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(Group of 4) 40%

This will be a group exploration of a sub-field in any area, science and

technology, social science, or arts and humanities.

Output from this assignment will be a written report in the form of a bibliography
using the latest APA or MLA citation style, with font size 11 (Times New Roman /

The bibliography should : -

- contain at minimum 50 information sources which should cover printed
and non printed material
- should try to include as much material that have been covered in class
- for each material maximum of 3 citation is only allowed
- for each material start on a new page, don’t let it hang!, if it can’t fit on
one page. Start your reference list on a new page, regardless of how
much blank space is left on the last page of your paper.
- List all entries in alphabetical order. Anonymous works are listed
alphabetically according to the first word of the title, omitting a, an, or the
if one of these words begin the title.
- Do not number your entries
- information regarding the location of the material (from which library) and
its call number should be included in the bibliography.
- Use 1.5 spacing throughout the reference list.

How to compile:
- Cover with topic
- Title page
- Dedication (not compulsory)
- Contents page
- Acknowledgement
- Introduction – history/background, definition
- Scope & Objective - either current/retrospective/both; either pertaining to
one country/ international
- Arrangement
- Language of material
- Level of bibliography – target audience
- Limitation or problems

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