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Good morning to my respected teachers and friends.

In this occasion, I
would like to convey my speech on Global Warming. There are several
environmental issues increasing as the impacts of global warming. Our
daily activities are responsible for the increasing temperature of the earth,
there are many factors which cause global warming however the main
causes are known as the Green House Effects. Greenhouse effect is
caused by the greenhouse gases carbon dioxide, chloro-fluoro carbon,
methane, nitrous oxides, etc. Our daily activities are generating the
greenhouse effects, those greenhouse effects are being collected in the
atmosphere then it forms a cover for earth which absorbs the sun rays.
The absorbed heat remains in the lower circle of biosphere so it increases
the temperature level, the more greenhouse gases trapped in the
atmosphere the more heats gets trapped . The glaciers are melting, sea
levels are rising, cloud forests are dying, and wildlife is scrambling to
keep pace. Global warming is not only harmful for human but also flora
and fauna. Global warming cause acid rain which is very destructive, burn
the forest life and it wipes out the whole forest and its living. Meanwhile
the temperature rise affects agricultural crops, forests, marine life, and
any other.

My friends,

Global warming is a huge and global problem, it cannot be solved by

several groups or countries, the global efforts are very needed to reduce
the global warming effects. As we know there are three specific ways to
lessen the global warming effects, those efforts are called as 3R. 3R
means Reduce, Re-use, and the last one is Recycle. Reduce refers to the
waste, as a smart generation we should lessen the usage of plastic,
Styrofoam, and any other industrial packaging because it donates into
greenhouses effect. The second one is reuse, we can change our habits
positively by choosing the reusable products instead of the disposable
ones. The last one is recycle which means that we need to recycle things
that are recyclable such as newspaper, glasses, aluminum cans, etc. The
experts stated that we can save approximately 2,400 pounds of carbon
dioxide emission every year if we start to recycle half of the household

My dearest friends,

Eliminating the global warming effects may seem impossible but if we do

it together I am sure it will reap the fruit. As a student, we have learnt so
much that global warming is a serious matter and it is threating the
human race. Let us save the world from more greenhouse gases. Do it
now and do it from the small things such as implementing the 3R way of
life, save the electricity by turning the light off while sleeping, turn on the
air conditioner wisely and try to lessen the harmful gases emission. The
way to lessen the harmful gas emission can be done by minimize driving a
car, riding motorcycle or any other transportation means. By lessening
the frequency to ride transportation means, we can save the world and
we can be healthy too. Those small things will be a big matter if we do it
together. That is all from me, thank you very much for your kind
attention. See you!

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