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(A Correlation Study at the first Grade of the SMAN 2 DUMOGA)









A. The Background of the Study

In Indonesia, English is one of the compulsory subjects taught in high school.

There are four skills that should be mastered namely listening, speaking, reading, and

writing. Listening is considered as an important skill to be accomplished by students.

As one of important skills in language learning, listening plays an important

role in communication. It requires the learners to receive and to understand incoming

information or input (Ross; 2002).

Listening is an active skill because listeners do not only receive the things they

hear but also do a great constructive work and interpretative work by integrating the

information with the real world knowledge (cited in Sabinus 2013).

According to many researchers, listening is one of the important skills that

should be mastered because it helps students to improve other English skills. In the

daily life, people listen more than they read, speak or write. The second grade

students of high schools have to master the listening skills so that they can

understand some instructions from their teacher in the English teaching and learning

process and they can finally respond to them well.

In learning listening process, the teacher needs learning technique to improve

students’ achievement especially in listening. According to Anthony, Edward M

(1963) defines; the learning technique is a way of strategy used by teachers to achieve

maximum results in the learning process.

As in SMA Mandiri Pontianak they apply the method of VOA (Voice of

America) and in SMA Negeri 2 Luwuk they uses Adapting Dictogloss technique in

their learning process. The two different techniques are successfully applied in their

respective schools.

In SMA 2 Dumoga, VOA teaching techniques cannot be apply because the

inadequate facilities. In addition, the tekhnique of Dictogloss Adapting has been done

by the teachers in SMA Negeri 2 Dumoga, but the score of the student still lower.

Based on the problem bove the researcher concludes will apply different

technique using the scramble sentence technique, to examine whether there is a

correlation between the scramble sentences tekhnique and students’ listening


B. Is there any correlation between scramble sentences tekhnique and students’ listening


C. The objective of the study is to find empirical evidence of whether or not there is

significant correlation between correlation between the scramble sentences

tekhnique and students’ listening achievement in English subject.

D. The Limitation of the Problem

The study is focused on scramble sentences as one of learning technique in

improving student listening achievement. It makes researcher to know how the

relationship between scramble Sentences technique and student’s listening

E. The Benefit of The Study

1. The teacher

This study can add the knowledge and the additional of references in using

teaching in listening skill.

2. The school

This study as a references to improve the tekhhnique of listening learrning.



A. The Learning Tekhnique of Scramble Sentences

a. The understanding of learning tekhnique

Gerlach and Ely (2009: 2) defines the technique as a way, tool, or media used

by teachers to direct the activities of learners towards the goals to be achieved.

According to Anthony Edward M. According to Anthony, Edward M (1963)

defines; the learning technique is a way of strategy used by teachers to achieve

maximum results in the learning process in a particular section of the lesson.

Based on definition above, it can be concluded that learning tecnique is one of

the tools that used by the teacher to explain about the material that have already

choosen for the students.

b. The understanding of learning scramble sentences tekhnique

Accorrdin to patty Patty ( 2015: 1)

B. The Understanding of Listening

a. The Definition of Listening

Listening is one of the subjects studied in the field of language study

and in the discipline of conversation analysis. This skill can be improved by

practice, good tekhnique and there are many rewards to develop your listening

skill. It is the active process of receiving and responding to spoken (and

sometimes unspoken) messages.

Helgesen (2003:24) states that listening is an active, purposeful process

of making sense of what we hear. More often we hear, more we can

understand something. Regarding that citation, although listening is receptive,

it is very active because listeners can think and understand things at higher

levels than what they have heard. As they listen, they process not only what

they hear but also connect it with other information they have already known.

Since listeners combine what they have listened to their existing knowledge

and experiences, in a very real sense, they are figuring or creating some kinds

of meaning in their own mind.

Rost (2002:177) defines listening, in its broadest sense, as a process of

receiving what the speaker actually says (receptive orientation); constructing

and representing meaning (constructive orientation); negotiating meaning with

the speaker and responding (collaborative orientation); and, creating meaning

through involvement, imagination and empathy (transformative orientation).

Listening, then, is a complex, active processes of interpretation in which

listeners match what they hear with what they have already known.

From the definition above, it can be concluded that listening is a

complex, active process of interpretation in which listeners match what they

have heard with what they have already known. It is a process to start mind.

We must pay attention first with the listening, then we can easily study the

other skills.

b. The Teaching of Listening

Brown (2000:7) states that teaching is showing or helping someone to

learn how to do something, giving instructions, guiding in the study of

something, providing with knowledge, causing to know or understand.

Listening has also been considered from a further perspective in recent years
when it is examined in relation not only to comprehension, but also to

language learning. Teaching listening requires a bit more on the part of the

teacher than that of the learners. One of the main principle of teaching

listening, should be “Language material intended to used for training listening

comprehension should never be presented visually first.” Good listening

lessons go beyond the main listening task itself with related activities before

and after the listening. It means that the teaching of listening should beyond

the understanding, then the action.

The importance of listening in language learning and teaching demand

the language teachers to help their students become effective listeners. (Maria,

1998), for instance, the school establishes one day in a week to use English

language, so the students will be familiar with listening process.

There are some principles of teaching listening skill that should be

known by the teacher (Brown, 2007). First, listening should receive primary

attention in the early stage of ESL instruction. It means that to learn English

language, students should be familiar first with the listening process. Second,

listening should maximize the use of material that is relevant to students’ real

life. It can make students know how important the material in the real life.

Third, listening should maximize the use of authentic language, because

students are difficult to understand if the teacher uses difficult word. Fourth,

listening should vary the materials in terms of speakers’ gender, age, dialect,

accent, topic, speed, noise, level, and genre. The purpose of that principle is to

make the students interested in the material given in every meeting. Fifth, the

teacher should always ask the students to listen to the purposes of listening

and ask them to show their comprehension in a task. It can drill their listening
skill. Sixth, the language material intended to be used for training listening

comprehension should never be presented visually first. The students have to

be familiar with the audio first.

Furthermore, the teachers have to pay attention to the principles in

teaching listening. As mentioned above, one of the principles in teaching

listening is that the teacher always asks the students to listen to the purposes of

listening. So, he / she can teach listening to the students more effectively if he

/ she has already known the purposes of listening. One way to do that is to use

a simple dialogue in order to show how they might listen differently

depending on its goals.

We can conclude that teaching listening means delivering some

material by giving the understanding of language system. It also involves how

we apply this knowledge of the language system to understand or convey

meaning and how we apply particular skills to understand and convey

meaning. It must be practiced continuously so that we will be more familiar

with listening and finally we can master it.

c. Procedures of Listening

There are some procedures of listening accessed on


1. Before listening

Prepares your learners by introducing the topic and finding out what

they already know about it. A good way to do this is to have a brainstorming

session and some discussion questions related to the topic. Then provide any
necessary background information and new vocabulary they will need for

listening activity.

2. During listening

Be specific about what students need to listen for. They can listen for

selective details or general content or for an emotional tone such as happy,

surprised or angry. If they are not marking answers or otherwise responding

while listening, tell them ahead of time what will be required afterward.

3. After listening

Finish with an activity to extend the topic and help students remember

new vocabulary. This could be a discussion group, craft project, writing

task, story tell and games.

C. Listening Achievement

a. The understnding of achievment

To see how far the students have learned in their learning, the teacher can

see it through their achievement test. An achievement test is intended to measure

what the student has learned or what skills the student has mastered. It makes the

researcher concludes that achievement test is the way to measure the students

progress in their learning. With achievement test, the teachers get the evidence of

the students’ progress result from their class that they have taught.

The researcher also gets another theorist that “achievement refers to school-

based learning, while ability and aptitude refer to broader learning acquired mostly

through nonschool sources such as parents and peer groups.”27 Ur also states that

“an achievement test measures how much the material taught in a given course, or

part of one, has in fact been learned.”28 It is same with Oosterhof who states
“achievement tests measure students’ present status with a set of skills.

Achievement test are used to evaluate the effectiveness of instructional programs

and to identify students with learning disabilities.”29 That means achievement test

is the measurement tool that teachers give to their students in order to see the

effectiveness of the learning process is going in their students. Also with this test,

the teachers can see what difficulties that the learners have in their learning

process. Gary also helps the researcher to know deeper what achievement is in his

book as follows;

One definition of achievement can be found in the Dictionary of

Education (which is currently undergoing its first revision in over two

decades). In this reference, achievement is defined as "(1) accomplishment or

proficiency of performance in a given skill or body of knowledge; (2) progress

in school" (C. V. Good, 1973, p 7). Academic achievement is defined as

"knowledge gained or skills developed in the school subjects, usually

designated by test scores or by marks assigned by teachers, or by both" (p.7).

That means achievement is the proficiency that students have in their learning

process. This achievement is also as indicator that what students get in their

learning. The achievement commonly is designed in the scores by test scores or

teachers’ marks.

With these theories, the researcher concludes that achievement is the

accumulative result of learning process. In achievement, the teachers or the

students themselves can see how far their learning process that they did.
b. The understanding of listening achiement.

According to Hornboy (2010) listening achievementis a thing that somebody

has done successfully in identifying and understandingwhat others are saying

that involves understanding a speaker's accent or pronunciation, his grammar

and his vocabulary, and grasping his meaning usingtheir own effort and skill.

D. The Previous Study

Using Dictogloss Technique To Increase The Listening Comprehension

Ability On Narrative Texts Of The Second Year Students Of Mts Muawwanah

Sungai Pagar Kampar Regency by Rifki Afdhal. The aim of this research was to

find out whether or not teaching listening by using dictogloss technique can

increase the ability of the second year students of MTs Muawwanah Sungai Pagar

in listening comprehension of narrative texts and to find out the factors caused the

improvement on students’ listening comprehension ability. The participants of this

research were 26 students of the second year students of MTs Muawwanah Sungai

Pagar. This researchwas a classroom action research within two cycles. The data

collection techniques were (1) observation sheet which was applied to know the

students’ activities during teaching and learning process , (2) test was done to

measure students’ achievement , and (3) field note was done to obtain imformation

about teacher, the students’ activities and performance during the implementation

of dictogloss technique. The research findings can be briefly explained as follows;

firstly, the students’ ability in listening comprehension on narrative texts could be

improved by using dictogloss technique. Before the research was done, the average

score of students’ pre-test was 62.1. After the research has done for 2 cycles, the

average score of students’ listening comprehension ability was 75.96. Secondly,

the students’ activeness increased from cycle 1 to cycle 2.

Another study by Ayu Ratnawati Improving Student’s Listening Through

Information Transfer Technique The objectives of this study are to know whether

Information Transfer Technique can improve students’ listening skill in Junior High

School, especially in SMP WARGA Surakarta class VII A and to know the

implementation of Information Transfer Technique in teaching learning process in

class VII A in SMP WARGA Surakarta. The results of analyzing the score used t-

table was that to>tt in significance 5% (6.87>2.042). The analysis used t-test between

post-test 1 and post-test 2 was 9.02, that is show the significant of the result. It could

be concluded that t0>tt in significance 5% (9.02>2.042). By using Information

Transfer Technique, the students were more active during the teaching learning

listening. Based on the reseacher finding, the reseacher concludes that Information

Transfer Technique could improved students’ listening skill. The improvement in

students’ listening skill could be shown by the results of pre-test and post-test. The

mean score of pre-test is 56.37 and it improved in post-test 1 is 64.68 and post-test 2

is 73.37. Based on the researcher finding, it can be concluded that Information

Transfer Technique can improve students’ listening skill and make the process of

teaching learning become more enjoyable.

E. The Research Hypothesis

Based on the literature review and the thinking framework above, the hypothesis is

formulated as follow:

Ho = there is no correlation between scramble sentences tekhnique and students’

listening achievement.
Ha = there is correlation between scramble sentences tekhnique and students’

listening achievement.

In this study, the alternative hypothesis is used. It is needed to test in order to prove

the notion about the correlation between scramble sentences tekhnique and

students’ listening achievement.



A. The Place and The Time of the Research

The researcher conducted the research at the first grade of SMAN 2 Dumoga

which is located on Jl. raya Akd Desa paten Bolaang Mongondow. The researcher did

this research in 4 weeks for 7 meeting and 1 meeting for post test.

B. The Method of the Research

This research used kuntitaif approach where researcher to do face to face in

learning listening skill as variable x or independent variable and post test as variable

y or dependent variable in research.

C. The Population and The Sampel

The population in this research is the students of the first grade of SMAN 2

Dumoga. Total students of the second grade in SMAN 2 Dumoga are 232 students.

These students are distributed in 9 classes.

The technique of sampling in this research used purposive cluster sampling

technique. From this sampling, the writer got XI as the sample for this research.

This class consists of 30 students.

D. The Technique of Instrment and Data Collection

E. Technique of Data Analysis

After getting data from the students, the researcher need to analyze the data with

used correlation tekhique.

The technique on data analysis used correlation technique from Pearson Product

Moment, that is;

N. ΣXY − (ΣX)(Σy)
rxy =
[NΣX 2 − (ΣX)2 ][NΣY 2 − (ΣY)2 ]

explain :

rXY = Coefficient of correlation between X variable and Y variable

∑X = Sum of score in X distribution

∑Y = Sum of score in Y distribution

∑XY = Sum of multiplication of X and Y

N = Number of Respondents

X2 = Sum of X quadrate

Y2 = Sum of Y quadrate

F. The Statistical Hypothesis

The statistical hypothesis with significance level 5% was formulated as follow:

Ho : r = 0

Ha : r ≠ 0

If > means there is correlation between X variable and Y variable, Ha is

accepted and Ho is rejected.

If < means there is no correlation between X variable and Y

variable, Ho is accepted and Ha is rejected.

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