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1. Learn Something New From Every Person You Meet – With every interaction we
have with people, there are takeaways we can get. Sometimes we can
get too comfortable in our own world. It’s good to hear differences in opinion and
other perspectives. It’s amazing the wisdom that is out there! Tap into it. Learn
from others!
2. Enhance Your Communication Skills – When you interact with people of diverse
backgrounds, it gives you the ability to practice your verbal communication skills.
The more comfortable you get communicating, this can open up many
possibilities for you in your personal and professional life.
3. Gain New Friendships – It’s amazing the number of quality people that I have
met by just starting a conversation! Keep yourself open to great
opportunities. And it’s always great to make a new friendship!
4. Acquire New Clients – Opportunities for new client acquisition is everywhere. By
starting a conversation with people, you get to listen to what their hopes and
dreams are in life. And you just never know, you might gain a client out of it all.
Keep your eyes and mind open!
5. Get New Fresh Ideas – We all get stuck sometimes in life. Our ideas for our
personal and professional life might appear to be good to us, but when you get
around new people, you can come alive with new creative ideas to get you
pumped up about your life.
6. Have a Quality List of Resources – Successful people have great resources in
life for themselves and to provide value to others. Having a strong network of
people in your inner circle that are experts in different fields is an awesome thing
to have! Because when you need something, it’s always a good thing to have
trusted people to lean on. The person next to you might be the resource you
need right now or at a later time.

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