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ADNU Forum KII interview questions

1 For parent/s of adolescents

1.1 Do you have adolescent children?
1.2 How many are/ were adolescents? Girls? Boys?
1.3 Is/ was it easy/ hard to raise an adolescent? Why?
1.4 What are/ were the challenges in raising adolescent daughter/s? Son/s?
1.5 What do you think are the causes of those?
1.6 How do you think they can best be handled? Solved?
1.7 What is your advice to parents who have adolescents?
1.8 Is the school doing enough in forming your child/ children?
1.9 What are rooms for improvement?
1.10 What do you want to tell school administrators/ faculties regarding their policies/ formation
program pertinent to adolescents?

2 For adolescents
2.1 What are the things you love to do that your parents do not want you to/ prohibits you to?
2.2 What were their reasons for prohibiting you?
2.3 Do you believe them? Think that they are right? Why?
2.4 Do you think they should allow you? Why?
2.5 Do you hate your parents?
2.6 What do you want to say to them?
2.7 Are you happy with your school? Why?
2.8 Do you agree with school policies? Why?
2.9 What do you think needs to be changed?
2.10 What do you propose?

3 For JHS school faculty/ administrator – PRINCIPAL/ GUIDANCE COUNSELOR/ OPS


3.1 Is it hard to manage JHS students/ adolescents? Why?

3.2 What are the challenges in handling JHS students (top 3 to 5 issues/ concerns)?
3.3 What were the hardest cases that you have handled so far?
3.4 How did you help resolve them?
3.5 Do you think JHS parents are doing an excellent job with their children? Why?
3.6 What or how can these be done best?
3.7 Do you think the school policies are addressing these issues?
3.8 Do you think there are rooms for improvement? What are those?
3.9 How can these be done best?
3.10 In a scale of one to ten, ten being the highest, how would you rate the school’s student
handbook’s responsiveness in addressing JHS challenges/ issues?

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