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Ben Gallimore

November 23, 2019

Spanish 301

Reflection 3

This is the third learning reflection for my Spanish 301 class this semester. So far, the class has

been going well with the recap of previously discussed topics and learning more about the proper

way to write in Spanish. This class has helped me formulate sentences better and understand new

concepts. This is the final reflection for the semester.

For this chapter we have discussed the subjunctive form expressions of change. The subjunctive

form is something that we have been over quite a bit throughout my time in Spanish courses. It is

an important concept but it is fairly tricky to understand completely when to use it and how to

conjugate it. The concept behind expressions of change are not that complicated but which case

for each is important. Depending on the type of change being permanent or temporary, the

conjugation form will be either subjunctive or indicative.

This chapter was a little tricky to understand but I believe I have got the basics understood. I feel

like I know how to conjugate words in to the subjunctive form as well as when to use it. There

are some cases where I find it to be harder to know when it is supposed to be used but in general,

I believe I understand. I felt pretty confident during the oral exam I took which involved using

the subjunctive tense. If I was to improve, I would need to study the special cases for the

subjunctive form more and maybe read the chapters more than once before class to make sure the

concepts are well understood.

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