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1. The children are playing (Los niños están jugando).

2. We were at the hospital (Nosotros estábamos en el hospital).

3. We are eating Chinese Food in a restaurant (Nosotros estamos comiendo comida china en
un restaurant).

4. Those threes are very high (Aquellos árboles son bien altos).

5. We were singing with them (Nosotros estamos cantando con ellos).

6. The houses are enormous (Las casas son enormes).

7. My babies are beautiful (Mis bebés son bellos).

8. The apples are mine (Las manzanas son mías).

9. They are hungry about three hours ago (Ellos están hambrientos desde hace tres horas).

10. The clowns are pretty funny (Los payasos son muy divertidos).


1. I love going to the movies

2. You are a great writer
3. She is a wonderful engineer
4. She cooks a great lemon pie
5. It's a cloudy day
6. Martha goes to the gym on wendsday morning
7. He is the new teacher of the school
8. I call my mom when I arrive home
9. Sandy dances salsa very well
10. Charles plays football and basketball

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