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Landmark Court Rulings

Regarding ELLs
Research Guide

Group Members: Delaney Bartlett


Who is the defendant in this case?

Tyler School District Superintendent & Board of Trustees

Who is the plaintiff in this case? Parents of Children; “Illegal Aliens”

What claims are being made by the plaintiff?

Texas was withholding state funds for the education of children who were not “legally admitted”
in to the US, which authorized local school districts to deny enrollment to the children. Which
violated the Equal Protection Clause.

Where did this case originate? Tyler Independent School District; Tyler, Texas

In what year did this case originate? 1981

In what year was this case decided by the Supreme Court? 1982

What was the majority opinion of the Supreme Court (winning side)?

The court ruled that illegal aliens and their children are protected under the 14th amendment and that the
state law severely disadvantaged children.

Why is this case considered a “Landmark”? How did it affect the education of ELLs?

Said that all schools must welcome all students, documented or not, under the equal protection clause and
give them a right to education.

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