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The Titan Slaying Hero who saved everyone and

Inspired Me
Like a lot of people I was never actually interested in books. That was until I
started reading manga which are japanese anime light novels. One in particular really
stood out to me, it is not only my favorite manga but also favorite anime. It is called
“Shingeki no Kyojin” or in english “Attack on Titan”. This manga in specific really stood
out to me because it was different and had a combination of pretty much every genre.
Not only that but I can relate to the main character whose name is Eren Jaeger because
we both share the same idea of feeling “weak” and useless because everyone takes us
to be kids and worthless brats. That is until we decided to go above and beyond and do
what no one else would have considered doing. For Eren that was achieving power in
order to rid the world of titans and go beyond the walls. For me it wasn’t anything major,
just simply getting out and experiencing what this, “Cruel yet beautiful world” has to

Reading manga for me personally is one of the best ways to enhance my


Manga is different from any other type of book because they are short and since I
am mostly a visual learner it provides pictures and scenes of what is happening as I
read so I feel like am there in the story with the characters. In simpler terms manga is
pretty much a comic. I know everyone has their own preferences in reading actual
books but honestly who wants to sit there reading a 600 page book with no pictures and
probably no idea what is happening with nothing but an endless amount of words as
you flip through the pages.

Unfortunately in the real world you can only do so much with combining genres
and ideas to create a story but after a while they become stale and tacky. With manga
and/or anime however the possibilities are endless and you can create a masterpiece
such as Attack on Titan with things no one can experience anywhere else.

So let’s get back on topic and explain some more of how this manga in specific
changed me. Again we go back to the idea of being different and something that no one
else has seen. I mean seriously you don’t find many people coming up with an amazing
idea of mindless man-eating titans and a group of kids who become scouts to reclaim
what was taken from them and combining them to make the perfect concoction.
Speaking of combinations let's explain to how it uses multiple ways to attract the
reader in as much as possible.

From the very second I finished the first chapter I thought, “Damn what a crazy
start.” From that point on I binged the whole thing in a matter of a couple days. Usually
in story or book your presented to the main characters and gradually get to the conflict
or major plot later on. In Attack on Titan however you go from a peaceful conversation
with friends and family to titans swarming in the wall devouring every human in sight. I
can’t imagine what it would feel like having your mother eaten right before your eyes but
can’t do anything at all except watch. Why? You might ask. The reason is simple. We
humans are “weak”. That is unless we go against fate and can prove to the rest of the
world that we can accomplish something. Eren had this same point of view and wanted
to prove to everyone that, “If you want to live you have to Fight.”

This leads me to my final reason why Attack on Titan is the best. This manga in
specific I could relate to. More specifically Eren because we have the very same
perspective on this world. That’s the interesting thing about any kind of book or novel.
They all have a hidden theme or moral that they try to get across. For this one it is to,
“Never give up even if the rest of the world is against you because the only way to live is
to fight.”

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