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Gerard Angelo Agustin

BSIT 2A1-2

-The most notable topic for me is the number theory. It has different Types of numbers and all of
them make sense. It is notable for me because it has LCM or least common multiple. It also
includes greatest common denominator and number base system. Number base system is my
favorite part. It has binary which is base 2 and other bases. It is fun but stressing to converting
any number base system to another base system.
We can relate it to computer studies because it helps us to count or create program logically. It
also helps us to convert binary numbers to our numbers such as decimal. It helps us talk to
computers because computers are composed of binary. It is helpful for creating programs also.
-The most notable lesson for me in midterms is the Boolean Algebra. The logic symbols “0” and
“1” being used to represent a digital input or output. We can also use them as constants for a
permanently “Open” or “Closed” circuit or contact respectively. It has rules for it to be able to
perform well. It has and, or ,xand, xor, etc. It is also used to analyze digital gates and circuits.
Laws in it are easy to use on Boolean algebra.
We can relate it to computer studies because the knowledge for Boolean is all about circuits. As
you know, circuits are the building blocks of a computer. Without circuits or just losing one will
create error on computer running status. It helps us use computer smoothly.

My topic for finals is rooted trees. The term root usually refers to a top-most vertex that extends
downward meaning each edge is simply directed away from the root. On contrary, a tree without
any designated root is called a free tree.
Sample Problem:



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