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The Arts are Fun!

By: Lindsey Perkins

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- On Jackson’s first day of second grade his class was learning about art, he was not excited.
- “Art is boring, I don’t like to draw,” he said.
- “Well Jackson, there are different types of art that you might enjoy, it doesn’t have to be drawing
and painting,” said Ms. Smith.

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- During class Ms. Smith taught the children about several types of art, such as theater.
- “Theater is when you act out scenes, it could be on a stage or in the classroom.”
- “Don’t you get to dress up?” asked Sarah.
- “You’re right Sarah! There are costumes and props that you get to use.”
- Theater is a great way to make friends and have fun!

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- “My sister goes to dance classes after school, is that art too?” asked Jackson.
- “Yes! Dance is another form of art that you can try. It can be formal like joining a dance class or
you can just dance for fun. Turn on music and make up your own moves”

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- “But isn’t dancing just for girls?,” said Carly.
- “Dancing is for everyone, boys and girls. There
- Next time you get the chance, turn on a song you like and have fun dancing and expressing

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- Later in the class Ms. Smith remembered another kind of art the children might enjoy.
- She asked the class, “Does anyone like to sing? Or listen to music?”
- Multiple students raised their hands.
- “Well there is another form of art that most of you would like.”

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- “What is it, Ms. Smith?” asked Jackson.
- “Well Jackson, it is MUSIC. You can try playing an instrument like the piano, the guitar the
drums, anything!”
- “Does just singing count?” wondered Carly.
- “Yes Carly, singing is music too. See class, there are so many different things you can do with
each form of art.” said Ms. Smith.
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- “Now that we have talked about the many different kinds of art lets try them out!”
- The rest of the day Jackson and the class got to try all the different types of art and he ended up
finding one he loves…

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Now it’s time for you to explore…
- Sing your favorite song!
- Draw your favorite animal!
- Act out your favorite show!
- Dance to this tune!

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