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Waste Pollution

Pollution is defined as anything that makes an environment harmful or unpleasant

for living organisms.

Waste is created by all lifeforms. However the big number of humans and our
lifestyle, have created more waste than nature can cope with and in some critical
cases we have completely devastated whole ecosystems.

Three important sources of waste are: E-waste, food waste and household waste.

 Electronic waste is due to increase by a third in the next five years. You
need to have an active and responsable recycling your electronic products.
You mustn't throw them in wherever place. May you have a great
opportunity for recycling old circuit boards, mobile, and other electronic
 Food waste, that is a big problema because 40% of food in the United
States ends up in the bin. What you can do? Turn food scraps into valuable
dirt for your garden. There are plenty of creative ways to repurpose those
scraps, for exple the apple peels are full of pectin, you can use the to make
a jams and jellies. Don’t buy more tan you need, make your shopping lists
based on a meal plan.
 Household waste: Around of 10% of the total waste it is from house, some
ideas to reduce waste in your home are: buy reusable, not disposable,
reduce packaging, refill it (fill up an old container instead of buying a new
 Finally try and adopt the three R’s in everything you do: Reduce, Reuse,
Recycle. You don’t throw plastic bags and container in with the recycling
separete them. You can identify them with colors: yellow for paper, blue for
glass, green for organic and red for plastic.

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