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English III
A Few Things to Make a Text Worth Reading

Hmmmmmmmmmmm, what makes me read a text? Well. Having a short text is

worth reading to me. The one book that changed so much for me would have to be
Chicken Soup for the Teenage Soul on tough stuff.
That book grabbed my attention by firstly, having almost the same point of view.
How short the stories were. How interesting and all of them were different from one
I think the most thing that makes any text worth reading is how different it can be
from any other book that you have read. Some different thing that can be worth reading
is if the ending doesn’t turn out the way you thought it would. Or how maybe the whole
world that is made up in the world comes to an end. That isn’t something you read on
the daily or see. Which would make it interesting, no? Or like when the book asks you
question like I just did. Or maybe when the author gives you a back story and things will
start to make sense. You know? Or is it just me that the littlest things can make a text
worth reading. Also if the reader makes you confused by the ay they write how they
choose to go in a different formation instead of the traditional formation as usual.
There's a couple of things that can get me uninterested. Such as getting me to
attach to a character and then…. BOOM!!!!! They are gone. Just within a sentence. You
know it amazing how these authors know how to get us to really like a character or even
the opposite. Really dislike a character. These authors know what we will not like and
what we will like. They know what we might take offensive or not offensive. Or If s
author just writes just one genre and they are really good at it. They will know what
impressed us and will make us keep reading.
They know what makes a text worth reading. What makes you get so interested
in a text?
The book that made it worth reading to me was pretty impressive. Well to me at
least. To you, it can be boring, annoying, tiring, sad, angry, or just all the emotions there
is to life all at once. Let me tell you, there is at least more than 5 different stories in the
book. More than five different authors writing in the book. More than 5 different topics in
the book. Let me correct myself. More than 5 different topics in the book that a lot of
people, preferably teens, can relate to.
Now it all really depends on what types of books you like to read. For example, if
you like non-fiction you will like the book that changed my life and my feelings and my
point of view on everything. But if you like ficton then this nook is not for you. Well if I'm
making this book sound intresting Then it’s called “Chicken Soup for the Teenage Soul
on Tough Stuff”. If this text was worth reading and you got this far then you would have
noticed that I have mentioned the title before.
Oh! I also thought of another thing that makes text worth reading. It is if the
author is making it sound and look like she’s writing into a journal but for her eyes only. I
mean who wouldn’t want to read into other people's journals?? Yes, JOURNALS with an
S because if you knew me and were in my life than you would know that I have more
than one. Or sometimes having a picture right next to your text can make it worth
reading well because if the picture is intresting then people will want to read to see why
you put it, what is it, why is it there, and what would make you want to put it there.
The book that changed my life impacted me by showing me that I am not the only
one in certain situations. That I am not the only one that goes through a certain thing
and certain topics.
Or how about if someone writes a text about their life that was really tough, but in
the end, they made it successfully and now they are at their best. Now if that isn’t
interesting enough for you then I don’t know what would be interesting for you. I will
probably read the book more than twice because it will be so inspiring and amazing.
Hopefully. I don’t know. I always read a book when someone was going through
something tough but that’s mostly it. Maybe one day I’ll be that Author. Maybe it will be
called “You Can Do It!!!!”. Now In my head, I said that with an accent and more energy
and it made it sound interesting.
Maybe I can give you a short version of what it would be like.
“I always had problems growing up. From a little girl all the way up to High school
years. Even before that, I had so many difficulties to go through to get to this point.
Successfully being an author, having a mansion, helping my mom, giving away to many
charities. But how did I get here you may ask. Well, let me tell you….”
So on and so on. A little thing that can make your next text interesting is leaving
the audience on a cliff hanger. That always gets me. It’s always like “OMG WHAT
HAPPENS NEXT!!!!” then I would have no choice but to get the next text because I will
just need to know what happens next. I will never let it go until I know.
Or If someone famous that you know writes a book. Like you are their number
one fan and they come out with a book you will probably be interested and it will be so
worth it. For me, if Beyonce were to come out with a book that she worte I will be all
over that. First, one in line to get the book. I know now that I will read the book. Because
she made herself a name that it will be worth reading. She had done so many good
things that of course the book will be worth reading, but hey that’s my opinion.
That whole Beyonce thin, I don’ t think that was really the whole point of this, but
I did put other points in here that CAN make a text worth reading. I also put in a little
part of my future book. It’s exclusive.
I don’t know why, but for me when I see words that are exaggerated more it will
be interested. For example like THIS. I would want to read just to see why it is in all
capitals. I have done that many times in this text. Has it been worth reading?????
So for most of the time when you are about to read a book or a text what can
make it worth reading on how it is decorated. Or what picture is on the title. When you
are on a website wanting to read something most of the time there is going to be a
picture before you click on the link to read an article that sounds interesting. That picture
can be clickbait half of the time or it can actually be something related to what you are
about to read. A picture or design can change a lot. It can change your perspective on
how you read the article.
As you can tell from this text there is plenty of things that can make a text, book,
article, anything!!!! Worth reading. If you are similar to me it would have to be things that
people go through in real life, short, and interesting. But if you are not like me then it is a
lot of other things. To summarize all that I went over in this text it would be that
EXAGGERATING, short or long, pictures, designs, questions, fragments, and writing it
as if your talking to yourself or to your audience personally.

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