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HEALTH SAFETY AND SOCIAL WELFARE BENEFITS Emergency Medical and Dental Services:

Book IV, Rule I – Medical and Dental Services Employees Hazardous Non-Hazardous
Graduate first-aider, and may be one of the workers in the
Coverage: 10 - 50 workplace AND who has immediate access to the first-aid
• All employers whether profit or non-profit, including Government or medicine prescribed in Section 3.
GOCC, which employ one or more workers. Full-time first aider IF a nurse is
51 – 200 Full-time registered nurse
• Bureau of Dental Health Services of DOH – in charge of the dental not available.
standard. 1. Full-time registered nurse
2. Part-time physician
201 – 300
First aid treatment – ADEQUATE, IMMEDIATE, and NECESSARY, medical 3. Part-time dentist
and dental attention or remedy given in case of injury or sudden illness 4. Emergency Clinic*
suffered by a worker during employment, irrespective of whether or not 1. Full-time nurse
during employment, irrespective of whether or not such injury or illness is 2. Full-time
work-connected, before more extensive medical or dental treatment can be physician
secured. It does not include continued treatment or follow-up for any injury or 3. Full-time dentist
illness. 4. Dental Clinic
1. Full-time nurse
and infirmary
2. Part-time physician
First Aider – any person trained and duly certified as qualified to administer OR Emergency
3. Part-time dentist
first aid by PNRC or any other organization accredited with the former. Exceeds 300 hospital one bed
capacity for
* The Physician and dentist shall
Medicines and Facilities: every 100
stay for at least 2 hours a day
• An employer shall keep in their workplace first-aid medicines, workers
equipment and facilities prescribed by DOLE 5 days from issuance
of regulation. The Physician and
• List may be revised anytime by the Bureau of Labor Standards, dentist shall stay for at
subject to approval of the Labor Secretary. least 8 hours a day

Emergency Hospital or dental clinic is not needed in the following situations: Book IV, Rule II – Occupation Health and Safety
• Urban Area – Where there is a hospital or dental clinic within 5
kilometers from the workplace OR which can be reach by a motor Coverage:
vehicle in 25 mins. • All establishments, workplaces and other undertakings except:
• Rural Area – There are facilities readily for transporting a worker to o Those engaged in land, sea, and air transportation
the hospital or clinic in case of emergency. (Provided: that their dry docks, garages, hangars,
maintenance and repair shops and offices, shall be
The employer must have a written contract with the hospital or dental covered by this Rule)
clinic for the use in the treatment of workers in case of emergency. o Residential places exclusively devoted to dwelling
Assistance of employer - to provide all necessary assistance to ensure DOLE has jurisdiction to inspect all under the coverage, but chartered cities
adequate and immediate medical and dental assistance and treatment to an may be allowed to assume responsibility for technical safety inspection upon
injured or sick employee in case of emergency compliance with such standards and guidelines.
Health and safety standards – is set by the Secretary of Dole through rules VIII. EMPLOYEES COMPENSATION (PD 626)
and regulations issued by him
Employees’ Compensation Commission (ECC)
Administration of safety and health laws • Quasi-judicial corporate entity – linked to DOLE for policy
• DOLE is solely responsible for the administration and enforcement coordination and guidance, cases denied by GSIS and SSS are
of occupation safety and health laws appealable to ECC, and cases denied by ECC are appealable to
• Local governments may be allowed to conduct industrial safety CA.
inspections of establishments within their respective jurisdictions • Composed of Sec of DOLE, GSIS general manager, SSS
• Setting up of safety committees president, Chairman of Philippine Health Insurance, Chairman of
Civil Service, and Executive Director of ECC. And 2 reps of
Every employer shall train a sufficient number of his supervisors or technical employees and employers.
Employees • The ECP covers all workers in the formal sector. Coverage in the
Non-Hazardous: 50 – 400 At least one of the supervisors of technical ECP starts on the first day of employment.
each shift personnel shall be trained and shall be assigned • Employees in the private sector who are registered members of the
as part-time (Hazardous – full tme) safetyman, Social Security System (SSS), except self-employed workers and
Hazardous: 20 – 200 each which shall be the secretary of the safety voluntary members of the SSS.
shift committee.
Non-Hazardous: over 400 Workmen’s compensation
per shift At least two safetymen, and one of them shall be a • A general and comprehensive term applied to those laws providing
full-time safetyman and secretary. for compensation for loss resulting from the injury, disablement, or
Hazardous: 20 – 200 each
death of workmen through industrial accident, casualty, or disease.
• Compensation – money relief afforded according to the scale
established under the law.
Employment of a full-time safetyman not required if employer enters into a
o VS salary: fixed amount of money or compensation paid to
contract with a qualified consulting organization to develop and carry out
an employee by an employer in return for work performed.
safety and health activities. Provided, that the consultant shall conduct plant
o VS compensatory damages: recoverable in an action for
visits at least four hours a week and is on call to conduct accident
breach or contract or tort)
investigations and is available during inspections.
Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) – is defined as the:
• Loss of income benefit or a cash benefit given to a worker to
• Promotion and maintenance of the highest degree of physical,
compensate for lost income due to his or her inability to work.
mental and social well-being of workers in all occupations;
• Medical benefits which include the reimbursement of the cost of
• Prevention among its workers of any departures from health caused
medicine for the illness or injury, payments to providers of medical
by their working conditions;
care, hospital care, surgical expenses, and the costs of appliances
• Protection among workers in their employment from risks usually and supplies where necessary. The medical services are limited to
from factors adverse to health and d) placing and maintenance of ward services of an accredited hospital.
the worker in an occupational environment adapted to his/her
• Rehabilitation services, which include physical therapy, vocational
physiological ability.
training, and special assistance, provided to employees who
sustain a disability as a result of sickness or injury arising out of • Problem arose: A claim for disability benefits filed by her husband
employment. with the Government Service Insurance System (GSIS) was
• Carer’s allowance which is provided to an employee who suffers a denied. A motion for reconsideration was similarly denied.
permanent total disability (PTD) arising out of employment. • An appeal to the Employees' Compensation Commission resulted
• Death benefits which are granted to beneficiaries of an employee in the Commission's affirming the GSIS decision.
who dies as a result of sickness or injury arising out of employment. • On January 1, 1975, the Workmen's Compensation Act was
When a worker on PTD status dies, his or her primary beneficiaries replaced by a novel scheme under the new Labor Code. The new
shall receive eighty percent (80%) of his or her monthly income law discarded, among others, the concepts of "presumption of
benefit plus ten percent (10%) for every dependent child but not compensability" and "aggravation" and substituted a system based
exceeding five (5). on social security principles. The present system is also
administered by social insurance agencies — the Government
Filing of Claims Service Insurance System and Social Security System — under the
• Employees can claim only for work-connected sickness, injuries, or Employees' Compensation Commission.
death. The claimant or his/her representative may file an • The intent was to restore a sensible equilibrium between the
appropriate claim with the GSIS, in case of public sector claimant, employer's obligation to pay workmen's compensation and the
or with the SSS. employee's right to receive reparation for work-connected death or
• In case of private sector claimant within one (1) year from the last disability.
day of confinement from the hospital. For home confinement, it
must be filed within one (1) year from the start of illness. Issues:
• A claim may be filed at any GSIS branch office, for government 1. Whether brain tumor which causes are unknown but contracted
employees, or at any SSS branch office, for employees in the during employment is compensable under the present
private sector. compensation laws.
2. Whether the presumption of compensability is absolutely
Zaida Raro vs ECC and GSIS (GR No. 58445, 27 April 1989) inapplicable under the present compensation laws when a disease
is not listed as occupational disease.
Social Insurance - a system of compulsory contribution of fixed and regular
premiums to provide government assistance in sickness, unemployment, Held:
etc. The Court saw no arbitrariness in the Commission's allowing vinyl chloride
workers or plastic workers to be compensated for brain cancer. What the law
Facts: requires for others is proof. The law, as it now stands requires the claimant
• The petitioner states that she was in perfect health when employed to prove a positive thing –The illness was caused by employment and the
as a clerk by the Bureau of Mines and Geo-Sciences at its Daet, risk of contracting the disease is increased by the working conditions. Unless
Camarines Norte regional office on March 17,1975. it be shown that a particular form of cancer is caused by specific working
• About four years later, she began suffering from severe and conditions, it cannot be concluded that it was the employment which
recurrent headaches coupled with blurring of vision. Forced to take increased the risk of contracting the disease.
sick leaves every now and then, she sought medical treatment in
Manila. To say that since the proof is not available, therefore, the trust fund has the
• The petitioner was diagnosed at the Makati Medical Center to be obligation to pay is contrary to the legal requirement that proof must be
suffering from brain tumor. By that time, her memory, sense of time, adduced. The existence of otherwise non-existent proof cannot be presumed
vision, and reasoning power had been lost. .The Court has recognized the validity of the present law and has granted
and rejected claims according to its provisions. We find in it no infringement No more presumption of compensability
of the worker's constitutional rights. Exception: for AFP members and Policemen

Dissenting opinions by J. Sarmiento and Paras: Quebec vs GSIS (ECC case no. 4310, 9 November 1988)
It would be asking too much of petitioner, who is cancer stricken, to prove • The moment an AFP member suffers a contingency, the
that her illness was caused by her work when medical experts, including the presumption is that it is because of the nature of his work. This
GSIS and ECC themselves are ignorant as to what brings it about. policy is adopted because of certain serious peace and order
problems of the country, and members of the AFP and policemen
Source of compensation: have become “marked men” or are targets of the insurgents of
1. Direct payment statutes – payment by the employer lawless elements.
2. Insurance statutes
• Requires the employer to take out insurance with the following: The old law destroyed the parity or balance between the competing interests
o Insurance bureau operated by the state of the employer and employee with respect to workmen’s compensation.
o Private company
• Requires the employer to a compensation fund (State Under the present law for an employee to be entitled to sickness, injury or
Insurance Fund) death benefits, it must have resulted:
o All employers are required to remit a monthly 1. Any illness definitely accepted as an occupational disease listed by
contribution equivalent to 1% of the monthly salary Commission.
credit of every covered employee. The employee pays 2. Any illness caused by employment subject to proof that the risk of
no contribution into the fund; agreement to the contracting the same is increased by working conditions.
contrary is VOID and PROHIBITED. 3. Proof of reasonable work connection, and is required only if cause
o Employer shall not suffer to pay the benefits, and is known, in cancer cases, proof that the working condition has
employer joins the employee in trying to have their Increased the risk of cancer is required
claims approved and is spared from the problem of
proving a negative proposition that the disease was Burden of proof - The employee should prove compensability, and must
not caused by employment. show proof reasonable work-connection, not necessarily direct causal
relation. The degree of proof required is merely substantial evidence, and is
Workmen’s Compensation Act Employees’ Compensation Law determined on a case-to-case basis.
Presumption of compensability –
once it is proven that injury or Compensable injury or illness
Abolished What is compensated is not the injury or the disease but the attendant loss
disease arose in course of
employment or impairment of earning capacity. To be compensable it must satisfy the
Principle of aggravation – rule that if following:
ailment aggravated by work, Abolished 1. Employee must have been injured at the place where his work
employer becomes liable requires him to be;
Requires the employer to controvert 2. Employee must have been performing his official functions;
No need to controvert because the 3. If the injury is sustained elsewhere, the employee must have been
the claim within 14 days from
claim is against the SIF not the executing an order for the employer.
disability or 10 days from knowledge
otherwise considered waived
Concept of arising out of and in the course of employment (work-connection) § The employer provides the transportation going
• Arising out - origin or cause to or coming from the work place (Shuttle bus
o Nature and degree of relation has a conflict of views, rule)
whether it should be inherent or sufficient that employee
was exposed by reason of employment not necessarily o ECC Resolution No. 3914 (5 July 1988) – extending the
inherent. If employment is one of the contributing causes, compensable coverage of off-premises injury from near
or if accident arises as the end product of a force or cause the premises up to the residence of the employee,
set in motion in the course employment. provided that:
• In the course of - time and place § Act of employee of going to, or coming from the
o Not necessary during hours of active labor or in premises workplace, must have been a continuing act, no
or within the control of the employer. Can be used in diversion nor departed from his usual route to
passing to and from the place where the work is to be and from his workplace.
done. § Not anymore applied: Street peril doctrine -
considers the extent to which there is an inherent
Proximate cause risk of being injured while using public roadways.
• Sufficient cause - that which sets other causes in motion; natural
and continuous chain of event and must have been adequate to
produce the resultant damage without any: Incidents of employment – it is settled that injuries sustained in connection
o Independent intervening cause – usually the claimant’s with acts which are reasonably incidental to the employment are deemed as
negligence or misconduct arising out of such employment.
o Special rule for AFP and PNP personnel • Acts of ministration – are those done by a person for purpose of
§ 24 hour rule for military and police personnel - satisfying the call of nature. They are deemed to incidents of
work connection still required employment and necessary to the health of the employee, so that
§ Different concept of the workplace (but injuries sustained are compensable.
performing task which are basically related to o Rest or Refreshment
their duty as peace officers, with permission from o Lunch period
a superior office) o Union meeting
§ Non compensable: Injury during vacation leaves • Acts for the benefits of the employer
or while moonlighting (side jobs, taking on a o Work at home – if made pursuant to the request of the
second job separate from your main source of employer (not compensable if voluntarily performed by the
income) employee)
o Special Errand rule – Must be covered by an office order
• Ingress and egress rule (Proximity rule) or a locator slip or pass or official business
o Going to or Coming from - General rule: Not covered • Acts during emergencies
o Exceptions: o Expressly ordered by employer
§ Proceeding to or from his work in the premises of o Absence of orders, but act was reasonably necessary
the employer • Acts to further the goodwill of the business - Even without
§ About to enter or about to leave the workplace emergency, direct orders, or reasonable necessity, if it was done in
§ Employee is performing some errand for the the furtherance of the employer’s business in pursuance of a habit
employer on his way to or from the workplace or custom.
• While travelling o Where there is serious doubt that prohibition was known to
o Where employee uses own vehicle which he also uses in the employees injured
performance of his duties o Where the violation was not intentional but due to
o Effect of deviation from route, schedule, or mode of travel carelessness or negligence.
– Depends upon the extent, purpose and effect. An o Exception: Intoxication, willful intention to injure or kill
unauthorized deviation is not compensable. It is himself or another, notorious negligence, or otherwise
compensable only after deviation has ended and the excluded from coverage of law.
employee is again in the course of his employment
o Dual purpose doctrine – considers an injury as Sickness – any illness definitely accepted as an occupational disease listed
compensable when an employee sustains it while on a by the Commission or any illness caused by employment subject to proof by
business trip for the benefit of the employer while an the employee that the risk of contracting the same is increased by working
employee pursues a personal purpose. conditions.
§ Resolution No. 99-08-0469, requiring that the
services of the employer is at least a concurrent Occupational disease – must be one due wholly to causes and conditions
cause of the trip of the employee. which are normal and constantly present and characteristic of the particular
• Employer sponsored activities – fall under special engagement rule, occupation, that is, those things which science and industry have not yet
which is one of the exceptions to the direct premises rule. learned how to eliminate. The employer is bound to require pre-employment
examination of employees exposed to occupational diseases.
• Acts of God or Force Majeur/Fortuitous Events – employer is not
responsible when the employee has been exposed to a greater
danger than usual.
o Exception: Positional and Local Risks – when one in the
course of his employment is reasonably required to be at a
particular place and a particular time, and there meets an
accident. (Since if it weren’t for the order, employee would
not have been exposed to the danger)
• Assault
o As an accident - work connection is required or in the
course of employment - the job has increased the risk of
being exposed to the assault
o Outside work – When a quarrel had its origin at work,
injury from assault committed outside the work premises is
deemed compensable. Quarrel to ending must be taken as

Effects of violation of rules

• Acts within the sphere of employment but carried out in violation of
some employer-promulgated rules are compensable.
o Where the violation of the rule did not bring about the

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