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Direction fill in the blank

Complete this sentence with switch in A) Tuesday

the box below . B) Monday
A) Today is Sunday . Tomorrow is----------- C) Saturday
D) Thursday
B) After Friday is-------------

Complete this sentence with switch in A) Independence Day

the box. B) Kartini’s Day
C) Heroe’s Day
7. On the 10 of November, we celebrate ------

8. Complete this sentence with switch in the A) August

box. B) March
A) The first month of the year is------------ C) January
D) february
B )The second fourth month is --------------

9 .Complete this sentence with switch in the

box A) In
B) At
A. I study ----------- the evening C) On
B. Nabilla was born-----------2009 D) the
C. I sleep --------at night

10. Change the dates ( days/months/years)

into the format “ August 17,1945”
A. 31/07/2019:
B. 09/04/2020 :

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