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It is essential to look at how Google monopolizes the online adds market, which

has a major impact on the international economy. In addition to this problem there
can be found solutions like imposing huge taxes, fees, fines on this giant or
investing in new publicity companies.

One solution is the imposing of huge taxes on this corporation which will
threaten the future plans of it. This politics will be adopted by many countries
which will punish the firm with a very touchy topic – money. For example, the
Volkswagen Group, Nokia were subjects of these big penalties which affected
them very, very much. This actions will directly decrease the power of Google and
decrease the influence of it. Therefore, in this way the GDP has a big chance to
increase, which will help very much the government and the population.

Another method is investing in new companies in order to create a strong

competition to such a magnate. In that case, there should be created new
promissive businesses to attract the best specialists and, furthermore, the
employees of Google. As an illustration of this could serve Huawei which became
from a small unimportant electronics brand to a really competitive threat to
Samsung and Apple. In the same way, a new strong competition can sink this
’’Titanic’’ by offering much better products and services. Above all, there will be
created a lot of new jobs and a stability in the market.

In conclusion, the Google adds is a very important problem which should interest
people, because these adevertisments manipulates the folk and, as a result, bring a
great profit to this empire.

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