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From 70% recorded for the past few years, the number of children that completed their round of

shots dropped to 40% last year, which made them completely exposed and vulnerable to such diseases.

This was shown when the Philippines has declared a polio outbreak in the country with two listed
cases after almost two decades. Polio is a highly contagious disease which invades the nervous system;
can lead to paralysis, and in worse cases, death.

A succeeding different case was reported not long after the declared outbreak of polio; a grade 4
student from Jacinta Zamora Elementary School who had not received even a single immunization shot
because of parent's restriction passed away Sept. 20 due to diphtheria. The disease is a serious viral
infection affecting mucus membranes of nose and throat which results in breathing difficulties. The virus
can be found in contaminated personal and household items, and in airborne droplets.

While we understand that the DENGVAXIA vaccine sparked a nationwide panic for it allegedly
increases the risk of severe dengue infections, we must keep in mind that parents having their children
get vaccinated is of extreme necessity. This helps the kids be immuned so that they can shield
themselves from any diseases. Moreover, the fear that the parents feel is no longer necessary because
the DENGVAXIA vaccine was already banned here in the country. There is no longer reason to worry
because the government made sure that we are all in safe hands. Also, increasing the rate of vaccinated
children makes our place less likely to cultivate viral infections and lowers the risk of them catching
these diseases.

However, if parents are still not comfortable with the idea of having their children get vaccinated,
making sure that the child is far from any virus by watching out sternly the latter's hygiene and limiting
them from interacting with a lot of people can be a great help. But, they can not guarantee children's
safety against viral diseases.

Polio and diphtheria are severe contagious diseases that strike first the immune system of a person
to prevent them from fighting the virus, and same thing goes with other diseases that most especially
children, are likely to experience. But, through vaccines that the government provide, children's health
will not be in danger. It is a huge step for them to fight diseases that is life-threatening and makes them
enjoy a virus-free environment.

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