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Class 3 Sub: The Earth our home and save environment

I. Answer in one word:-

1. Things that are discarded -___________________

2. Not clean , unhealthy -______________________

3. The total surrounding conditions.-__________________

4. The sun ,its planet and their satellites make together -__________________

5. Book of map-_____________________________

6. The distance where the earth and sky seem to meet-____________________

7. The place where land and the sea seem to meet-________________

8. Largest ocean-__________________

9. Largest Continent-_________________

10.Name one coastal state of India-_________________

II. State True or false.

1. An astronaut is a person who travels around the world.

2. The Earth is a huge ball of burning gases.
3. Magellan sailed in one direction and finally his ship reached the place from
where it had started.
4. There is more land on the surface of the Earth than water.
5. The sky is a vast space in the universe.
6. India is surrounded by Indian Ocean and Arabian Sea.
7. Arctic ocean is the smallest ocean.

III. Answer these questions:-

Q1. What is the atmosphere?

Q2. Who was Magellan?

Q3. How did Magellan prove that the earth is round?

Q.4. We call the earth our home .why?

Q.5. What is a globe?

Q.6. What is a map?

Q.7. Name the five oceans.

Q.8. What makes our environment?

Q.9. How does air get polluted.

Q.10. How does the land get polluted?

Q.11. How can we save our environment?

Q.12. Write 2 difference between map and globe.

Q.13.What is the shape of the Earth? Give two ways to prove this.

Q.14. What is Compass? What is the use of Compass?

Q.15.Write down two causes of noise pollution?

IV. Name the continents and Oceans in given map-

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