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Alumna: Mariaelena Aranda Leal.

Matrícula: 19005661.

Módulo: Idioma Extranjero I v2

Evidencia: Assignment 4 Text


Asesor: Jessica Hernández Foy.

Fecha: 01- Agosto- 2019.

Sentences with Apostrophe + S

My father's work is in front of the bank.

My brother's girlfriend is dumb.

The children’s toys are broken.

The girls’ handbags are on the table.

The ladies’ room is down the hall.

Sentences with the verb " To have"

I have one sister and four brothers.

The house has two large windows.

She has many friends in Germany.

I have lots of homework to finish

I have a decision to make.

I always have my car washed and polished.

My boyfriend has an electric guitar.

My mother has good plans to go out.

My dog has a cute bed for sleeping.

My best friend has a good pants.

Sentences with There Is/Are + preposition On/At/In

There is a garden in front of the house.

There are many teachers in that school.

There is not a person in the Enterprise.

There are not any problems on your computer.

Are there several restaurants on this street?

Is there a clothing store on this avenue?

There are several oranges on the table.

There is some milk and coffee in the fridge.

Is there a computer in the enterprise?

There are not any problems at our work

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