiha B. Muzammil

C. Mudassir D. Iqra'a✔ ★

50. What is the translation of 'Muzammil'?

A. The enshrouded One ★✔ B. The cloaked One

C. The feared One D. The Runaway One

51: What is the meaning of Pakistan

(A) Muslim Land

(B) Land of five rivers

(C) Holy land✔ ★

52: Who is the first governor general of Pakistan

(A) Sikendar Mirza

(B) Muhammad Ali Jinnah✔ ★

(C) Liaqat Ali khan

53:: What was the major event of 1971

(A) Bangladesh broke away from Pakistan✔ ★

(B) Tashkent Agreement

(C) Nawaz Sharif become Prime Minister

54: In which year did Pakistan win the cricket world cup?

(A) 1991 ( B) 1992✔ ★ (C) 1993

55: When did Pakistan win Olympic gold medal in Hockey for the first time?

(A) 1960✔ ★ (B) 1971 (C) 1948

56: Where was general pervez Mushraf born?

(A) Lahore (B) Delhi✔ ★ (C) Karachi

57:Where is the tomb of mughal emperor Jahangeer?

(A) Bomby (B) Aagra (C) Lahore✔ ★

58: Who is succeeded Zia Ul Haq as president of Pakistan?

(A) Ishaq khan ★✔ (B) Rafiq Tararr (C) Bhutto

59:When did Pakistan become a Republic?

(A) 23/3/1956✔ ★

(B) 14/8/1947

(C) 6/11/1963

60:How many time did squash player Jahangeer khan when world open?

(A) Six (B) Seven (C) Eight✔ ★

61:Which is the national Flower of Pakistan?

(A) Jasmin✔ ★ (B) Rose (C) Thistle

62: Who Designed Pakistan's national flag?

A) Ch Rehmal Ali

B) Ameer Ul Deen khdwai✔ ★

C) Wali khan

63: Which Militry Alliance had Pakistan as its member?


64:Who wrote Pakistan's First National anthem?

(A) Hafeez Jallundri✔ ★

(B) Abdul Rab Nashtar

(C) Ahmad Chagla.

01:Q. Vladimir Putin belongs to ___ Party:

(a) Communist Party (b) United Russia ★

(c) Nationalist (d) None of These

2:Q. Vladimir Putin wins __ term as Russian President Elections 2018?

(a) Fifth (b) Fourth ★

(c) Sixth (d) None of These

3:Q.Who won the Russian Presidential Elections 2018?

(a) Pavel Grudinin (b) Vladimir Zhirinovsky

(c) Vladimir Putin ★ (d) None of These

4:Q. Russian Presidential Elections was held on:

(a) 16th March, 2018 (b) 19th Feb, 2018

(c) 19th March, 2018 ★ (d) None of These

5:Q. Who is the current Secretary of State of USA?

(a) Mike Pompeo ★ (b) Rex W. Tillerson

(c) Gina Haspel (d) None of These

6:Q. Which Country Expels Nearly 23 Russian Diplomats After Nerve Attack On Ex-Spy?

(a) U.K ★ (b) USA (c) North Korea (d) All

7:Q. Which Country successfully launched a hyper-sonic Missile recently called as “an ideal weapon“?

(a) Russia ★ (b) USA

(c) North Korea (d) All

8:Q. Which Country has approved the removal of the two-term limit on the presidency and effectively
allowing President to remain in Power for life.

(a) China ★ (b) Iran (c) Japan (d) Pakistan

9;Q. Which two countries signed a key Security accord for the Indian Ocean to counter China’s growing
influence in the region?

(a) Pakistan and China (b) India and France ★

(c) India and Japan (d) None of These

10:Q. Which two countries have been recently suspended from voting in the United Nations (UN)
General Assembly?

(a) Venezuela and Somalia

(b) Venezuela and Iraq

(c) Venezuela and Libya ★

(d) None of These

11:Q. ___ Country Supreme Court has issued a landmark ruling allowing “passive euthanasia”:

(a) Pakistan (b) India ★

(c) Saudi Arabia (d) None of These

12:Q. ___ country holds first ever All-female marathon:

(a) Pakistan (b) Iran

(c) Saudi Arabia ★ (d) A and B

Punctuation Mark

Use to...

( . ) Period

End a sentence: Dinner was delicious.

( ? ) Question Mark

End a sentence and denote inquiry: What time is it?

( ! ) Exclamation Point

End a sentence and denote excitement or emphasis: Watch out for that tree!

( , ) Comma
Denote a break within a sentence or direct address of a person or group: Mary, listen to me .

Separate any of the following:

- Two or more adjectives: He is a charming, attentive listener.

- Items in a list: Please buy eggs, milk, butter and flour.

- The name of a city from the name of a state: I live in Salt Lake City, Utah.

- Two independent clauses: The waiter still hasn't taken our order, and the play starts in five minutes.

- Direct quotations: Quoth the raven, Nevermore.

( ; ) Semicolon

Separate two related but independent clauses: I asked Anne to look at my computer; she has a knack for

Separate a series of items that already contain commas:

- For our wedding colors, I chose white, the color of innocence; red, the color of passion; and yellow, the
color of lemons.

- I have lived in Detroit, Michigan; Paris, France; and Sydney, Australia.

( : ) Colon
Introduce a list.

For Christmas, I would like the following presents: a hula hoop, a hippopotamus, and my two front

Introduce a statement that expands upon the clause before the colon.

And so, my fellow Americans: ask not what your country can do for you ask what you can do for your

( - ) Hyphen

Add a prefix: Trans-Atlantic flights are costly.

C reate compound words: Spider-Man is my favorite superhero.

W rite numbers as words: I have lived in this house for thirty-three years.

( or ) Dash

Make a brief interruption within a sentence or a parenthetical phrase: Johnny asked me with a straight
face, I might add if he could borrow the car for the weekend.

( ) Double Quotation

Enclose a direct quotation: If you pick up a starving dog and make him prosperous, he will not bite you.
This is the principal difference between a dog and a man.

( ' ) Single Quotation

Denote possession: I believe that is Allen's pen.

Denote c ontraction: I know it's his because of the distinct monogram.

Denote a quotation within a quotation: He told me just last week, I do enjoy this monogrammed pen.
My wife said, 'Allen, it isn't like people go around mistaking your pens for theirs all day.'

( ( ) ) Parentheses

Indicate clarification: Please bring home some real butter (as opposed to margarine).

Indicate an a fterthought or personal commentary: Anyone can edit Wikipedia (not that there's anything
wrong with that).

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