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The Universal Studio (the studio behind the Battlestar Galactic) was sued by the 20th Century Fox for
copyright infringement. The Battlestar Galactica "borrrowed" a little too much from Star Wars. Among
this, was a tad too cloce to the name Skywalker, named Skyler.

In the end the case was decided in favor of Galactic two years later.

2. In 1988, Apple filed a case against Microsoft. They included that Microsoft violated it's copyright for
189 contested visual display. This battle last for about half a decade.

It is said in an article that the dispute between these tech giants started with a question: who invented
the graphical user interface (GUI). In 1989, out of 189 disputed displays the court ruled only 179 of it
were covered by the existing license.

In August 24, 1993, it was decided in Microsoft favor.

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