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Any oktaviani

Jihan Nabilah

Nadia Ayu agiska

5 problems and the solution for the violaton on office etiquette

1. Untidy employee

There's a bunch of employees that still wearing the informal clothes, even tho the attire etiquette that's
why these kind of thing is violating the attire etiquette.

Also, there's some of the employees are smelly, they be suru to shower regularly and use a suitable
deodorant. Wether or not, if we think that our bad smell doesn't affect anyone else. It's superbly affect!
Making people will be in a bad mood, creating bad adtmpsphere at the office.

What's the solution?

The managerneed to stric to teir employees so they will understand what should they do and don't so it
will fix the bad atmosphere at the office

2. Back-stabber person

Somehow, there might be something we dislike from our workspace. But, we need something or called
"solution" for the problem.

Still, there some of them that superbly careless on their work condition, and instantly thinking that they
can do other job outside the company which actually forbidden by the company.

And this is what we called back-stabbing our own company, and this one is violating the manner

What's the solution?

From the begining of the open recruitmen we need to plan and prepare a tests that will affect the future
condition of the office. Ex: psycho test
3. Interrupt colleague when speaking

Interrupting people when they are talking is such a big mistake. Why do we said so? Because, it such a
rude action and it shows us a lack of social skills.

What's the solution?

Giving the ultimatum to the mannerless employee. After all, everything will be fine.

4. Different personalities

One of the conflict in our work place is the different personalities among one employee and the other

Especially, indonesia has a lot of origin and races, different characters, background, and the place of
they were born might be the root of the conflict.

Example, speaking style or accent of someone is different with where we were growing up. If that person
can't accept it, it might be hurting our feeling.

What's the solution?

The solution of this condition, we need to respect each other and not judging them, our collague, that
has different character with us. Try to learn someone's character and they might do the same.

5. Bad competition

Compete in our work place is actually needed for creating the atmosphere of the office is conducive and
build up the spirit of the worker also the level of productivity is going great.

Somehow, if this kind of thing is going 'unhealthy', then, the competition itself will triggering conflict on
our workplace towards the employee
In some companies it may be found that the performance is too pressing for employees to be able to
compete with each other tightly. Not to mention if employee productivity is always associated with a
salary increase.

When we talk about salary, most of people will certainly do a variety of ways in order to win the
competition, including in an unhealthy way. Even worse, the employees became very individualistic and
couldn't work in a work team.

To resolve conflicts in this one workplace, you can create a healthy competition, prioritize shared goals
and create a culture of corporate ownership for each employee.

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