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Human Behavior in Organization 3rd Tri | 2018 2019

Final Examination – Case Study

Case 1: Leadership Development

1. In your own opinion, how should Barton make her case for Executive Education?
Use the experts’ views as guide.

 I think most companies before they release the budget per department they have to
consider a lot of things, fighting for resources is tough. In Barton’s case, considering
the Zendal situation it is indeed very difficult to fight for the budget she wanted. I
don’t think Palmer was wrong in cutting Barton’s budget, they didn’t reject it they just
didn’t see the large benefit in her project considering the current situation of Zendal
so they focus on other areas with bigger potential. Barton should review all angle of
the problem, if she’s going to pursue her Executive education she should identify all
capabilities needed to develop that can be useful to Zendal, it’s a good idea if she
would go and have meeting with Stockton, it would be easy if the higher management
will be the one who will point out what’s missing and what they want. Before
convincing Stockton to use her project she should create already set off a proposal
that can make an impact, useful and can make the company profit in the long run. I
think conducting in house customized training is more profitable than outsourced
training. Why conduct training and invite speakers from both Premier and Zendal aside
from they can gain learning from each other the ties between them could tighten. I
remember in my previous company an employee wants to undergo training focusing
on editing since she was transferred to marketing. I search for training providers and
inquired I choose top three providers and discussed the details on email I’m aware
that their department has budget for training but still I suggested that we can ask for
someone from IT department to conduct a training at least we can offer the training
not only for her but other marketing staffs too. Going back to Barton, she should also
focus on the metrics and what type of leaders they want to build and achieve. Once

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she gathers all the information, she and her team can now formulate and create the
design of the training.

2. What is your stand about executive education? It should be a priority or not?


 still it should be a priority, personally, investment on an employee can never go wrong.

As long as we can assure that the company will gain from this because at the end of
the day business will always be business.

3. What do you think are the alternatives for executive education? Discuss the
details of your proposal.

 As I’ve mentioned above, I think in house customized training is better, after identifying
all capabilities the management wants to develop formulate and create design and
instead of line up of professor or consultants as great speakers, ask leaders inside the
organization to grab the opportunity to share their experiences so that assurance of
learning is purely base on experiences. “Leaders must teach the next generation of

Case 2: Why doesn’t this HR Department get any respect?

1. Discuss the reasons why Loft Securities HR Department did not get any respect?
What are the challenges and how do you think it should be addressed or
 Loft’s company has been successful and thanks to Washington who probably spent a
lot of years leading and making the company more comfortable not only for its
employees but also for the clients. It is indeed challenging for Robinson to make his
ground solid after Washington retired, after all, he was the backbone of the company.
Robinson’s specialty was working with financial services company, probably one reason

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why he’s struggling at Loft. During Washington time HR seems like a group of back-
office staff only that’s why they didn’t pay much attention. For someone like Robinson
who came from a strong HR background paving his way at the loft was difficult. Loft’s
HR department didn’t get any respect because employees are used to them being
mere back-office department when in truth HR Department plays a big role in a
company, it is also part of the core of the organization. The challenge here is how will
HR Department prove that they can do other things aside from administrative duties.
Robinson’s strategy is good, that is also what I will do if were him. I will introduce the
HR Department to the whole company by informing them about our role and
responsibilities slowly or step by step. I will propose ideas/programs for the employees
so that we can gain their trust while we make our ground solid. In this case, it will take
a lot of effort and time so long patience is needed.

2. If you are the manager of a department experiencing the same problem, how
will you handle the situation?

 If I were the manager I don’t want my department or us to be treated unimportant.

We are also playing a big role in the company, I will start the improvement in my
department first, assessing the skills of each member so that I can utilize it and let it
grow. I will create a workplace/environment that can be beneficial for employees and
employers. I want the whole company to move forward and start earning the
employees’ trust. Analyze and review what the company can offer during Washington’s
time and try to improve on that in terms of compensation, benefits, and training so
that we can attract and retain good employees. I will also discuss to the management
some developmental plan focusing also for the remaining employees I want them to
know that not only Washington can make them feel important or special.

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Case 3: Managing your boss

1. If you are going to work with a challenging boss, how can you apply the
suggestions stated on the case based on your current or previous work setting
and company culture?

 Currently, I’m working in a BPO company which was different from the setting I’ve
been before. I was deployed to the team which ranked three-consecutive months as
the best team during that time, I was so nervous because I think I will be the reason
their failure and I have a feeling that the Team Leader will be strict. After a month I
learned that all the members are competitive so I forced also myself to be one also
because even though they keep telling just enjoy the work it was different from their
actions. My teammates striving for good grades because our TL was also competitive
and they were afraid to disappoint him. It was very challenging for me since I was new
that time, we were informed of our metrics every day, felt the pressure every time he
reminded us regarding the strict rules and because of that I want to oppose him and
do whatever I want. In my mind, I was asking myself why would I forced myself. I
started comparing our team with the others, why we were the only team doing that
or doing this and strictly complying with the rules why the others are not and it was
okay. In my 4th month in the team half of the members were transferred to the
different departments and we got new members and by that time I started to notice
something with our leader. He changed his approached and expectation from us and
then I tried to learn and understand him as well. I learned that during their meeting
with the management he defends our grades and explain why we didn’t meet the
expected metrics. He doesn’t want our team to falls behind because if we are we can
lose our spot as opener team and he knew a lot of us don’t want that. So for us to
keep the spot he keeps reminding us of our target grade and now he’s doing one-on-
one coaching and feedback, reviewing our works and giving us tips on what else we
can improve. Now, I understand him better, he did things that we might hate but it
was for the sake of the whole team, our leader is not perfect he also received pressure

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from the higher management. I realized it also before from the first company I worked
for, I admit that I had a bad relationship with my supervisor she yelled every time at
me. I just tolerate it but didn’t try to understand the cause that probably she felt heavy
pressure from the owner and also felt small every time the other supervisors criticized
her work. In my whole working life, I realized that not all the organization is perfect,
you have to adjust and learned to fit in, be flexible and don’t expect too much also
with your boss.

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