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Activity 4 - Unit 1 and 2: Speaking Assignment.

Produced by:

Roberto Fabio Cano: Código:19616153

90121A_611 Group 124


Jorge Hugo Hernández

English III

National Open and Distance University – UNAD

School of education sciences (ECEDU)

Mathematics degree program

CEAD Valledupar

Activities to develop

Part 1 (50 points)

1. Post a photograph of a well-known restaurant in the city where you live.

2. Record a video describing the restaurant and telling everything about it: name,
location, what type of food it serves, the specialty of the house, how the service is, etc.
Finally, you must invite your partners to visit it.

LINK restaurant video visited
3. Additionally, you will send two comments about two partners’ videos.
No comments could be made because only my video was published in the forum

4. Part 2. Interview (40 points)

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