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1. Seeking knowledge of Islam

2. Put into practice
3. Pray 5 times a day(Obligatory prayer)
4. Good friends

Scenario 1 : who cannot get married
Scenario 2 : feel too much pressure to get married
Scenario 3 : those people who became muslim because of marriage, learn along with your
muslim spouse

Before marriage
1. Seeking knowledge of marriage
a. Recommended book : Marriage series by al-jibaly
2. Taking time
a. A matter of balance
3. Aware of that person culture if you marry to person of different culture.
4. Criteria
a. Religion
i. What kind of Islamic lecture you like to listen to? What kind of Islamic
book you like to read? etc
b. Compatibility personality(does not mean same personality)
i. Where do you want to live? What kind of family do you have?
c. Character
i. People of religion may don’t have good character
d. Have enough information to get marry to that person
5. Consult other people
6. Finding someone :
a. Find through family : tell many people as possible that you want to marry
b. Use of website design to find spouses for practicing muslim(not dating

Process of marriage
● Don’t delay the contract of marriage, maybe not live together.
● Don’t frighten to say no

After marriage
Serving the mother is the son’s duty not the wife duty.

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