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System Approach to Management 3.

Each sub-system derives its strength by its

association and interaction with the other
 It is a collection of interrelated parts sub-systems, As a result the collective
acting together to achieve some goal contribution of the organization is greater
which exists in the environment. Also, than the aggregate of individual
system is defined as a set of objects contributions of its sub-systems. This is
working together, with relationships known as synergy.
between the objects and their
attributes related to each other and 4. Each system has a boundary that
to the environment. separated it from its environment. The
 Therefore, system in simple terms in boundary determines which parts are
respect to management, is a set of internal to the organization and which are
different independent parts working external. For example, employees are within
together in interrelated manner to the boundary and creditors, customers are
accomplish a set of objectives. external to a firm.
5. The reaction or response of the
environment the output is known as
feedback. Feedback is useful in evaluating
and improving the functioning of the system.
6. Organization on the principle that they
have several alternative ways of doing the
same thing or achieving the same goal.
Organization as a System receives Input, transforms it
through a Process for Output in an Environment
(economic, regulatory, and other forces )

Elements of Systems Approach

1. An organization is a unified and purposeful
system consisting of several interconnected,
interacting and independent parts.
2. The parts of a system are called sub-
systems. Each sub-system influences the
Classification of Systems
other sub-systems and the system as a
whole. Open System

3. The position and function of each sub- An open system actively interacts with its
system can be analysed and understood only environment. By interacting with other
in relation to other sub-system and to systems, it tries to establish exchange
organization as a whole. relationships.
Closed Systems  It is unpractical because it cannot be
directly applied to practical problems.
A closed system is self-contained and isolated
 May not be applicable to smaller
from the environment. It is a non-adaptive
organizations. The theory assumes
systems. It does not receive inputs from
that most organizations are large.
other systems and does not trade with the
outside world (e.g An automatic wrist watch).

Advantages of this Theory

 It aims at meaningful analysis of

organizations and their management.
 It facilitates the interaction between
organization and its environment
 It guides mangers to avoid analyzing
problems in isolation and to develop
an integrated approach.
 It increases the organization’s
adaptability to environment changes.
The organization is studied as a whole
and not through its parts. This
enables it to adapt to the needs of the
 The focus is on achieving the
individual as well as overall goals of
the organization.
 Focuses on multiple dimensions of
Disadvantages of this Theory

 Over conceptual
 The approach does not recognizes
difference in systems.
 System philosophy does not specify
the nature of interactions and
 Classification of the inter-
relationships has to be done properly
otherwise it could be counter

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